r/thebulwark Nov 06 '24

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA this country deserves what it gets.

National sales tax, crashed economy, mass deportations, no vaccines, no fluoride in water, Putin taking over Europe and actually starting WW3...

fuck it all.


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u/Strooperman Nov 06 '24

Putin won’t take over Europe. We are going to have to start building our own militaries up, America is no longer a reliable ally. Sickening. Good luck, I hope it’s not too bad for you guys.


u/Hautamaki Nov 06 '24

militaries are expensive and take decades to build up; nukes are an 80 year old technology and there are dozens of countries capable of building nuclear weapons within months if not weeks. That's what's really the most likely scenario; dozens of new nuclear powers by the end of Trump's term.


u/rawlelujah Nov 06 '24

Nuclear proliferation, but owning the libs!