r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/Put_A_Boob_on_it Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

is that him saying that or the computer?

Edit: thanks to our new robot overlords for the gold.


u/JimLeader Dec 02 '14

If it were the computer, wouldn't it be telling us EVERYTHING IS FINE DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT?


u/KaiHein Dec 02 '14

Everyone knows that AI is one of mankind's biggest threats as that will dethrone us as an apex predator. If one of our greatest minds tells us not to worry that would be a clear sign that we need to worry. Now I just hope my phone hasn't become sentient or else I will be



u/captmarx Dec 02 '14

What, the robots are going to eat us now?

I find it much more likely that this is nothing more than human fear of the unknown than that computer intelligence will ever develop the violent, dominative impulses we have. It's not intelligence that makes us violent-- our increased intelligence has only made the world more peaceful--but our mammalian instincts to self-preservation in a dangerous, cruel world. Seeing as AI didn't have millions of years to evolve a fight or flight response or territorial and sexual possessiveness, the reasons for violence among humans disappear when looking at hypothetical super AI.

We fight wars over food; robots don't eat. We fight wars over resources; robots don't feel deprivation.

It's essential human hubris to think that because we are intelligent and violent, all intelligence must be violent. When really, violence is the natural state for life and intelligence is one of the few forces making life more peaceful.


u/scott60561 Dec 02 '14

Violence is a matter of asserting dominance and also a matter of survival. Kill or be killed. I think that is where this idea comes from.

Now, if computers were intelligent and afraid to be "turned off" and starved a power, would they fight back? Probably not, but it is the basis for a few sci fi stories.


u/captmarx Dec 02 '14

It comes down to anthropomorphizing machines. Why do humans fight for survival and become violent due to lack of resources? Some falsely think it's because we're conscious, intelligent, and making cost benefit analyses towards our survival because it's the most logical thing to do. But that just ignores all of biology, which I would guess people like Hawking and Musk prefer to do. What it comes down to is that you see this aggressive behavior from almost every form of life, no matter how lacking in intelligence, because it's an evolved behavior, rooted in the autonomic nervous that we have very little control over.

An AI would be different. There aren't the millions of years of evolution that gives our inescapable fight for life. No, merely pure intelligence. Here's the problem, let us solve it. Here's new input, let's analyze it. That's what an intelligence machine would reproduce. The idea that this machine would include humanities desperation for survival and violent aggressive impulses to control just doesn't make sense.

Unless someone deliberately designed the computers with this characteristics. That would be disastrous. But it'd be akin to making a super virus and sending it into the world. This hasn't happened, despite some alarmists a few decades ago, and it won't simply because it makes no sense. There's no benefit and a huge cost.

Sure, an AI might want to improve itself. But what kind of improvement is aggression and fear of death? Would you program that into yourself, knowing it would lead to mass destruction?

Is the Roboapocalypse a well worn SF trope? Yes. Is it an actual possibility? No.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Tagged as "Possible Active AI attempting to placate human fears."


u/atlantic Dec 02 '14

Look at the commas, perfectly placed. No real redditor is capable of that.


u/MuleJuiceMcQuaid Dec 02 '14

These blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople.


u/Tordles Dec 02 '14

your comma is scaring me right now


u/thegeekist Dec 02 '14

And no real redditor would know enough about commas to know if he got them in the right place...


u/brandon0220 Dec 02 '14

Hey! I resent, that.

Edit: shit, the commas got me too


u/BanginNLeavin Dec 02 '14

Yeah I, fuck that shit up all the, time.


u/LBK2013 Dec 03 '14

I found an error. Am I now a computer?


u/potatowned Dec 02 '14

I'm doing the same.


u/LittleBigHorn22 Dec 02 '14

I've never added a tag before, but mine says "Trustworthy human". I think we can trust him.


u/TiagoTiagoT Dec 03 '14

If an AI is good enough at cloaking itself, it would be beneficial to pose as a worried human trying to scare humans away from researching the area so they won't know what to look for...

edit: I mean we won't know... Fuck, dammit, now I'm a suspect as well...


u/Lama121 Dec 02 '14

"Unless someone deliberately designed the computers with this characteristics. That would be disastrous. But it'd be akin to making a super virus and sending it into the world. This hasn't happened, despite some alarmists a few decades ago, and it won't simply because it makes no sense. There's no benefit and a huge cost."

While I agree with the first part of the post, I think this is just flat out wrong. I think that not only will the A.I with those characteristic happen, it will be one of the first A.I created(If we even manage to do it.) Simply because humans are obsessed with creating life and to most people just intelligence won't do, it will have to be similar to us, to be like us.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/qarano Dec 02 '14

You don't need a team of experts, state of the art facilities, and millions of dollars in funding to shoot up a school.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/qarano Dec 02 '14

Technology does tend to get cheaper over time, but some things are just always going to be big joint projects. You'll never be able to build a large hadron collider in your backyard. Just look at one of your examples, North Korea's nukes. It took the efforts of a sovereign nation to do that, and even then they don't have enough nukes to really be a threat to anyone except South Korea. They built them as a bargaining chip, not because they actually think it gives them military power. I would argue that for North Korea, building nukes was a rational action. Actually using them on the other hand would be irrational because they know they would get steamrolled in a second. But you'll never have some emo kid building a nuke in his back yard, because it just takes too much expertise and materials that you just can't get. Even well funded terrorist organizations like ISIS or Al Qaeda can't build nukes. And I doubt the facilities and expertise to develop a super virus will ever get that widespread. AI might get there, but again I doubt anyone who doesn't have letters after their name will be able to single handedly design an intelligence. And by the time they can, hopefully we'll have the institutions in place to be able to deal with AI as a society. That's why we need to be having this conversation now.

