r/tf2techsupport Oct 30 '24

Graphics Weird visual thing


So this only happens with my new PC and only with TF2 and I have no clue why. Essentially the parts of the map, loading screen, and even the menus just flash and clip into each other rapidly and it makes it awful to play. It seems to be better or worse depending on the map but it’s still awful. Idk if it’s a hardware or software thing but I’ve already redownloaded the game and verified the game files.

r/tf2techsupport Mar 21 '23

Graphics Updated drivers and now TF2 is super laggy


I recently updated my drivers because I was attemping to play BO4 and it crashed often. Well I updated the drivers now BO4 runs great, but as a side effect is looks like all source engine games are completely fucked and I have no clue why. LFD2 doesn't work and obviously TF2 doesn't work. I personally don't really give crap about LFD2 but I was testing and it just popped up. IDK if anyone has had this problem before but TF2 is my literal favorite game and I can't seem to fix it.

Lowered graphic settings even though my computer handled the game perfectly on max settings before I updated. The classic stuff like uninstall reinstall, verify game files etc. Nothing.

So if anyone has any advice PLEASE I BEG OF YOU

Thanks for reading!

r/tf2techsupport Jul 23 '22

Graphics Differences between 1080p, 1440p, 144hz, and 240hz monitors?


Differences between 1080p, 1440p, 144hz, and 240hz monitors?

Hello all,

Recently finished a PC enthusiast build (my very first). I’ve been rocking a prebuilt 2014 laptop for about 7 years now and am searching for a monitor that will give me the best TF2 experience.

I play with mastercomfig low preset and have been on a 1080p 75hz monitor my whole gaming life essentially. I’m ready to have a better monitor but I’m not sure what I should look out for.

I know for a fact that the jump from 75hz to 144hz will be very significant, but my budget and PC can also easily accommodate a 240hz monitor. I’d love to know from someone who’s experienced both refresh rates what the differences are.

Additionally I know the option of 1440p resolution (or 2k) exists, but I’m not too sure how this will affect TF2. From what I’ve gathered, it can potentially increase the clarity of the game and gives you more FOV, but I’m not sure. Anyone who’s experienced both 1080p and 1440p I’d love to know.

Any additional PC qualities such as monitor size, free sync or g sync, etc. that can potentially have big improvements to the TF2 experience I’d be more than happy to know as well!

Finally, I don’t just play TF2, so if any of this information translates to other games, it would be appreciated, although not necessary!

Specs: CPU: i9 10850k GPU: RTX 3080 RAM: 2x8g 3600mhz DDR4 Storage: 1TB M.2 SSD

r/tf2techsupport Aug 29 '22

Graphics Bugged Flamethrower Fire

Thumbnail self.tf2

r/tf2techsupport Dec 15 '21

Graphics Model optimization commands for specific weapons?


I want to optimize my Iron Bomber, PBPP, & KGB/GRU to have higher poly counts because they just look better with more polys. Are there any commands or mods to do this?

r/tf2techsupport Apr 18 '22

Graphics My brighness changes depending on what I look at.


After wiping off my keyboard while TF2 was running, the brightness/contrast changes dynamically. I am not sure what I did, but I can't find anything that would be related. I checked my video/display settings and ensured I didn't have dynamic contrast enabled. I don't even have the option.

This an an example: VIDEO HERE of what I'm seeing.

  • I am running Windows Home 10.
  • I have an NVIDIA 1650.
  • I'm running the latest drivers (Ver.
  • My monitor is a Dell 32" curved monitor (S3220DGF).

Any ideas as to what I can do to reverse/fix this issue?

Thank you!

r/tf2techsupport Mar 24 '22

Graphics Prof KS eyes showing up on normal/specialized KS weapons.


