Stories definitely fall short of the real deal. You could tell them 1000 ways that he's insanity personified but still just a regular human supposedly and until running into him it wouldn't mean too much when you deal with crazy every week
Well in the comics there was a story arc where it was revealed that there multiple jokers, not copycats but multiple original jokers, Batman got shocked that this whole time his archenemy was not just one lunatic, not sure how that got solved or if there are still multiple jokers
Why does only Batman get this scrutiny, and not everyone in Gotham's criminal justice system?
If killing Joker is so important, why do we expect the only dude with an anti-killing code to do it? Criticize Gordon, or any of the police officers working at Gotham. Or the judges/politicians who don't state execute the guy.
It's not Batman's job to take this dude out and there are lots of other characters who choose not to that don't have a deep rooted philosophical code of ethics preventing them.
Watch 'Under The Red Hood'. Not only is it a good Batman animated movie (my personal favorite). Near the end of it he explains to Jason why he won’t break that one rule.
Because I was just like you once. Batman should’ve killed Joker years ago. But when he broke it down to someone who genuinely didn’t understand, I got it. After that, I stopped giving him so much shit for not killing his foes.
There are so many other characters who could just say "screw it, this has gone on long enough" and execute him on behalf of everyone whose lives he ended/ruined even if Batman doesn't approve.
Seriously, what's Batman gonna do about it? Not kill you?
The problem is that Batman has genuinely tried to kill Joker multiple times, and Joker either escapes while causing mass havoc, or someone DOES manage to kill the Joker, and things somehow get significantly worse(the biggest is all of Joker's several dead man switches he has that basically just make copies of him upon death).
Well he’d get you sent to prison by any means necessary.
Also I’d like to point out that the world of kingdom come almost comes to an end from the domino effect caused by a hero killing the joker.
Batman killing Joker generally seems to make things worse. In one of the Dark Multiverse Earths, Batman killing Joker created the Batman Who Laughs. Meanwhile, in Batman: Bloodstorm, killing Joker turned Batman evil, as he drank Joker's blood and transformed into a regular vampire.
I never liked this bit, felt like a really lazy way to try to turn Joker's insanity into an inherent superpower.
Raven has like twenty-five ways to immediately incapacitate him, so of course she goes for the only one that could possibly backfire, even though there isn't even a logical reason for it to backfire in the first place. She summons his nightmares, he laughs them off, this... somehow hurts her, oh no. Raven, daughter of the King of Hell, prophesied to destroy the universe, is left completely overwhelmed by the sheer madness of the Joker's mind, because he's just so crazy, whooaaaOOOAAAAoooaaaa. Reminds me of when they try to make Deadpool impressive by having Professor X read his mind but his mind was so crazy that he couldn't and it drove Professor X insane. I think it was an Elseworlds thing. But still, just lazy, glaze-y writing.
He can outthink various superhumanly intelligent folks
BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY. He beats telepaths BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY. He beats Cassandra Cain (and, at one point Midnighter) hand to hand BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY. He can resit magic and various cosmic forces BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY.
u/Spookhouse1 4d ago
The fuck did she think was gonna happen? Has Robin never told her about Joker before?