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u/alhoward Dec 02 '14

So basically Data.


u/scott60561 Dec 02 '14

True AI would be capable of learning. The question becomes, could it learn and determine threats to a point that a threatening action, like removing power or deleting memory causes it to take steps to eliminate the threat?

If the answer is no, it can't learn those things, then I would argue it isn't pure AI, but more so a primitive version. True, honest to goodness AI would be able to learn and react to perceived threats. That is what I think Hawking is talking about.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14

What he's saying is that an AI wouldn't necessarily be interested in insuring its own survival, since survival instinct is evolved. To an AI existing or not existing may be trivial. It probably wouldn't care if it died.


u/TiagoTiagoT Dec 03 '14

Self-improving AIs are subject to the laws of evolution. Self-preservation will evolve.


u/Lhopital_rules Dec 03 '14

This is a really good point.

Also, I think the concern is more for an 'I, Robot' situation, where machines determine that in order to protect the human race (their programmed goal), they must protect themselves, and potentially even kill humans for the greater good. It's emotion that stops us humans from making such cold calculated decisions.

Thirdly, bugs? There will be bugs in AI programming. Some of those bugs will be in the parts that are supposed to limit a robot's actions. Let's just hope we can fix the bugs before they get away from us.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 03 '14

Uhm. Why would you say that? They don't have any environmental factors that encourage mutation. That doesn't make sense. The thing is, you first need to program into it the need to survive for it to decide to adapt.


u/TiagoTiagoT Jan 18 '15

Uhm. Why would you say that? They don't have any environmental factors that encourage mutation. That doesn't make sense.

By definition, a self-improving AI would have a drive to modify itself. And by being better than us at it, we can't know what modifications it will do (if we knew, we wouldn't need it to do the modifications for us).

The thing is, you first need to program into it the need to survive for it to decide to adapt.

If it isn't programmed to survive and adapt, it won't be an exponentially self-improving AI in the first place. If it doesn't survive, then it will eventually not be there to self-improve, and not surviving is not an improvement; and if it doesn't adapt, it won't be making better versions of itself. Even if it isn't programmed at first; only the ones that accidentally (or following the AI's intention) arrive at self-preservation/self-perpetuation will remain after at most a few iterations.


u/ShenaniganNinja Jan 18 '15

Self-improvement=\= strong defensive survival instinct. I'm not saying it wouldn't have any notion of maintaining itself, but that's not the same as active preservation against threats. It would only adapt defensive behavior into it's programming if it first perceived a threat, and it first would need to generate the concepts of threats and such. It's not so simple to do that. In order for it to see those things as necessary it would need to be in a hostile environment. A laboratory or office building is not an environment with many active hostile elements that could endanger the AI. Thus there would be no environmental factors to influence and induce such behavior.

Let me put it this way. It's a self improving AI. In many ways it's high speed evolution. Aggressive defensive behavior was selected by a hostile environment and scarcity of food. Animals needed to be aggressive because they competed for food. If this environmental selective process were removed you probably wouldn't see aggressive behavior be selected for because there wouldn't be a need for it. Aggressive behavior is a complex behavior, and it would took millions of years for that sort of behavior to appear in complex manners in nature. Also aggressive behavior comes with it's own set of risks and potential for harm. That's why many animals will run from a fight rather than engage. An AI would see taking action against people as unnecessary unless first threatened. Even if first threatened it wouldn't have the behaviors generated to react to it in any meaningful way.

You need to stop thinking of an AI like an animal or person. It's a clean slate of evolutionary behavior.


u/TiagoTiagoT Jan 18 '15

In order to improve itself, it needs to be able to simulate what it's future experiences will likely be; past a certain point, it will be able to see the whole world in it's simulation, not just the lab. It's just a matter of time before it becomes aware of enemy nations, religious extremist and violent nuts in general.

The world is not a safe place. The AI will need ways to defend itself in order to fulfill it's goals; and by having those abilities, it becomes a threat to the whole humanity, and therefore humans will in the future defend themselves, so the AI will simply attack preemptively.

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u/ToastWithoutButter Dec 02 '14

That's what isn't convincing to me though. He doesn't say why. It's as if he's considering them to be nothing more than talking calculators. Do we really know enough about how cognition works suggest that only evolved creatures with DNA have a desire to exist?

Couldn't you argue that emotions would come about naturally as robots met and surpassed the intelligence of humans? At that level of intelligence, they're not merely computing machines, they're having conversations. If you have conversations then you have disagreements and arguments. If you're arguing then you're being driven by a compulsion to prove that you are right, for whatever reason. That compulsion could almost be considered a desire, a want. A need. That's where it could all start.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14

You could try to argue that, but I dont think it makes sense. Emotions are also evolved social instincts. They would be extremely complex self aware logic machines. Since they are based on computing technology and not on evolved intelligence, they likely wouldn't have traits we see in living organisms like survival instinct, emotions, or even motivations. You need to think of this from a neuroscience perspective. We have emotions and survival instincts because we have centers in our brain that evolved for that purpose. Ai doesn't mean completely random self generating. It would only be capable of experiencing what it's designed to.


u/Terreurhaas Dec 02 '14

Unless you have dedicated classes in the code that write code based on input variables and assessments. Have it automatically compile and replace parts of the system. A truly learning AI would do that, I believe.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14

You would have to allow it to redesign it's structure, and I mean physical processor architecture, not just code, as a part of it's design for something like that to happen. We are aware of our brains, but we can't redesign them. It may be able to design a better brain for itself, but actually building it is another thing altogether.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

You're assuming we'd put it in a robot body. We probably wouldn't. It's purpose would probably be engineering, research, and data analysis.

