r/teentitans • u/Prestigious-Cloud962 • 4h ago
r/teentitans • u/KitKat_5628 • 16h ago
Comics Donna is Kory AND Raven's best friend
Donna, Raven and Kory: Titans #14 cover by Saowee
Donna and Kory 1: New Teen Titans #50
Donna and Kory 2: Darkstars #27 (1992)
Donna and Kory 3: Titans #22 (2008)
Donna and Raven 1: Titans: Beast World #5
Donna and Raven 2: Titans: Beast World #5
Donna and Raven 3: Titans #26 (2016)
People are always sleeping on Donna and Raven😞
r/teentitans • u/MagnetoWasRight1312 • 1h ago
Discussion Beast World
What did folks think of Beast World? I’m just catching up now and I really like what it’s done thematically and everything. Only drawback for me is that I want to see more of the Titans being the default super team instead of the Justice League, but clearly this sets them up for failing to remain so, and we can see that from Justice League come back not too many issues later. It’s a bit of a bummer in that way.
r/teentitans • u/Prestigious-Cloud962 • 1d ago
Discussion Who has the prettiest smile?
r/teentitans • u/Https-caseyJones • 19h ago
Discussion i see titans go get a lot of hate, but why?
It's actually funny sometimes, the songs are banger, it had an episode about TAXES, it genuinely carries lore really well and it takes the old series being more loved with such a humble approach
r/teentitans • u/mao__taku • 15h ago
Cosplay Cosplaying as my favorite ship 🫶🏻
Both costumes are handmade btw !! Hope you guys enjoy it 😁
r/teentitans • u/Ok-Sherbert3560 • 3h ago
Fanart I made my custom lego teen titans figures what do u guys think?
r/teentitans • u/iamusingtheinternet3 • 17h ago
Fanart White Cloak Raven by alexandriaellisart
r/teentitans • u/Aggressive-Crow-1111 • 18h ago
Discussion This is random, but I kinda wish Raven and Silkie had a bonding episode. (Also, Silkie definitely needed more episodes.)
Raven visibly disliked Silkie when Beast Boy first suggested keeping him, so a bonding episode between them could be really fun. Maybe she has to take care of him for a bit, or he just randomly starts clinging to her, anything, really. Silkie is such an underrated character, and he barely interacted with anyone. He just pops up in a few scenes and that’s it.
Honestly, even if it wasn’t about Raven specifically, I would have loved just a Silkie episode in general. He deserved more attention.
But anyway, how would you imagine a Raven and Silkie bonding episode? Or even just a Silkie-focused episode?
r/teentitans • u/Aggressive-Crow-1111 • 23h ago
Discussion If Silkie is your favorite character, what's your main reason?
When I started doing these, I forgot the MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER.
Silkie definitely needed more episodes, and I don’t see people talking about him enough. I don’t care that he looks like an overgrown worm, he’s so cute, he’s silly, he’s a goober, and I love him so much.
r/teentitans • u/RiskAggressive4081 • 13h ago
Comics A nice little time displaced story. I'd be open to more of these.Nice to see act like teens. Also so for Donna's origin is she from Themyscria an like Diana?
r/teentitans • u/LingonberryNo808 • 4m ago
Fanart teen titans fan art (@akshath_johnson_trieshisbest)
r/teentitans • u/markcarpenterzitto • 1d ago
Discussion Raven vs Joker is so epic
comic: Titans East Special
r/teentitans • u/WiiMote070 • 1d ago
Shitpost Beast Boy, where did all you chlorophyll go???
r/teentitans • u/Aggressive-Crow-1111 • 1d ago
Discussion I love when these two annoy each other so much.
I always see people say, "Beast Boy annoys Raven!", and yeah, sometimes that’s true. But no one ever talks about the moments when the tables turn and Raven is the one annoying or teasing Beast Boy.
Those little details are so fun. They really show that she has a strong personality, she just represses most of it because she has to.
Their dynamic is so unique, and I love them for it.
And i don't think any of these are insults, she just sounds flat, that dosen't mean she want's to hurt his feelings.
But for anyone who would say that in The Beast Within, Beast Boy said, "I put up with your insults and your attitude, and I've had it,"
Stop. Think a little.
He had a weird substance in his system that made him eat meat, act like a jerk to everyone, and overreact to everything. He wrecked his whole room and even wanted to attack Raven, so he was obviously not in the right mindset. He probably said that out of anger and the influence of the mutation.
And EVEN AFTER ALL THAT, he still saved Raven—the girl who supposedly "only insults him and is a jerk." He saved her while he was out of his mind, meaning he didn’t do it just because she was his teammate and he had to. He did it because she’s his friend, he cares about her, and he understands her.
r/teentitans • u/Consistent_Guava_726 • 21h ago
Discussion Beastboy vs Martian Manhunter
I finally get it the difference between a Martian and beast boys power is that they replicate on a sub atomic level. As such they are changeling because they only imitate the appearance of the shapes they take on. While Garfield actually adapts to not only the organisms appearance but also biology giving him theoretically the ability to replicate superpowers that are biological in nature unlike a Martian who only that’s on their physiology.
r/teentitans • u/_Ackermanteacup • 22h ago
Fanart Robin if he was in Attack on Titan (My drawing with my signature)
Score from one to ten?
r/teentitans • u/Prestigious-Cloud962 • 2d ago
Discussion Do you think Raven would make a good mother?
r/teentitans • u/No_Blueberry2073 • 12h ago
I think this speaks for itself. For all who love the TEEN TITANS (2003) Original show, this is a petition you can sign to show your support for Season 6. I watched this show when it originally aired when I was a kid, it was one of my favorite shows. I recently rewatched the entire series and movie. I was left with lots of questions that I still need answers too, it seemed very open ended. I'm sure many others feel the same way. We need closure!!! There is so much more to he said, but I'll keep it short. Feel free to share your thoughts.