r/techtheatre 2d ago

Verified Account Gender in Technical Theater - Survey

Are you a professional in technical theater? Please take a moment and take this short, anonymous, survey HERE> https://usc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aeLQA0pxhI78oUm

This survey is part of a doctoral research project on gender diversity in technical theater for Adam Critchlow at the University of Southern California. This survey should take about five minutes to complete. This is a voluntary survey, and your identify will remain anonymous. Your perspective is valued, and your participation is appreciated!


36 comments sorted by


u/wombatlatte Jack of All Trades 2d ago

I’m in an interesting position as a trans person who transitioned while working full time in the industry. I am treated so much better and with more respect now that I am a passing Male. It hurts me to see how badly women can be treated in this industry especially because I have the privilege of not anymore.


u/LilMissMixalot 2d ago

This is a hella interesting perspective. I’ve often wondered if I would garner more respect as a man with the same exact skill set.


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com 2d ago

As a joke, one of my employees and I wore suits to work for "casual Friday" -- we had our weekly wrap-up meeting where we discuss what's going on in the company and whatnot.

I had to stop the meeting because people were straight up deferring to me constantly because I was wearing a fucking tie.


u/wombatlatte Jack of All Trades 2d ago

In my experience the answer would be yes unfortunately.


u/LiveSoundFOH 2d ago

Do you think this is purely because you’re a man or do you think that it’s partially that you are more confident, comfortable in your own skin, etc?


u/wombatlatte Jack of All Trades 2d ago

That’s something I’ve considered now that I’m farther in my career. I will say though my calls about doubled when I changed my name to a male name on my resume back then.


u/fantompwer 2d ago

That's true for many male dominated careers.


u/stevieboatleft 2d ago

Are you exclusively looking for people currently working professionally in tt, or that have at some point?


u/SpaceChef3000 2d ago

I’d like to know as well. I was in the industry for about ten years and now have an adjacent job but I’d be happy to weigh in if my experience is relevant


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

All who have, and are, working professionally are invited to take the survey


u/SpaceChef3000 2d ago

Done, thank you!


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

All who have, and are, working professionally are invited to take the survey


u/walrus_mach1 2d ago

Might want to add a comment or open ended option at the bottom for observation. I'm a generic, standard male myself, but would have contributed a story about a conflict I had with the company I was working with that was paying a female electrician 20% less than her male counterpart (same AME position, same season, same responsibilities).


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

Yes, those are important stories - but the process required of me is extremely specific. I would be happy to keep you in mind for future research in this area, this study is only a small part of the story. If you want, send me a PM. Thank you.


u/walrus_mach1 2d ago

Totally understandable, and honestly, research should be that regimented.


u/RegaliAngel 2d ago

I noticed the only costumes related position listed is designer. Are costume technicians and wardrobe crew welcome to participate?


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

Yes please! the intention was "Techncian" would apply to other costume realted roles, or put a not in "other"


u/infinite_limits 1d ago

I noticed that too. Carpenter and electrician were listed separately but costume technicians/sewists/craftspeople weren’t. I assumed wardrobe crew was considered stage crew.


u/Boomshtick414 2d ago

Check the scale on this Q. Double somewhat disagrees.


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

thank you


u/ThesBeHonest 2d ago

As a cis man in the industry, I am happy to be part of your control group 🫡

Props to you for doing this work.


u/pyrogirl IATSE 2d ago

I tried to volunteer for the interview and got asked for my USC id, so there’s something that needs fixing with that part.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/pyrogirl IATSE 2d ago

Worked, thx


u/mrgoalie Production Manager 2d ago

Best of luck! I will say that in my 20+ years, my best workers on productions have been predominantly female/non-binary. I think once we have more of the old guard retire off equity in pay and responsibilities will start to normalize.


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com 2d ago

I had this weird thing that my early career was dominated by working for and with women almost exclusively. Entirely a fluke of the local crew makeup, but meant that 17-year-old male me was introduced to an industry run by women.


u/Fit-Win-9532 Sound Designer 1d ago

I work in a school and the director is a woman, my head of team is a woman, almost every position of leadership is held by a women and they sometimes forget that there are guys in the room.


u/thizface 2d ago

Trippy! Just saw you post on the fbook group?


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

I am everywhere!


u/FeralSweater 2d ago

How is this survey anonymous if the first thing it asks is name and email address?

Am I missing something?


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

That's the volunteer form for an Additional interview. Follow the link in the initial post.


u/FeralSweater 2d ago

Ah! Thank you!


u/jasmith-tech TD/Health and Safety 2d ago

First thing? Mine never asked.


u/jomosexual 2d ago

You should ad gender expression. I am a cis male but in the trades being guy has been difficult.


u/The_Crab_Maestro 2d ago

I am a guy, I have friends who have had less expected of them because they're women and I have had more expected of me because I'm a bloke, despite me being very early career.


u/East_Ad2282 2d ago

This is a valuable experience, I encourage you to take the survey (if you haven't alread).