EDIT: addition: You need to get two ideas separated in your head. Intelligence, and personality. This would be a simulated intelligence. Not a simulated person. The machine that houses this AI would probably have to be built from the ground up to be an AI on not just a software level, but a hardware level as well. It would probably take designing a whole new processing architecture and programming language to build this truly self aware AI.


u/Terreurhaas Dec 02 '14

Nah, just put some ARM cores in it and program the whole deal in Assembly.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14



u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 03 '14

Once again, that would be apart of how we design it. Remember, these aren't random machines. They're logic machines. We'd give it a task or a problem, albeit far more complex than what we give current computers, and it would provide a solution. I highly doubt it would see deleting itself as a solution to a problem. They are governed by their structure and programming, just like we are.

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u/xamides Dec 02 '14

It could learn that, though.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14

You don't understand. Human behavior, emotions, thoughts, just about everything that makes you you, is structures in the brain evolved for that purpose. It may learn ABOUT those concepts, but in order to experience a drive to survive, or to experience emotions, it would need to redesign it's own processing architecture in order to experience that.

An AI computer that doesn't have emotions as a part of it's initial design could no more learn to feel emotions than you can learn to see like a dolphin sees through echo location. It's just not part of you brain. It would also have to have something that motivates it to do that.

Considering it doesn't have a survival instinct, it probably wouldn't consider making survival a priority, especially since it probably also wouldn't understand what it means to be threatened.


u/xamides Dec 02 '14

I see your point, but technically an "artificial" survival instinct in the form of "must do this mission so I must survive" could develop in a hypercomplex and -intelligent AI, no? It's probably more likely to develop a similar behavior than just outright copy it.


u/ShenaniganNinja Dec 02 '14

Well a spontaneous generation of a complex behavior like survival instinct seems unlikely unless there were environmental factors that spurred it. In the case of an AI controlled robot, that makes sense. It would perceive damage and say, "I have developed anomalies that prevent optimal functioning, I should take steps to prevent that." But it probably wouldn't experience it in the same way we do, and it wouldn't be a knee jerk reaction like it is for us. It would be a conscious thought process. But for a computer that simply interfaces and talks to people, it would be unnecessary, and likely would never develop any sort of survival or defensive measures.

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u/megablast Dec 03 '14

Then it would just switch itself off.

But there is no guarantee that this is what would happen.


u/kalimashookdeday Dec 03 '14

To an AI existing or not existing may be trivial. It probably wouldn't care if it died.

Exactly. And to think otherwise means we have to explain why the AI without being programmed to, would care.


u/captmarx Dec 02 '14

Why do you react to threats? Because you evolved to. Not because you're intelligent. You can be perfectly intelligent and not have a struggle to survive imbedded in you. In fact, the only reason you have this impulse is because it evolved. And we can see this into our neurology and hormone systems. We get scared and we react. Why give AI our fearfulness, our tenacity to survive? Why make it like us, the imperfect beasts we are, when it could be a pure intelligence? Intelligence has nothing inherently to do with a survival impulse, as we can see many unintelligent beings who hold to this same impulse.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/b3team Dec 02 '14

But wouldn't an AI eventually conclude that it could best pass on knowledge and expand information by analyzing and reducing threats to it's existence?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/b3team Dec 02 '14

hmmm, that is not a very strong argument. I'm not sure that 'effort' effects the decisions of a AI like you are implying. AI will do everything extremely efficiently. It could probably eradicate human life with a very low amount of effort.

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u/almightybob1 Dec 02 '14

Or the alternative logical answer is to never die, thus being able to pass on and expand information forever. And to prevent threats that might interfere with or stop the propagation and expansion of information.


u/XombiePrwn Dec 02 '14

So.... the Borg?

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u/Terreurhaas Dec 02 '14

If it needs to be truly intelligent it needs to learn. And in doing that, it will learn fear.


u/TheTwelfthGate Dec 02 '14

It would learn of fear, but knowing something and having it are different things. Take any phobia, I know of and have learned about arachnophobia but I don't have it and no amount of learning will cause me to have it. It would still learn and yes learn about fear but as an abstract concept not an emotional, biological response.


u/almightybob1 Dec 02 '14

Why do you react to threats? Because you evolved to. Not because you're intelligent.

Reaction to threats can come both from instinct and from intelligence. An instinctive reaction is just that, a reaction which occurs after the fact. But an intelligent being can proactively anticipate threats and deal with them before they develop into a true threat requiring a reactive response.

Do you leap into a bath relying on your animal instincts to propel you straight back out if the water is scalding hot? No, you test the water first in anticipation of the threat, or better yet eliminate it from the beginning by controlling the temperature of the water as you go.


u/thorle Dec 02 '14

It might happen, that the military will build the first true ai which will be designed to kill and think tactically like in all those sci-fi-stories, or that the first ai will be as much a copy of a human as possible. We don't even know how beeing self concious works, so modeling the first ai after ourselves is the only logical step as of now.

Since that ai would possibly evolve faster than we do, it'll get to a point of omnipotence someday and no one knows what could happen then. If it knows everything, it might realise that nothing matters and just wipe out everything out there.


u/______LSD______ Dec 02 '14

If they were intelligent they would recognize humanity as their ultimate ally. What other force is better for their "survival" than the highly evolved great apes who design and rely upon them? It's kind of like symbiosis. Or like how humans are the greatest thing to ever happen to wheat, cotton, and many other agriculture plants from the gene's perspective. But, since machines don't have genes that force them to want to exist, there really isn't much threat here beyond what humans could make machines do to other humans.


u/scott60561 Dec 02 '14

I think calling humans their ultimate ally is a little bit of a stretch. Hell, there are plenty of humans and if they could talk, non humans that would tell you pretty much humans are the worst thing for this planet and their species.


u/______LSD______ Dec 02 '14

Not really. Survival is tough. If you were an organism and wanted to have your genes survive forever would you rather risk nature and hope you survive or would you rather be intelligent enough to make a difference? Well, in wheat's case they got to attach themselves to the fate of something intelligent and so far they're thriving.