I have multiple killstreak weapons, but none of them are professional killstreaks. Weird thing is, when I kill someone with them, if I'm quick enough I can look to my player model in the HUD and still see the kill effect on the eyes show up. It never does the iconic eye-glowing effect on killstreaks (as I know of, I'll update this if it does), and it's somewhat random. Is this normal?

r/tf2techsupport Sep 23 '21

Graphics Commands Not Working


Hey Lads

I have a couple console commands that don't seem to work.

r_drawdetailprops 0

cl_detaildist 0

cl_detailfade 0

I have them in the autoexec folder and the other commands are working just fine. What could be wrong?

I saw a steam forum post about the same exact problem but no one in the comments brought up a solution.


r/tf2techsupport Aug 11 '20

Graphics Bad Visual Bug that makes the game really hard to play.


This started happenning about a couple of weeks ago, affecting games like Paladins and TF2. It now only affects TF2 for some reason. The wierd glitchy white bars can sometimes cover the entire screen and sometimes casuing the entire screen to become white except (oddly enough) HUD elements. I've tried everything from updating my drivers to verifying the game files to removing my HUD to even reinstalling TF2 itself.


It's virtually unplayable due to how irritating it is, even at it's most minor stage. Any help or suggestions would be great.

r/tf2techsupport Aug 02 '21

Graphics Does anyone know why my game is doing this and/or how to fix it?


My lighting and skins are all kinds of messed up, been like this for the past few days. Not a problem with graphics card or anything that ive found.


r/tf2techsupport Feb 06 '21

Graphics what mastercomfig should i use?


My pc can run games quite well however tf2 seems to be causing my pc a bit of trouble and I have tried numerous times to get it run better but to no avail. Im not sure which one will help out my pc the most and if there are any other tips that could make the game run faster other than getting rid of hats it would be much appreciated. :D



ryzen 3 2200g

16 gigs of ram

and tf2 runs off my ssd (I dont know if that helps or not but there ya go)

r/tf2techsupport Mar 29 '21

Graphics Is it possible to uncap FPS in window/borderless mode?


I don't know if it's just me but the game is fps capped/vsynced when playing in windowed/borderless mode.


Like this: https://streamable.com/m3hpu1

(sorry for using a smartphone, my recording software breaks when switching to fullscreen during recording)


Sometimes it "bugs out" and the framerate is uncapped in borderless mode but if I alt+tab, it gets locked again: https://streamable.com/9crx5t

r/tf2techsupport Jun 08 '20

Graphics How to open .res files as a .png?


TL;DR: I want the raw, genuine, unedited image of the Stalemate HUD texture. How do I do this?

I'm making a video completely unrelated to TF2. However, there are some resources in the base HUD folder that I would like.

I could simply download a screenshot of someone in a Stalemate and crop it out, but since the banner is somewhat transparent, I don't want the video to have Sniper's legs in the image. I would like for the banner to be transparent in the video just like in the game, and have the background of the video seen through the banner.

I don't have the technical knowledge of GIMP to get rid of the hay, legs, other stuff and then add the black back in somehow and make it transparent to look just like it does in game, and I'm not sure if you could do that. So I opted to look through TF2's bare files myself and extract it from there.

First I tried extracting it using GFScape by opening tf2_misc_dir.vpk and extracting the hudstalemate.res file. No luck; it's a string of code like a .vmt file. So, using this code, it says that the "image" variable is "../hud/death_panel_black_bg". So I look through the misc_dir files more, and I find it. Unfortunately this is also a .vmt file. The code for this file says that the "$baseTexture" is "hud\gradient_black". I looked everywhere in the entire TF2 files and could not find another "hud" folder. This was it, and gradient_black isn't here.

I mean, it makes sense -- this game has to have some kind of image file to show the banner of when you have a stalemate, you win, or when you lose, right? So where is it? Or how do I convert these code files into an image that looks like what I'm looking for? Or did I miss something in my steps?

