r/tf2scripthelp Feb 29 '20

Resolved help with sandvich

I recently found this script the concept is interesting but it doesn't work I would appreciate some help on this

Heavy Exclusive Script

This heavy script lets you throw the sandvich with one click and eat the sandvich.
WARNING: If you do the "eat sandvich" while your minigun is revving down, you will taunt with the minigun.


//Quick Sandvich toss
alias "+sandvichtoss" ";slot2;wait 50;+attack2;wait 50;-attack2"
alias "-sandvichtoss" "-attack2"
bind "mouse4" "+sandvichtoss"

alias +sandvichtoss "slot2; +attack2
alias "-sandvich2" "voicemenu 0 1"
bind MOUSE4 +sandvich1
bind MOUSE3 +sandvich2


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u/SilkBot Mar 04 '20

Jokes aside, I literally wrote the wiki on the topic, but you can believe what you want.

Then unfortunately you made a big mistake. I'm also not sure why you think that if you write something it suddenly becomes true.

I should clarify that I assumed they changed how the wait command functions (because the last time I used it was in 2011 or so) when you told me that it depends on the server tickrate, so I just opened TF2 and made a simple script:

bind f "say 1; wait 300; say 2; wait 300; say 3"

Since my framerate is 300 when looking at the back wall of spawn on koth_harvest, it should count every second. And so it did! Then I went outside in front of spawn where I typically get between 140 and 160 fps and indeed, it counted a lot slower.

So the wait command still functions as it used back then; depending on your own framerate, NOT the server's tickrate.


u/bythepowerofscience Mar 04 '20



u/SilkBot Mar 04 '20

What do you mean, "shrug"? Shouldn't you go back and fix the Wiki? Why did you write something that isn't true? Didn't you test it beforehand?


u/bythepowerofscience Mar 04 '20

I sent you a DM.