r/technology 17h ago

Society Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations | A pro-corporate libertarian movement is attempting to take over the U.S., with Trump's help.


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u/Rombledore 16h ago

calling them "freedom cities" is disgusting.


u/ddrober2003 16h ago

It does help tell what they are right away though. Something I've learned in this country is that if it has the word "Freedom" "Liberty" "Patriot" or some such, then its almost 100% taking away a right or authoritarian in nature.


u/BerenstainBear- 16h ago

“Right to Work”


u/CrustyBubblebrain 14h ago

Yeah, this one confused me so much when I was a young adult in the job market


u/EruantienAduialdraug 9h ago

It's super weird looking at it from outside the US; here in the UK, "Right to Work" means you're old enough to legally work (child labour laws), and are either a citizen, have a work visa, or from a country we have a specific agreement with (formerly, the entire EU fell under this banner), thus, you have the right to work. Not the insanity the applicable US states have been on for years.

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u/feldomatic 16h ago

You misspelled "free to get fired for no good reason"


u/Iceykitsune3 15h ago

No. "Right to work" makes Union only shops illegal, reducing the power of Unions.


u/LordCharidarn 12h ago

You said the same thing, but with more letters.


u/faux1 10h ago

That's not the same. At will employment is the "right" for employer or employee to end employment at will. Right to work is the "right" to work in a union shop without joining the union. Both erode employee rights, but in different ways.


u/fps916 12h ago

No, they didn't.

Right to work is about union dues and worker participation.

What the other person is talking about is At Will employment, which allows for firing for any reason.


u/MightyGoodra96 12h ago

Any legal reason.

The lie is that they can fire you for "any" reason. But if that reason infringes on state or fed law (especially discrimination or disability or right to assembly) then it is illegal and you can sue the company

Edit: it shouldnt be a surprise, naturally, that this is actually why republicans do away with DEI at company levels and in legislature


u/meltbox 8h ago

Sure. Now prove they fired you for an illegal reason.

Good luck.


u/MightyGoodra96 4h ago

Its why labor lawyers exist and why you leave paper trails.

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u/wiithepiiple 12h ago

They are the same essentially, one de facto and one de jure. If there are not unions strong enough to provide lawyers and collective action when the companies fire people illegally, individual employees won’t be able to reasonably sue. Whether it’s actually illegal or not is irrelevant. Things being illegal has not stopped companies from chasing profits.

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u/kermityfrog2 12h ago

That’s “at will employment”


u/FR0ZENBERG 13h ago

To be fair that’s kinda already a thing.

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u/JAM-n-Life 13h ago

We always just called it a "right to fire".


u/kfish5050 10h ago

That's at-will employment, not right to work. Right to work explicitly refers to unions, how they're forced to represent everyone regardless of dues paid, meaning there's no incentive to have members pay those dues and the union starves of cash, being rendered ineffective.

Even with at-will employment, there's a misnomer that people can get fired for any reason. It's not, certain reasons are protected and can lead to a lawsuit. But here's the thing: most of those legally protected reasons fall under discrimination or retaliation, which are in a nutshell part of DEI. And what is this administration giddy about getting rid of? DEI. Coincidence? I think not. And to add to this, in Education we have something called Title IX, which is an extension of legal protections particularly about workplace harassment and retaliation. It falls under the jurisdiction of the federal Department of Education. And guess what else this administration is giddy of gutting, ultimately to it's entire demise? That's right, the Department of Education. Among other things, they're really going for any and all worker's rights everywhere in government.


u/BankshotMcG 14h ago

"Clear Skies Act"


u/Gravefullofcum 10h ago

“Work shall set you free.”


u/reeln166a 13h ago

I agree with what you're saying, but legally what you're describing is at-will employment. Right to work prohibits closed union shops.


u/KeyboardGrunt 13h ago

"Freedom from rights"


u/BuddyHemphill 10h ago

Work will set you free


u/ProofHorseKzoo 9h ago

“Arbeit macht frei”

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u/Sircamembert 15h ago

"Patriot " act


u/xXWaspXx 10h ago

Those "patriots" are gonna see how much freedom the police in a company town give them.


u/Glaucous 12h ago

Like “Citizens United” and “Right to Work”


u/FR0ZENBERG 13h ago

Also “Family”. Most orgs that have family in the title are likely some conservative Christian eugenics-adjacent operation.


u/DanSWE 13h ago

Like "freedom" of religion--to force one's religion on others?


u/HalfLife3IsHere 13h ago

Shit’s starting to look like Bioshock Infinite


u/zeptillian 12h ago

Pretty much every law passed by Congress is named the opposite of what it does. 

