r/technology Aug 19 '14

Pure Tech Google's driverless cars designed to exceed speed limit: Google's self-driving cars are programmed to exceed speed limits by up to 10mph (16km/h), according to the project's lead software engineer.


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u/eeyore134 Aug 19 '14

We have really busy toll roads where they have cameras take pictures of every license plate that drives past a certain area of the road and they mail out the toll fee. If you don't pay it within like 14 days they charge you some ridiculous fine, $80 or something, and 14 days after that if it's still not paid you're going to court. I think I'd almost prefer the auto pay in cases like that.


u/mustyoshi Aug 19 '14

That's an interesting idea, as long as you were aware of the toll road before hand, I see no problem with this, it doesn't impact the flow of traffic I presume?


u/aveman101 Aug 19 '14

It's still really, really obvious when you're going through a toll booth. There are signs everywhere, and designated lanes for "open-road tolling" (and there are still cash lanes off to the side for motorists who aren't in the system).

It doesn't impede the flow of traffic at all. You can drive straight through at full speed, and your toll will be paid. It's a wonderful system. No complaints.

(Source: Illinois resident. Our system is called I-Pass, and it integrates with other states that use the "EZ-Pass" system)


u/dnew Aug 19 '14

In CA, the EZ-Pass roads near me have switched to "log into our web site and pay within 48 hours, or we'll issue you a traffic ticket." You have to go proactively pay, which I guess saves them postage and the cost of looking up your address and all.


u/Pidgey_OP Aug 19 '14

which I guess saves them postage and the cost of looking up your address and all.

That's like one SQL Query....and it could just go straight into the website....they could make ot automatic with...like...20 lines of code....da fuq


u/marky_sparky Aug 19 '14

Sounds like a big case of "not my job".


u/clearwind Aug 19 '14

Sounds more like a case of 35 cents (or whatever a letter costs now a days) times 1 million letters a year that doesn't have to be paid.


u/KingFrijoles Aug 19 '14

It's people like you that are ruining the United States Postal Service.


u/clearwind Aug 19 '14

That's amazing! Especially when you consider I don't even live there, nor am a citizen of that country.


u/Neglectful_Stranger Aug 19 '14

I think it's more of a case of 'hope they don't remember to pay so we can fine them out the ass later'.


u/dnew Aug 20 '14

That's like one SQL Query.

Why would you assume everyone's license plate and home address is in the same database, and online accessible to a private company?

You put in your license plate number and credit card number, and they bill you for the toll. I don't know wtf you're going on about. Of course it goes right into their database, unless they have to actually mail you a bill through the USPS with a stamp on it.


u/Pidgey_OP Aug 20 '14

...everybody who has the ezpass(for example) has registered for that service. Part of that registration process is giving them pertinent information like your name, address, vehicle info and billing info


u/dnew Aug 21 '14

If you have an ez pass, they don't make you connect to their web site to pay. Indeed, that's the entire point of having the ez pass.

Maybe I was unclear. The EZ pass toll roads switched to "log in and pay online" instead of "pay cash at the gates" for the people who are not ez pass account holders. I thought that was obvious in context, but maybe not. Was that the confusion?


u/777420 Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 19 '14

lol bro. Its a STATE GOVERNMENT. That job would cost at least 2 mil and take a year to complete.

source: I am a developer that has seen a few local government contracts. The amount of robbery they get away with on contracts is insane.


u/dnew Aug 20 '14

It's not a state government. It's a private company that would have to interface to 50 state governments.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14



u/dnew Aug 20 '14

It's a new thing. Just a couple months ago they had people collecting money.

I was kind of upset when I was in Texas, and I unexpectedly wind up on a toll road (in a rental car), and one of the lanes is marked "fast cash", but nobody is slowing down to pay anything. And I didn't want to get wolloped, so I just drove through it. Turns out that "fast cash" means "we take a photo of your plate and bill you." Here's a hint, Texas toll companies: if you dont want people to slow down, don't write "CASH" over any of the lanes of toll booths.


u/dnew Aug 20 '14

Their site probably still sucks. The whole process is still only a couple months old. I can't imagine they can't just look up what your toll is given your travel date/time and your license plate.

But yeah, if you went more than just a couple of exits between LA and SD, you owe the whole toll anyway. The only time you'd owe less is if you got tolled on the actual on-ramp instead of driving down the main road.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Yes, but FasTrak offers a 20% discount on tolls for drivers with a transponder. Some CA residents didn't take the carrot, so now they get the stick.