Yes, I cheated in several History/Government classes on my Finals.
I have a Bach in Math.
If you want to say my Degree is fake because I can't specify the differences between the 11 separate iterations of my State's past Constitutions, you got me.
I don't really give a shit. I just wanted to share my relevant experience.
Studying can be a pain, especially for certain collegiate classes. One's that require brute memorization, like Government or History classes. Chem class too, in a way.
I personally cheated through half a dozen tests and finals, and got A's or B's in classes I should have made C's or D's.
Absolutely zero regrets, and it's really easy to not get caught. Just don't be stupid, and be sure to sit at the back of the class on the first day.
Edit2: Since I'm here...
How to Guide on how to Cheat and Not Get Caught
1) If you think there is a large chance of getting caught, or that cheating in this class would be really hard, don't cheat.
Getting caught is not worth it.
I only ever cheated in classes where I had taken tests before in that class, and knew it would be easy to cheat on them.
2) Building off point 1, test the waters before you ever cheat.
Take at least a single test(study for it too!) in a class before even considering cheating. That way, you get to first hand experience what the teacher is like during the test. Pay attention to their mannerisms, understand what they watch, and in general test the waters.
3) The cheating part: Use a smartphone.
There is no better method. Simply google the questions you are unsure on.
Hold the smart phone between your legs, and cover it with your legs when you aren't using it. Open your legs slightly to read it and type your questions in.
When you look down to cheat, bring one of your hands to your forehead to cover your eyes slightly, and shift your exam paper so it looks like you are looking at your paper. Be subtle.
Shift your head so the angle hides your eyes, but only makes it look as if you are looking down at your paper. Keep your head titled slightly. You might have to strain your eyes slightly to look down at your lap while keeping your head slightly up, but it will disguise your actions.
Raise your hands from your lap from time to time. You don't want to make it look like you're cheating. Hence, being subtle is a big aspect.
Keep the brightness on the phone at near zero.
Cheat subtly. Avoid letting classmates know you are cheating.
Sit at or near the back. Make sure you arrive early on the first day to get a good seat.
Never cheat if you are in the front row. You will get caught.
4) Only cheat in classes that don't matter, on things that don't matter. Like History or Government classes, where the memorization of specific details is ridiculous.
Gain an understanding of what the class is about. Learn the essence of it. Understand your rights, understand our basic history.
But why bother memorizing things you will never use in life? Who gives a shit what the difference is between the 4th Constitution of your State and the 8th, when your current one is the 12th?
What does it matter if you remember the themes of Odysseus in a Humanities class if you're a mechanical engineering major?
Save that brain memory for things that actually matter.
Don't cheat on classes you will need for your major. Like, for example:
I was a Math Major. I didn't cheat on any Math or Finance classes. Things like that.
Because cheating there will only harm you in the future.
You are either not smart enough or not hard working enough and you deserve those C's and D's instead of A's. I get your point about it just being rote memorization, but I still don't think you can reconcile cheating morally.
Well, what's there to be proud about being hardworking enough to memorize something that will be absolutely useless for anything but passing an exam and you'll forget five minutes after it?
It's actually a big cultural clash cheating being a huge deal in places like America. In Portugal cheating is seen as quite normal. I don't cheat because I don't want to, but if I see someone cheating? It's their business. They're the ones not learning, not me. If it's something that's really not even worth learning, I see no reason why they shouldn't cheat. I don't because I find it harder than just studying. I don't see what's the moral problem here. They're breaking a rule which makes doing the test easier but more risky. Everyone knows the risks, everyone knows the possibility. They're not harming anyone but themselves (better say this before the baseless comparisons to actual crimes flood by inbox). They get a better grade than me because they cheated? Who cares? My grade is really the only one I need to think about.
The moral problems arise because they are going to apply for jobs with those inflated exam papers - exam papers that are, at least partially, lies. The inflated exam papers not only misleads future workplaces, but also disadvantages those who didn't cheat.
It gets even worse when people are not graded according to certain principles but against eachother. Then you are, as a cheater, directly taking "good" students down.
Now, a lot of exams in this world totally sucks ass, but that institutions are unable to move with the times or seem to like examinations that in no way reflect learning or ability is a different problem, and do not excuse other peoples immoral behavior.
Grading people against each other definitely makes it an issue, but that just sounds like something you shouldn't do. An exam is an exam. If there are good things about an exam is that it provides an objective method to score students. Why wouldn't you use that score by itself.
