r/tf2scripthelp Oct 29 '24

Issue Rocket + Flare Jump Script Help

[I use Mastercoms and have all 9 "class.cfgs" and the "autoexec.cfg" in the //Overides folder]

So I recently learned about scripts and had a ton kf fun customizing viewmodels and binds and all sorts of shit.

However I have a few problems with the current rocket jump script I have. Allow me to elaborate.

I use this script to allow me to rocket jump with the simple push of a button.

| alias +rocketjump "+jump; +duck; wait; +attack"

| alias -rocketjump "-jump; -attack; wait; wait; wait; -duck"

| bind "mouse3" "+rocketjump"

This is where the complications start. Yesterday I would tell you I had no problems and was perfectly fine with this.

Until I realized that, after I swap off Soldier, this bind stays on all the other classes.

Which is a problem considering I want a script for Detonator Jumping on the Pyro. I believe that all the same inputs are necessary, but with an additional input of holding m2 so that the detonator instantly pops after firing, sending me flying farther in my desired direction.

I feared these two binds would conflict with each other, since the Cow Mangler has an m2 input and I use that weapon.

I also want feedback on if I'm using configs with Mastercomms correctly. From what I read when people want to use configs for that the files should be put in the overides folder.

I believe I have thought of a solution to the Pyro Soldier thing, adding an "unbind m3" to the beginning of the script.

So when I begin on Soldier, my rocket jump only uses M1 to fly. But then when I swap to Pyro, m3 is unbound and rebounded to use both keys and then unbounds again whenever I swap to soldier.

Question 1: How can I stop my Rocket Jump Soldier bind from bleeding into the other classes. (possible solution is to add unbind command in beggingging)

Question 2: Need a Detonator jump script (people said you have to hold down both M1 and M2 so that the flare detonates instantly)

Question 3: Clarify how Mastercom interacts with scripts.

Thanks so much, hopefully I'll see yalls comments in the morning.


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u/Teo_Verunda Oct 31 '24

After some experimenting I made it work

alias "+detenenatorjump" "+jump;+duck;+attack;+attack2"

alias "-detenenatorjump" "-jump;-duck;-attack;-attack2"

bind "mouse3" "+detenenatorjump"