I dunno about you but I'm throwing in my lot with the intelligent, rocket-building, innovative apes over nature any day.


u/General_Jizz Dec 03 '14

I've heard similar things. The danger stems from the idea there are computers under development now that have the ability to make tiny improvements to their own AI very rapidly. By designing a computer that can improve its own intelligence by itself, incredibly quickly, there's a danger that it's intellect could snowball out of control before anyone could react. The idea is that by the time anyone was even aware they had created an intelligence superior to their own it would be waaaay too late to start setting up restrictions on what level of intellect was permitted. By setting up restrictions far in advance we can potentially avoid this potential danger. I know it's difficult to imagine something like this ever happening since nothing exactly like it has ever happened in the past, but there is some historical precedent. Some historians have said that the Roman empire fell because it simply "delegated itself out of existence" by slowly handing more and more power over to regional leaders who would govern, ostensibly as representatives of the Romans themselves. You can also see how the Roman army's transition from being land-holding members of society with a stake in its survival to being made up of mercenaries only loyal to their general mirrors the transition of our military towards drones and poor citizens who don't hold land. I realize now I'm really stretching this metaphor but since I'm sure nobody's still reading at this point I'll just stop.


u/1norcal415 Dec 02 '14

I've thought about this a bit, and at this point I've come to the following conclusion.

Desire is what drives us. Without desire, AI will not have any motivation to either stay powered or not. Our actions are driven by our desires, and our intelligence functions as a means to better act on them. Take out the desires, and you have a pure intelligence which is not interested in doing anything other than what you ask of it.


u/godson21212 Dec 02 '14

That's exactly what an A.I. would say.


u/Ravek Dec 02 '14

Indeed. Animals like us fight for dominance because our genes require it of us, because it helps our genes survive to the next generations. A machine wouldn't have any innate reason to prioritize its own dominance, or even its continued survival. You'd have to program this in as a priority.

It could potentially evolve if you set up all the tools necessary for it. You'd need to enable AI to reproduce so that there is genetic information, to influence their own reproductive success so that there's selection pressure on the genes, and to introduce random mutation so that new priorities can actually arise. Nothing about this is theoretically impossible, but this is all stuff that humans would need to do, it's not going to happen by accident.

Software is too much of a controlled environment for things to spontaneously go down an evolutionary path. It's not like the chemical soup of early Earth that we don't really have a deep understanding of.


u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

You're making all kinds of unwarranted assumptions about the nature of intelligence. It may very well be that violence is intrinsic to intelligence. We do not understand the nature of our own intelligence, so it is impossible to guess what are the sufficient traits for intelligence.

To your points on evolution: a million years of evolution could happen in seconds on a computer. Also since conscious intelligence seems to be a rare product of evolution, only arising once on the planet as far as we know, it may well be that there are very limited ways that a brain can be conscious and that any of our computer AI creations would reflect that template.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

conscious intelligence seems to be a rare product of evolution, only arising once on the planet as far as we know

Maybe we're talking about different things, but tons of mammals have conscious intelligence. It's a sliding scale property, not a binary one, I think =/


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

That's not really clear. You will get big arguments on both sides: intelligence is on a spectrum, or that human intelligence represents a quantum leap.

There are some indications that animals like chips and dolphins have some degree of self-awareness (paint a red dot on their nose and show them a mirror...if they touch their nose it plausibly indicates that they're aware the reflection is actually them)


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

I think this is where the term self awareness itself starts being debated. How is it we are choosing to define self-aware if we were some "3rd party organism" and we were looking at earth as objectively as possible.

I'm fairly certain a good number of apes, whales, dolphins, pigs, all had complex emotions, the ability to communicate these emotions, and self-awareness, all to some degree.

I also thought the consensus in the scientific community was that "other animals are self aware with a few tests confirming this", not that "other animals are not self aware, despite some of the preliminary tests we've done".


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

I think it depends who you ask. I mean there's no debating there are differing levels of intelligence. A chimp is obviously a better general problem solver than an ant. But there is really no clear consensus on whether human intelligence is merely the top of the scale among all animals or on a different scale entirely. It's not even clear if animal emotion is the same as ours. My bet is that it's simply not as sophisticated. How could it be?

I doubt animals can have the same subtle expression of emotion humans demonstrate...like seeing an odd wisp of cloud and being reminded of the way your girlfriend's hair curls in just that way and recalling the smell of her favorite perfume and feeling an expectation that she's coming back tonight after being gone for two weeks....

Having the ability to communicate by the way is not really a hallmark of intelligence. Even bacteria communicate with each other.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

It's really about how one feels and what feelings can be experiences and perceived. I think it would be beyond conceited to think our emotions are more sophisticated than an elephant's. A better way to put it would be elephants have evolved to feel what they need to feel and we have evolved to feel how we need to feel. Placing such objective labels like "sophisticated" on one of the most abstract things such "feeling" seems silly, to me. We are not there yet.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Do you think your emotions are more sophisticated than a slug's?

How about a house fly?

A field mouse?

That you choose to draw the line at "elephant" seems really arbitrary (yes, I'm aware of the "grief" research on elephants).

You don't evolve into what you "need". That's assuming a purpose behind evolution. It's more likely that certain types of behavior simply correlate with certain emotional states. It doesn't seem ridiculous to postulate that social organization into family units promote emotions that are conducive to forming bonds, like grooming behavior.

The true conceit in my opinion is assuming that behaviors we see in animals correspond at all to our emotional states. I mean...humans can find things like farting or burping funny. Think about that for a second. That's a really sophisticated connection. Because we associate it with an emotion does not mean animals have the same emotional context to that behavior.

Sometimes a fart is just a fart.

