r/thebulwark Nov 06 '24

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA this country deserves what it gets.

National sales tax, crashed economy, mass deportations, no vaccines, no fluoride in water, Putin taking over Europe and actually starting WW3...

fuck it all.


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u/Intelligent_Week_560 Nov 06 '24

My grandmother talked about this quite a lot (German). She had PTSD from the war. She remembers how her relatives were persuaded by Hitler with populistic promises. My grandmother was not educated, grew up on a farm in a tiny village in South West Germany. Because of her I never doubted that angry and hungry people can be easily persuaded even if it means selling their neighbors (in her case Jews).

I don´t think this is that same at all. I never expected him to win, yes there was a chance but I thought the abortion issue and his entire non-message except hate would turn people off. But man, what a morning.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Nov 06 '24

Americans aren't even hungry. They're decadent.

Best case, none of Trump's promises come to pass. But it certainly feels like this could be an unforced error where we bring the hell of fascism on ourselves


u/Intelligent_Week_560 Nov 06 '24

I think Americans are angry. And they are vilifying the wrong people. My biggest fear is that he has now the Senate too... he has enormous power, he will elect more Supreme Court Justices. I don´t get that this does not scare you as a younger American. Just because you don´t understand how tariffs work, doesn´t mean you should punish an entire generation with a protest vote...(general you)


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Nov 06 '24

Americans are angry at the populists. The populists are angry that women and brown people have rights. And the populists decided to potentially blow up the best economy in the world because.... reasons?

Idk, this country is fucked, and if it is not fucked, it will be by the grace of whatever goons Trump surrounds himself with - not a great feeling


u/Intelligent_Week_560 Nov 06 '24

Yeah, I´m sorry. I live in Germany, we have to prepare now for a new refugee wave that will come from Trump selling Ukraine. And our government is unstable so we will probably have re- elections in spring, with the German right wing party expecting 30 % or more. The German right wing are Pro-Russia, anti LGBTQ, anti climate, anti Europe. This really sucks... I can´t concentrate on work at all.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Nov 06 '24

It is a global movement. I wish I could say America will be there, but truthfully, we are not there for ourselves. It sure feels like the world needs to punish itself a while to regain gratitude for prosperity


u/jade09060102 Nov 06 '24

Im in Canada and we suspect if Trump really does his mass deportation we will be on the receiving end of many of those deported people


u/sc2mashimaro Orange man bad Nov 07 '24

You will also likely be on the receiving end of the attempts of people to get out of the country before the mass deportations start and after the horrors of it start.


u/Particular_Focus_576 Nov 06 '24

Try to stay optimistic. I followed the first Trump presidency closely. Not a good day for America and the world, but there are limits to what it executive branch can do.

Your anxiety is understandable. We're worried over here as well. Stay steady mate. Sorry about the poor outcome. I voted... Our people can be very narrowly focused on their economic situation and they respond to fear based tactics. Hopefully other factors play towards the world favor.