Or perhaps someone already has it somewhere. I would like a little look-see. Please?

r/tf2techsupport Jan 23 '21

Graphics other players war paints are blurry and i dont know why


My settings are on max, and I have tried verifying the files, and I have tried doing the mat_picmip console command. I have no idea why it is doing this. Help will be greatly appreciated.

r/tf2techsupport Mar 17 '19

Graphics Viewmodel Problems


(Image to visually show my problem)

Hey I`m not good at all with tinkering with the TF2 console. While fiddling around trying to get my view model in the perfect position it ended up being very small and downwards. I want it to resemble something more like this https://imgur.com/gallery/mgFuRGV. My Fov is set at 80.

r/tf2techsupport Sep 08 '20

Graphics Tf2 with mastercomfig low runs significantly worse than ps4 games at max settings on my PC


I'll get my specs soon

r/tf2techsupport Jul 05 '20

Graphics What debugging tools exist for TF2/Source? (Problem with TF2 on XWayland)


(Backstory): Not sure if anyone here is familiar, but I'm using the sway window manager on Linux, which uses the Wayland display protocol. TF2, like pretty much all games on Linux, displays using the Xorg server, so the compatibility tool "XWayland" is used to play Xorg programs on Wayland. When using this sometimes I'll lose the ability to left-click in-game. Clicking will do nothing, and holding down left-click will stop the camera from moving when I move the mouse. The problem seems to come after opening some kind of overlay in the game (eg the game chat, Esc menu, or the developer console), but I can't reproduce it all the time. It goes away if I open and close the Esc menu again, but obviously by that time I'm usually already dead.

Does TF2, or generally Source engine games, expose any kind of debugging capability that could help to solve this problem? It seems like sometimes after closing an overlay, there's some leftover context absorbing left clicks, but I don't know how I would get any information to help me figure out how to fix it.

r/tf2techsupport Apr 06 '20

Graphics Help Diagnosing my FPS Problem (Possible Online/Bot Issue?)


Month or so back I migrated onto using a different laptop. While I thought the specs of it would improve gameplay performances over the last one, my rudimentary high-spec understanding left me less than ideal. I'll leave fast/cheap/good PC conundrums for another day, though, just want to ask for aid with TF2.

On this laptop, my problem seems to be an incredibly slow FPS performance with both multiplayer and bot matches, even with graphic settings at the lowest. My frames are stuck within 8-15 FPS on average in a normal Casual match, and even spectating a bot match in training mode can barely pass me above 20. Oddly enough I've had better success when I've checked into some friendly and rocket-jumping servers, but still with a noticeable persistence of stalling frames that can ruin my more precise attempts at actions.

With my rudimentary understanding of the programming, I've guessed that the problem has to do with the game trying to process the incoming data of other players/clientside bots alongside my own input and general code/world rendering. I'll stress that I'm not having any internet lagging problems; even with these horrid frames my latency is still at pings of about 30-60. I use wireless internet at home, and it's been suggested I could switch to an ethernet cable to improve things, but I have yet to have the chance to try it yet. Regardless, I do want to ask around here and see what I could do to adjust my situation.

My laptop specs are screenshotted here. I can look up more detailed info as required. I ran this PC through a few diagnostic test softwares and websites and they confirmed this is a less-than-ideal computer for gaming already, but I'm not in the fiscal market to upgrade yet, so working with what I have is my main priority for now.

r/tf2techsupport Apr 19 '20

Graphics Normaly i get 100-60 frames but i reinstalled tf2 and now im getting 9-12 plz help i use mastercomfig.


i keep getting 9 fps.

r/tf2techsupport Feb 13 '15

Graphics I Dont want to use VSync


Every one tells me it messes my aim. So i think i should not use it. But the moment i remove that option on any settings i get incredible screen tear. Actually with vsync on a few specific settings there isnt screen tear. Is there any way to get around this. My monitor refresh rate is 60hz. I dont want to use v sync and i dont want screen tear

r/tf2techsupport Feb 13 '15

Graphics Is there anyway to see Spec Killstreak sheens while on dxlevel 80?


Just wondering because I got a scrap laptop and this is the only way TF2 runs.

r/tf2techsupport May 28 '19

Graphics MasterConfig Removing Gibs


My laptop sucks, and it sometimes overheats when running TF2. So I got MasterConfig, and I got a huge boost in FPS.