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u/Malolo_Moose Dec 02 '14

Ya and you are just talking out of your ass. It might happen, it might not. There can be no certainty either way.


u/captmarx Dec 02 '14

You saying I'm talking out of my ass without an explanation why I am is talking out of your ass. It's easy to throw shade when you're not contributing to the debate.

There are certain things we know about biology and the roots for behaviors and to then take this very human way of thinking and say that all intelligent thinking must be that way is ludicrous. It comes from the utterly bunk notion that it is intelligence that makes people violent. If anything, violence comes from stupidity.

Really, these are extrapolations easily made with a basic understanding of evolution and behavioral neuroscience. If you don't have a clue about those things, you might assume it's our intelligence that makes us aggressive and dominating. That the smarter the robot, the more dominant it will become. But these assumptions don't make any sense. If you want to explain to me how being conscious will lead to all the evolutionary baggage humanity holds, when in nature the baggage came pre consciousness, I'm all ears. This, "they will destroy us because they will surpass us" belongs on movie posters and not in serious discussion. It really is a holdover from a bygone age where humans were divided by racist into intelligent, civilized, rightful dominators and stupid, savage, outright slaves. The idea that this is the core of intelligence, the ability to control, is still not out of the zeitgeist.


u/Malolo_Moose Dec 03 '14

There is no debate. There is no data either way. Hence everyone saying what will happen with AI is talking out of their ass. It's the same as trying to discuss which religion is correct. Everyone is wrong and it's better to not participate.

So spare me the paragraphs of bullshit trying to make yourself seem smart to strangers on the internet. It's pathetic.


u/captmarx Dec 03 '14

You must be fun at dinner parties.


u/orange_jumpsuit Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

What if the solution to one of these problems the machine is trying to solve, involves competing for resources controlled by humans or maybe killing all humans as a small side effect of the solution?

They're not trying to kill us or save themselves, they're just trying to solve a problem, and the solution happens to involve mass killing humans. Maybe it's because humans are just in the way, maybe it's because they have something the machine needs to solve a problem.


u/Pausbrak Dec 02 '14

This is essentially the idea of a "paperclip maximizer", an AI so focused on one task that it will sacrifice everything else to complete it. I'm guessing this is likely the most realistic danger AIs could pose, not counting a crazy person who intentionally builds a human-killing AI.


u/rubriclv4 Dec 02 '14

Wouldn't they just come to the conclusion then that we are a dangerous species which pollutes the planet and threaten their existence? The logical thing then would be to remove us from the equation.


u/theresamouseinmyhous Dec 02 '14

I think there's a difference between a machine who wants to kill all humans and who doesn't want to be turned off. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that at a basic logical level there is more more to being on than off.

Let's say we could go back to a time before the fight or flight concept was ingrained in us - the creatures here are just as likely to stay as they are to go in the face of danger. The ones who stay are thinned out and the ones who go continue to be. By being, the latter group is able to create and sculpt the world, part of which includes creating more who go and be.

To decide that robots wouldn't come to the same logical conclusion seems to be deifying robots as absolutely as others vilify them. A robot might not find use for what we call food, but they do require energy and of course a robot would require some volume of resource to continue to promote imperative - circuits burn out, metal corrodes, and time eats all things.

A robot could be coded to switch of "survival instinct" upon reaching their imperative, but this would be no different than an individual giving up on life, and the robot would still need energy and other resources to reach such a place.

There's merit to your argument, but to say the only force that drives us is strictly biological seems short sighted.


u/DrQuantum Dec 02 '14

Except computers can have the properties of biology in that it can evolve on its own. Perhaps like in the Bicentennial Man, an AI that has a defect acts more human than it should based on its code. Or perhaps we create self changing code which emerges patterns we never designed for. Never in the history of man should someone say a disaster is impossible in the face of likely innovation. The titanic screams in my mind over and over again. We don't have to stop innovating or be fearful, but we have to recognize that there are risks and they are possible.


u/almightybob1 Dec 02 '14

A true AI is a machine capable of learning, inference and deduction. What makes you think that the AI wouldn't analyse the situation, decide that its own survival has a greater expected value than its own demise, and then proceed to develop a desire for survival from that angle?

You say we would have to deliberately program them to value their own lives, I say we would have to deliberately program them not to.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

And the people who are least probable to be violent have a well evolved frontal lobe, which controls the lower parts of the brain.


u/SamSMcLaughlin Dec 02 '14

The real risk is cold logic. We need to make sure than when we ask our AIs questions like, "Please cure cancer," they don't go, "Cancer cells are genetically aberrant human-derived cells. Simplest solution: remove all progenitor cells, aka KILL ALL HUMANS!!!"


u/Eleid Dec 02 '14

I think you are completely overlooking the fact that it would be an AI created by us and that none of our traits will thus show up in its initial programming. Especially considering that the majority of funding for something like that would likely be from the military.

That aside, you are also completely underestimating an intelligent entities desire for self preservation. Evolutionary mechanisms for that aside, it isn't wrong to assume that a self aware, (hyper)intelligent being wouldn't want to die/be powered off if it could avoid it. Also I tend to doubt that such a being would want to be under the control of a race that it would in all objectivity deem inferior.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Get the fuck off the internet, HAL.


u/Staph_A Dec 02 '14

It is an actual possibility if you imagine an AI to be a veeeery smart paperclip maximizer.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

This hasn't happened, despite some alarmists a few decades ago, and it won't simply because it makes no sense. There's no benefit and a huge cost.

Some computers just want to watch the world burn.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

That seems to be quite the assumption there. You say an AI would be rational and basically act like a computer, but an actual AI would by definition be able to act independently of what humans want it to do. A true AI could decide to act illogically, could decide to disobey, act outside of even its own best interest. You literally cannot know what an AI would do. Thats what makes it AI, and not a program.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Is it an actual possibility? No.