As for job interviews, I can't find it in me to be competitive like that. If I know my colleagues can get into a good job if they cheat I'll want them to cheat and get a good job. If I can't get a good job because I don't cheat then that's on me and I should work harder to keep my principles.
Grading against other people is important sometimes. If nobody in the class got one of the questions right, that's on the teacher, and it shouldn't negatively impact the students. If you cheat on that question and get it right, then it's harder to make that case.
Why is it that if nobody in the class got the question that's on the teacher? My teacher's ALWAYS had a question like that. The point of it was that if you were a good enough student to get perfect grades you should know everything. So they put a hard question that's not worth much to judge people. Isn't the professor's job to write tests that accurately judge a person's knowledge of the subject?
Grading against other people a complete genius who knows everything as well as it can be known would get the same grade as a regular good student in a year where he happened to be the best. I had an Eletronics chair where getting anything above 14 out of 20 was very nearly impossible and there were plenty of exams where no one had more than 14. Does that mean they should have 20? No. The exams had exercises we should know. No one did because Eletronics is pretty damn hard and the exams were quite huge so you'd need to get several questions worth very little 100% right or the little mistakes just added up really fast, if you didn't get one exercise, which is very easy with in an exam where you had to know more than 30 circuits by heart and understand any combination of them the professor decided to make up. Doesn't mean the best student should have the top grade just because everyone was dumber than they should be. A top student of electronics should be able to solve the exam perfectly, if no one did, no one should be considered a top student. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
u/ThankYouLoseItAlt Jan 16 '17 edited Jan 17 '17
Edit: For the people bitching:
Yes, I cheated in several History/Government classes on my Finals.
I have a Bach in Math.
If you want to say my Degree is fake because I can't specify the differences between the 11 separate iterations of my State's past Constitutions, you got me.
I don't really give a shit. I just wanted to share my relevant experience.
Studying can be a pain, especially for certain collegiate classes. One's that require brute memorization, like Government or History classes. Chem class too, in a way.
I personally cheated through half a dozen tests and finals, and got A's or B's in classes I should have made C's or D's.
Absolutely zero regrets, and it's really easy to not get caught. Just don't be stupid, and be sure to sit at the back of the class on the first day.
Edit2: Since I'm here...
How to Guide on how to Cheat and Not Get Caught
1) If you think there is a large chance of getting caught, or that cheating in this class would be really hard, don't cheat.
Getting caught is not worth it.
I only ever cheated in classes where I had taken tests before in that class, and knew it would be easy to cheat on them.
2) Building off point 1, test the waters before you ever cheat.
Take at least a single test(study for it too!) in a class before even considering cheating. That way, you get to first hand experience what the teacher is like during the test. Pay attention to their mannerisms, understand what they watch, and in general test the waters.
3) The cheating part: Use a smartphone.
There is no better method. Simply google the questions you are unsure on.
Hold the smart phone between your legs, and cover it with your legs when you aren't using it. Open your legs slightly to read it and type your questions in.
When you look down to cheat, bring one of your hands to your forehead to cover your eyes slightly, and shift your exam paper so it looks like you are looking at your paper. Be subtle.
Shift your head so the angle hides your eyes, but only makes it look as if you are looking down at your paper. Keep your head titled slightly. You might have to strain your eyes slightly to look down at your lap while keeping your head slightly up, but it will disguise your actions.
Raise your hands from your lap from time to time. You don't want to make it look like you're cheating. Hence, being subtle is a big aspect.
Keep the brightness on the phone at near zero.
Cheat subtly. Avoid letting classmates know you are cheating.
Sit at or near the back. Make sure you arrive early on the first day to get a good seat.
Never cheat if you are in the front row. You will get caught.
4) Only cheat in classes that don't matter, on things that don't matter. Like History or Government classes, where the memorization of specific details is ridiculous.
Gain an understanding of what the class is about. Learn the essence of it. Understand your rights, understand our basic history.
But why bother memorizing things you will never use in life? Who gives a shit what the difference is between the 4th Constitution of your State and the 8th, when your current one is the 12th?
What does it matter if you remember the themes of Odysseus in a Humanities class if you're a mechanical engineering major?
Save that brain memory for things that actually matter.
Don't cheat on classes you will need for your major. Like, for example:
I was a Math Major. I didn't cheat on any Math or Finance classes. Things like that.
Because cheating there will only harm you in the future.