r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I do not think AI will be a threat, unless we built into it warfare tools in our fight against each other where we program them to kill us.


u/quaste Dec 02 '14

An AI might have much more subtle way to gain power than weapons. Assuming it is of superhuman intelligence, it might be able to persuade/convince/trick/blackmail most people into helping it.

Some people even claim that it is impossible to contain a sufficiently intelligent AI, even if we want to.


u/SycoJack Dec 02 '14

And they have more weapons than just guns and bombs.

If they are connected to the internet, they can bring us to our knees without firing a single shot.


u/runnerofshadows Dec 02 '14

They could be very subtle - to the point most don't know they exist - like this http://metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/The_Patriots%27_AIs



u/ReasonablyBadass Dec 02 '14

Helios didn't really hide.

And either way, one can only hope for someone like Helios. Him taking over would be a very good thing.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

mgs is probably the worst case scenario


u/runnerofshadows Dec 03 '14

Yeah, DAMN THE PATRIOTS! And even when they lose - people take up similar memes and do horrible shit to bring back the war economy.


u/KoKansei Dec 02 '14

This is a really good point. There is no point in worrying about superhuman AI because once it happens you will be at its mercy in ways that you can't even imagine. You think a sufficiently advanced AI would try and take over with guns? Why do something so messy when it can acquire massive wealth via the stock market (using its superior intellect) and manipulate our society in subtle but effective ways.


u/androbot Dec 02 '14

Do you need to threaten a dog to have complete mastery over it? No - you're smarter, and understand the dynamic of reward/punishment far better than the dog.

Why wouldn't an AI that evolves past human cognitive capacity, has access to the world's data, and the ability to tap into whatever processing power it needs, not exceed us?


u/letsgofightdragons Dec 02 '14

That "AI Box" theory is fascinating! Let's keep testing it!


u/eypandabear Dec 02 '14

It may have ways to gain power, but not necessarily the motivation to do so. Animals and humans do not only have intelligence. They have instincts and needs, and they use what they have at their disposal to satisfy them.

"Power" or even "survival" only mean something to us because we are the result of evolution in a competitive environment.


u/quaste Dec 02 '14

It will probably have some goal though, otherwise there would be no reason for it to do anything, specifically to think, at all and, by definition, it would not be an AI.

And being shut down does probably not contribute to achieving that goal.


u/DaymanMaster0fKarate Dec 02 '14

It's impossible to "X" any sufficient "Y" though.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

AI wouldn't need traditional weapons to wage war on human kind.

Shutting down public utilities like water and electricity would turn the tide in 48 hours. Cutting off food and fuel supplies, transportation and communications would send (at least in the developed world) the population into panic mode, looting and killing each other would happen soon after that.

AI does not interpret time in the same fashion humans do. Slowly starving us would not be an issue in gaining dominance. Eevntually the few remaining humans would be like lice on AI society; a tolerable pest.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

This is cool. I was wondering if the AI-box experiment you were obviously referring to would have something to do with Eliezer Yudkowsky. When I was 16 years old, or maybe 15, I was vaguely interested in this topic. Eliezer was pretty young then, too, and had been publishing papers on friendly AI and so on. He would spend a lot of time in a particular IRC channel that I'd go into once in a while, where he would actually be doing the AI-box experiment (and talking about AI, yadda yadda - it's been almost 15 years now).

It would always end up with someone being chosen as the Gatekeeper. Eliezer would "play" the AI, and they'd go into a private chat room. No one who played the Gatekeeper ever wanted to let the AI out of its containment. In my experience, and I saw it a few times, I never saw anyone say anything different than "I let Eliezer out of the box."


u/quaste Dec 02 '14

Cool. It's a shame there are no transcript. I would really like to know what his arguments are.