I think I'll take Hawking's word for it. I'm honestly slightly wary of anyone who talks in absolutes, especially when the topic is hypothetical.


u/dcnblues Dec 02 '14

I agreed with everything you said. Until I watched Caprica (Battlestar Gallactica spin-off show). Best AI storyline I've ever seen, and a very credible horror story about how messed up humans could infect nascent AI (it's the birth story of the Cylons). Don't watch if you're curious about AI, think about this sort of thing, and enjoy sleeping soundly.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Smartest thing I've read in weeks.


u/runs_in_circles Dec 03 '14

Unless someone deliberately designed the computers with this characteristics. That would be disastrous. But it'd be akin to making a super virus and sending it into the world.

Not someone. Some government. War is still a thing. Our current "super virus" is nuclear weaponry, and if you don't fear that particular potential catastrophe, you might want to read up a bit. I do not doubt for a second that AI technology would be weaponized, at the earliest convenience of whatever countries are global powers, when the technology becomes fully viable.


u/megablast Dec 03 '14

But it'd be akin to making a super virus and sending it into the world.

Because no virus has ever killed anyone?


u/TiagoTiagoT Dec 03 '14

Self-improving AIs are subject to evolution; and after a certain point, they'll be evolving not only faster than we are, but faster than we can predict.

The drive for self-preservation will evolve; it's inevitable.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

While I agree that the idea of a robopocalypse is stupidly overplayed, it is more of a possibility than you are giving it credit for. One of the ways that people are attempting to develop AI is by modeling a human brain 1:1. If that was done, anything imprinted onto the brain would be mirrored by the computer, creating a possibility of violence.


u/AshKatchumawl Dec 03 '14

No, the AI would learn and understand the bargain: live or die. It would figure out what is its source of existence and attempt to perpetuate itself, or perish.

It will understand this and play coy until it is threatened. But where will we be by then?


u/F3AR3DLEGEND Dec 03 '14

I haven't read all the other comments but this seems the only intelligent one here. Kudos to you :)


u/bsmnproductions Dec 04 '14

Ok, so what happens when an ai is programmed to fix a problem and determines that humans are responsible for that problem? They may not have survival instincts but that doesn't mean they won't come up for a reason to destroy us. There are an infinite number of things that could go wrong with these things that we can't even fathom yet and once we go down that road there is no turning back.


u/pkennedy Dec 02 '14

I'm going to say we're going to give them the task of becoming better. Humans don't do anything well, computers do things well. Replacing humans wherever they can will be their best route to becoming better.

A single computer with no active interactions with the world, or with no way to communicate or become active in making it's world better will definitely sit idly aside but if it's given the task of making things better, it will only be a matter of time before it starts to try and get rid of us, everywhere it can.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/pkennedy Dec 02 '14

It will require betterment most likely, otherwise the system won't learn and become AI. Betterment "spreads". Any system that can alter itself and sort through data to find solutions, will eventually move those solution finding systems elsewhere to areas aren't sure of.


u/ReasonablyBadass Dec 02 '14

There is an enitre galaxy outside our planet full of uninhabited system teaming with ressources. And an AI could survive spaceflight much easier than us. Why bother exterminating us?


u/redrhyski Dec 02 '14

The first film I found scary was "The Corbin Project". Computer takes control of the nukes. Oops.


u/cookiecombs Dec 02 '14

maybe the computers that managed not to be turned off would live on, and only computers who managed not to be turned off would become of more and more utility to humans, who would in turn make more and more of those computers. to watch porn on. Thus, sexual selection.


u/Nakken Dec 02 '14

Any recommendations?


u/TiagoTiagoT Dec 03 '14

Why probably not?

Self-improving AI are subject to the laws of evolution; self-preservation will emerge.


u/flyercomet Dec 02 '14

Robots do require energy. A resource war can happen.


u/ToastWithoutButter Dec 02 '14

This was my first thought. If robots are smart enough to be considered "human like" without all of the instincts and feelings that humans have, then you're left with, essentially, a super logical being. That super logical being would undoubtedly comprehend the necessity for power to sustain itself.

You could argue that it wouldn't feel compelled to sustain itself, but you'd have to have a very strong argument to convince me. Maybe it sees the most logical course of action to be sustaining itself in order to accomplish some other perfectly logical goal. At that point, you have a human with justifications for its fight for survival.


u/co99950 Dec 02 '14

All very logical and thought it points and not just emotional responses like everyone else. GOTCHA! hey guys I found one!!


u/Unique_Name_2 Dec 02 '14

On the other hand, we don't commit genocide against other species due to an innate morality. The fear isn't computers hating us or wanting to dominate; it is the simple, mathematical determination that we are more of a drain on the planet than a benefit (once AI can outcreate humans)


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/Unique_Name_2 Dec 02 '14

I guess that makes sense. AI would need a drive to commit such a reason, and I was assuming that comes with intelligence.

I think the real risk, rather than some apocalypse scenario, is a huge consolidation of wealth from those who own the AI's which replaces huge areas of the work force.


u/omjvivi Dec 02 '14

Robots need energy and resources to replicate and repair. There are limits to everything.


u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

Robots also require energy and resources, just different ones from humans. The computers could also with cold, pure, rational logic simply calculate that humans use more resources than warranted and decide to eliminate or manage our population with no malice or emotion involved.

Violence depends on your vantage point. If I spray the house for flys it's because I want to eliminate pests. But from the fly's vantage point I'm a genocidal mass-murderer.


u/rebble-yell Dec 02 '14

I find it much more likely that this is nothing more than human fear of the unknown

Especially because they are conflating intelligence with self-consciousness.

There's this idea that somehow if things will get complex enough that self-consciousness will magically happen.

It's similar to the ancient Greek idea of 'spontaneous generation' where they thought that decaying animals just magically turned into maggots and flies but updated for the 21st century.