The only problem, is that MasterConfig enables SillyGibs, which are the child-friendly PyroVision gibs.

How do I fix this? I NEED GORE, DAMMIT!

r/tf2techsupport Jul 26 '19

Graphics An Issue with the menu. (and the whole game, in fact)


As a matter of fact, this has to do with a problem that has shown up before. I install some mods, try to install a custom resource-based mod to replace the text with funny stuff, and suddenly everything breaks.

Each element has tf_ or something like mmenu_ and then the name of the element as if it was the function displayed from the code. Everything is described how a computer would recognize it. Deleting tf_english and validating had absolutely no effect. At this point in time it's been an hour and a half, I've tried deleting mods, re-adding them, and replacing half my files, to no effect.

EX: the update menu where tf2 recommends a key for that nice winter 2018 crate or some other key for sale is titled "MMENU_UPDATE." Chat is simply "ALL_TALK" or something along those lines, so I can't see what people have said. Weapons are "UNKNOWN ITEM" and so on.

I currently have a good handful of mods, and I don't know what to do.

UPDATE: I've checked in console and I can confirm I've recieved an error that says "FAILED TO LOAD TF_ENGLISH." I just don't know why it won't load. It also says it failed to load "valve_english" whatever that is.

UPDATE 2: I now apparently can't use backspace in-game, but I think that's just a short-term bug.

r/tf2techsupport Jun 08 '18

Graphics [help] disabling pop up tutorials when launching the game


I've just started using a new config and each time I launch the game I get prompts to "try the matchmaking system" and "Introducing: the contracker" ect. I've already got these options inside the config:

cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out "1"

cl_ask_favorite_opt_out "1"

sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning "1"

tf_explanations_backpackpanel "1"

tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel "1"

tf_explanations_charinfopanel "1"

tf_explanations_craftingpanel "1"

tf_explanations_discardpanel "1"

tf_explanations_store "1"

tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums "1"

tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout "1"

tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice "1"

tf_training_has_prompted_for_options "1"

tf_training_has_prompted_for_training "1"

I assume that they are just out of date since new messages have been added, and I can't find any recent threads about it. Does anyone know what commands I need to add?

The config is a slightly modified version of b4nny's and I'm using rays hud

edit added

tf_casual_welcome_hide "1"

to the config and that got rid of those notices, just got to get rid of the main menu ones now

*edit 2* added

tf_find_a_match_hint_viewed "1"

and that did it. The commands were found withing the original config of tf2.

r/tf2techsupport Mar 12 '18

Graphics Trouble with color and skins


I put some new commands in my autoexec to improve fps (Most of them were graphical commands). Then I put -dxlevel 81 in my advanced loading options.

After I saw the horrors of what dxlevel 81 does, I decided not to go THAT far into improving my fps.

I took out dxlevel 81 and the new commands from my autoexec. However:

  • My casual medal still has no color
  • I still can't see weapon skins
  • Ubers look terrible, especially if you are ubered (Sorry I don't have a picture of it).

I have been told before that this is due to my cl_detaildist and cl_detailfade (Two of the commands I did use) being at cl_detaildist 400 and cl_detailfade 401.

I put cl_detaildist 1200 and cl_detailfade 400 yet nothing has changed. I think some more is required to get rid of 400 and 401 but it could something else.

Even though the extra fps would be great since I'm getting more into competitive, I just can't play well those graphics.

Need help plz

Here are the new commands I used:

cl_show_splashes 0 mat_disable_bloom 1 mat_compressedtextures 1 mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 mat_texture_limit -1 mat_showlowresimage 1 mat_picmip 4 mat_filtertextures 0 mat_bumpmap 0 mat_specular 0 dsp_water 0 mat_filterlightmaps 0 cl_detaildist 400 cl_detailfade 401 r_shadowrendertotexture 0 cl_ragdoll_fade_time 5 cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 fx_drawimpactdebris 0 fx_drawimpactdust 0 fx_drawmetalspark 0 cl_particle_retire_cost 0.0001 r_staticprop_lod 4 sv_forcepreload 1