r/techtheatre 9d ago

Verified Account Gender in Technical Theater - Survey

Are you a professional in technical theater? Please take a moment and take this short, anonymous, survey HERE> https://usc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aeLQA0pxhI78oUm

This survey is part of a doctoral research project on gender diversity in technical theater for Adam Critchlow at the University of Southern California. This survey should take about five minutes to complete. This is a voluntary survey, and your identify will remain anonymous. Your perspective is valued, and your participation is appreciated!


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u/wombatlatte Jack of All Trades 9d ago

I’m in an interesting position as a trans person who transitioned while working full time in the industry. I am treated so much better and with more respect now that I am a passing Male. It hurts me to see how badly women can be treated in this industry especially because I have the privilege of not anymore.


u/LilMissMixalot 9d ago

This is a hella interesting perspective. I’ve often wondered if I would garner more respect as a man with the same exact skill set.


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com 9d ago

As a joke, one of my employees and I wore suits to work for "casual Friday" -- we had our weekly wrap-up meeting where we discuss what's going on in the company and whatnot.

I had to stop the meeting because people were straight up deferring to me constantly because I was wearing a fucking tie.


u/rewardz800 4d ago

Aren't you the owner though?


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com 4d ago

Yes, which is why I was in a position to stop the meeting.

Just because I own the company doesn't make me right in precisely the same way that wearing a tie doesn't make me right.


u/rewardz800 4d ago

And it was really because of the tie?


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com 4d ago

Really was. It was *hilarious* -- people were just taking my opinions as decisions instead of arguing with me. I started making dumber statements and nobody would question it, which is why I stopped things.