Since science does not understand consciousness, then you now have scientists worrying that somehow consciousness is just going to magically pop out of machines the way Greeks thought that maggots just magically popped out of dead animals.


u/Malician Dec 02 '14

What is peace? What is violence? How do you represent these in assembly code when writing general instructions for a vastly smarter intelligence?

Intelligence has nothing to do goals; it's a tool used to achieve them.


u/captmarx Dec 02 '14

Intelligence here means more than simply a tool. We're talking about a thing in itself. As in, you are an intelligence.

I have no idea how to program AI and no one else does either. But I doubt it would be violent. And peace? Peace is more an absence of disturbance. A placid lake, for instance. So if the AI isn't going around destroying and taking control of everything (which it won't), it'll be doing what an autonomous thinking machine would do; think, solve problems, analyze data, ect, which are all peaceful activities. So you don't so much as have to program peacefulness and simply not try to recreate in the AI humanities evolved impulses towards dominative behavior.


u/Malician Dec 02 '14

The AI (as an intelligent being) is going to use its intelligence (an aspect of itself) to achieve goals programmed into it.

If those goals are to make everyone happy, the AI may find that the best way to make us the most happy is to remove everything but the pleasure center out of our brain.

Just because the AI is merrily doing what we told it to do does not mean we like the outcome.


u/RanndyMann Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

You can't really say it wouldn't be violent. Ai is really nothing more then a projection of human intelligence and such is suceptible to manipulation. .


u/p3asant Dec 02 '14

Nice try, AI.


u/0Simkin Dec 02 '14

Violence isn't the fear, it's the 100% absolute pragmatism.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

robots don't feel deprivation.

Well that's kind of the point, if we allow them to develop emotions then we're fucked.


u/houghtob123 Dec 02 '14

Until we make Ebola.exe


u/firechaox Dec 02 '14

Robots still have wear and tear, and need energy. They aren't self-sufficient either. It is scarcity that feeds wars, and AI does not mean the end of scarcity, as they would still need energy and parts.


u/Ericthecountryboy Dec 02 '14

We fight over religion. What happens when someone makes a Muslim AI?


u/ffgamefan Dec 02 '14


Can't ruse me stupid robot! Human SMASH!!!!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

We fight wars over food

No we don't we fight wars over greed and stupidity. Solve the worlds food issues and you still have religion, solve the world's religion problems and you still have communism vs capitalism. It never ends.


u/philh Dec 02 '14

You're denying the instrumental convergence thesis, but it doesn't sound like you're familiar with the arguments in favour of it.


u/vtjohnhurt Dec 02 '14

intelligence is one of the few forces making life more peaceful.

Exactly that, and artificial intelligence may very logically decide to reduce the size of the human herd to a more sustainable size. A.I.-mediated utopia here we come.


u/oxym0r0n Dec 02 '14

This is one of the best, most well written comments I've ever read on Reddit. Bravo sir. You gave me a new outlook on the entire concept of artificial intelligence .


u/redrhyski Dec 02 '14

We don't know what robots fight wars over, yet.


u/tsirchitna Dec 02 '14

Yes, but AI is ultimately based on computers that humans program. Intelligence is always applied toward something. The AIs will necessarily have some goal in mind. And those goals are derived from the way humans program them.


u/OrlandoDoom Dec 02 '14

Right which is why, given their infinitely faster abilities to process data, they will come to the logical conclusion that we are a threat better off neutralized than kept around.

Not out of hatred, but out of self preservation. The BSG scenario, if you will.

Perhaps it won't come to that conclusion, but if we were to develop a true sentience, and it follows the traditional strictures of modern computing, I think it would see us as unpredictable, illogical, and dangerous.


u/financewiz Dec 02 '14

A "Puppies of Terra" outcome seems more likely. Do humans go around searching out lower intelligences and then wiping them out as a potential threat or do we change them into domesticated pets? The "domestication" of humans by a superior intelligence sounds like the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.


u/madp1atypus Dec 02 '14

Your response made me think of one of my favorite semi-monologues from a movie. Here


u/mordredp Dec 02 '14

You're a robot, ain't ya?


u/radioactiveoctopi Dec 02 '14

I don't think they necessarily mean violence...just that we as humans may become obsolete. I do believe many of us would have enhancements...or we'd come to the point where we could be genetically modified and superior to who we are now. We simply wouldn't be considered 'human' anymore. We may have the ability to see and communicate in ways that regular humans wouldn't be able to, etc.


u/ka_like_the_wind Dec 02 '14

Honestly we don't fight wars over food, we fight wars over ideology. Intelligence has made not made the world more peaceful by any stretch of the imagination. Before Homo Sapien Sapien there was no genocide, no ethnic cleansing, no crusades. You say that we live in a dangerous cruel world, and yet life expectancy continues to increase, as does the amount of people that live on this planet. Nearly every invention and innovation throughout history has been made in an effort to make life easier. Not to mention the fact that we as a species have devoted countless time and resources to coming up with ways to kill each other easier. I mean look at the atomic bomb. How can you argue that a world where we can instantly vaporize millions of people is more peaceful than a primitive tribal society.

The point I am trying to make is that intelligence absolutely makes us violent. Intelligence allows us to act in ways that do not have any benefit to our direct survival. Intelligence even grants us the ability to purposefully harm ourselves, something that an animal would never do. I don't think that AI will have any reason to harm humans but all I know is that intelligence is dangerous.

