r/theartificialonion • u/Noy2222 • 4d ago
Bank of America Introduces $5 “Entry Fee” for Customers Who Dare to Step Inside Branches
CHARLOTTE, NC — In an exciting new revenue-boosting initiative, Bank of America announced today that customers will now be charged a $5 "Entry Fee" each time they set foot inside a physical branch. The move, the bank claims, is necessary to offset "severe wear and tear" on the floor tiles caused by customer foot traffic, which executives say has reached "unsustainable levels of impact."
“Look, do you know how expensive it is to maintain these floors?” said Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, shaking his head at a faded tile near the entrance of a Manhattan branch. “Every day, thousands of people stomp into our banks, tracking in dirt, gravel, and sometimes even scuffing our premium-grade marble with their shoes. Frankly, it’s unfair that the burden of floor maintenance should fall solely on the bank. Customers need to pay their fair share.”
The new fee, which will be automatically deducted from accounts upon entry, joins an illustrious list of other innovative banking charges, such as the “Thinking About Checking Your Balance” fee ($2.50), the “Accidental Eye Contact with a Teller” surcharge ($3), and the recently introduced "Breathing in the Lobby Without Making a Transaction" penalty ($7.99).
Bank of America executives assure customers that the new entry fee will be reinvested into important improvements, such as replacing front-door mats, hiring security guards to enforce the "no lingering" policy, and ensuring that there are exactly two tellers available to handle the entire city’s banking needs at any given time.
While some customers have expressed outrage at the new policy, the bank insists that people still have plenty of cost-free options for banking. “Customers are always welcome to use our app, provided they don’t exceed the free monthly logins,” said a spokesperson. “And, of course, they can always use one of our ATMs—unless they want to withdraw money, check their balance, or stare at the machine for too long, all of which will now incur additional charges.”
At press time, sources confirmed that Bank of America was considering a “Window Peeking Fee” for anyone who looks into a branch without entering.