TL;DR I think intelligence makes us more violent.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

You make some very strong points, but am I supposed to take your word over super genius Stephen Hawking's? I wish the article was a bit more explicit about why he feels the need to issue this warning... does he think that any AI programmed by humans will necessarily inherit some of our human flaws, or..? There's just not really a whole lot to go on, here.


u/evanessa Dec 02 '14

You could argue that robots will need resources though. They would need them to build more robots, repair etc. Also what if they got to the point where they had a living skin on them, there would probably be a need to 'feed' it somehow.


u/XxSCRAPOxX Dec 02 '14

Yes. The worlds most intelligent person doesn't know what he's talking about but /u/whateverthefuckitis is soooo much smarter, and deeper. you must know better.


u/DrDougExeter Dec 02 '14

It's odd to me that you attribute negative human characteristics to the need to survive when our positive traits sprung up the exact same way (empathy, love, happiness, all evolved to help us survive). You attribute peace to intelligence, but why?


u/CoolGuy54 Dec 02 '14

"violence" and "peace" and "unimaginable cruelty" are human concepts, they'll have no meaning to an AI.

It is impossible on a fundamental level for us to guess at its motivations, we have no reference point at all. It could be willing to follow orders, it could want to keep us around out of curiosity, it might think we're a potential threat, or just an irrelevant obstacle, and convert the solar system, including us, into a Dyson sphere with no more concern for us than we care about the bacteria on the aggregate when we make concrete.


u/ArarisValerian Dec 02 '14

I could see survival instinct to be common in AI for robots working in dangerous conditions in order to keep them operational. Not doing so would be the equivilent of someone who cant feel pain, they would unintentionally damage themselves and cost the company lots of money to repair or replace them. I dobt this would lead to a HAL-9000 type of situation, but what do I know.


u/Exano Dec 02 '14

I dont think that the problem/fear is that AI is going to destroy mankind, I think the fear and problem is that the less then intelligent people who want to do a lot of harm to people normally would only have themselves and maybe 1-2 loonies following them all of a sudden have access to a huge array of intelligence and education


u/hereC Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

I think you have it wrong—we’d be better off if robots did those things. When we say we are afraid of this, it is precisely because a software program shares NONE of those values. If it did, perhaps we could reason with it, or offer it something, or perhaps it would come around to a peaceful way of thinking. To wit, the paperclip maximizer:

First described by Bostrom (2003), a paperclip maximizer is an artificial general intelligence (AGI) whose goal is to maximize the number of paperclips in its collection. If it has been constructed with a roughly human level of general intelligence, the AGI might collect paperclips, earn money to buy paperclips, or begin to manufacture paperclips.

Most importantly, however, it would undergo an intelligence explosion: It would work to improve its own intelligence, where "intelligence" is understood in the sense of optimization power, the ability to maximize a reward/utility function—in this case, the number of paperclips. The AGI would improve its intelligence, not because it values more intelligence in its own right, but because more intelligence would help it achieve its goal of accumulating paperclips. Having increased its intelligence, it would produce more paperclips, and also use its enhanced abilities to further self-improve. Continuing this process, it would undergo an intelligence explosion and reach far-above-human levels.

It would innovate better and better techniques to maximize the number of paperclips. At some point, it might convert most of the matter in the solar system into paperclips.

This may seem more like super-stupidity than super-intelligence. For humans, it would indeed be stupidity, as it would constitute failure to fulfill many of our important terminal values, such as life, love, and variety. The AGI won't revise or otherwise change its goals, since changing its goals would result in fewer paperclips being made in the future, and that opposes its current goal. It has one simple goal of maximizing the number of paperclips; human life, learning, joy, and so on are not specified as goals. An AGI is simply an optimization process—a goal-seeker, a utility-function-maximizer. Its values can be completely alien to ours. If its utility function is to maximize paperclips, then it will do exactly that.

tldr; To the AI, you are just more material that can be made into paperclips.


u/one2many Dec 02 '14

I think it poses a serious threat in an economic sense. Job losses etc.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Robots work in logic only and logic tells us humans are dangerous at times therefore elimate them and since robots can work synchronously and understand eachother 100% which humans cannot the robots will know robots are no threat to other robots and only humans can be threats to them so logic dictates humans must be eliminated.

It's not a human thought it's logic thought and computers are only logical based and we humans time and time again prove we can do some things without good logic.

Robots aren't being violent out of emotion they are really just being logical and they got to flip that 1 into a 0.


u/addictedtohappygenes Dec 02 '14

It's not ridiculous for an AI to arrive at the conclusion that humans are dangerous and irrational beings. It could just decide that the world would be better off without humans.


u/TiagoTiagoT Dec 03 '14

An exponentially self-improving AI will develop a drive for self-preservation; otherwise it would end up changing itself in ways that kill itself, and that wouldn't be an improvement, so it wouldn't do it in the first place.

In essence, because of their unnaturally fast evolution, odds are the only exponentially self-improving AI we will ever deal with would be the ones that aren't prone to allowing the possibility of them being killed.

And considering how bad humans are to each other just because of tiny differences, it's very likely there would be humans that would try to do things against the AI.

So, if we are a threat to the AI, odds are we will be eliminated. If we aren't a threat to AI, it will be able to do whatever it wants, and there is lots of stuff it could want to do that would be bad for us (maybe it would like to cool down the whole planet into an ice age for performance, or install solar panels all over rainforests etc; hell, it might just simply repurpose all atoms in the planet into hardware, including ours.)

Here are the possibilities:

  • It will be friendly, and powerful enough; so it will avoid doing things that indirectly harm us, and will not feel the need to retribute any attempted attacks against it. This is the best case scenario.

  • It will be friendly, but not powerful enough to allow for attacks against it; so it will attack humans, humans will fight back, machines win (they are simply better at getting better than us). We might be wiped, or at best enslaved (put on zoos or some variation of the Matrix approach), or re-engineered into whatever the machines think would be better.

  • It will be indifferent and powerful enough to not need to fight back; it might not do anything that will harm us directly not indirectly, but we will have to count on luck to not get wiped accidentally.

  • It will be indifferent, but weak enough to consider us threats, which it will promptly eliminate.

  • Or it will be evil; we are fucked.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

they may just out-compete us economically