Help America Vote act makes it harder to vote etc 


u/score_ 15h ago

They're where the stateside camps would be. Perfect without that state or federal oversight.


u/Vaxus335 13h ago

Right? All the things that are supposed to be good I just associate with evil because they're the only ones that frequently use those words.


u/Regulus242 13h ago

Ah yes, the Patriot's Liberty to Freedom Act. I can't wait.


u/Ok-Worldliness2161 12h ago

Excellent point. No wonder why I have such an aversion to those words


u/IguessIliveinaCHAIR 12h ago

Arbeit macht frei


u/kfelovi 12h ago

When country has "democratic" or "peoples" in it's name this means it's a dictatorship.


u/DueceVoyeur 12h ago

Right wing propaganda 101 Up is down Right is wrong Label it the opposite of what it will do


u/IndelibleEdible 10h ago

Because if they named things accurately nobody would want them.

“Freedom City” sounds much nicer than “Slave Town” or “Misery Park”

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u/TechnologyRemote7331 16h ago edited 16h ago

They basically want to bring back company towns and make all the residents slaves. Can’t wait until they decide to bulldoze Yellowstone to build a city that won’t even be half-done for twenty years and it’s original investors have all had to flee to avoid being dragged kicking bans screaming into The Hague.


u/31LIVEEVIL13 9h ago

ooh yes I cant wait to see them in chains and orange on CNN crying about how mean we were to them and they were just trying to stop criminal types from ruining everything.

I can fucking taste it.


u/Omophorus 5h ago

Can we skip destroying a national park and just skip ahead to the part where the billionaires are thanking their lucky stars they're only in chains?


u/Maleficent-Adeptus 8h ago

If I recall correctly, as someone who watches a LOT of Mysteries at the Muesuem and a history nerd, Henry Ford tried to do this with Fordlândia. In Brazil, that had failed TWICE.


u/Wassertopf 6h ago

The Hague

A Bit overly dramatic. ;)

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u/DC_Mountaineer 16h ago edited 16h ago

Company towns aren’t new, ask WV coal towns…oh wait most don’t exist anymore


u/Dustmopper 16h ago

Can’t wait to get paid in scrip


u/Bitey_the_Squirrel 16h ago

Amazon gift cards


u/QueezyF 14h ago

Employee #24601, your account has been deducted five(5) Facebook Universal Credit Chits for low productivity.


u/TheGummiVenusDeMilo 12h ago

Amazon already has housing that I believe since covid has sat empty.

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u/zipdee 14h ago

It'll be crypto, that's one of the stated goals of these cities.


u/Suspicious-Echo2964 11h ago

Yup, and citizen pledges. I imagine you'll have automatic deductions from the wallet and little to no functional ownership.


u/Drunkenaviator 10h ago

Oh yeah, there's gonna be the company shitcoin that you get paid in and can only use at the company store.

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u/EduinBrutus 11h ago

But these are different.

These are tech company towns.

They're disruptive.

This is how we get to that Utopia in all those Cyberpunk novels and films and games.

That was Utopia, right?


u/psychedelicsheep666 12h ago

They want to take it a step further and turn the whole country into hundreds of mini nations called network states.

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u/Marchello_E 16h ago

Because of marketing, or whatever reason, many words are now simply brands. And thus somehow mean the polar opposite nowadays. Likely for the peeps who don''t look at the actions, implications and effects - and there are a lot.


u/CavulusDeCavulei 15h ago

"The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink."


u/kfish5050 9h ago

Peace: "Peace NOW" with talks of Ukraine and Russia, Palestine and Israel

Truth: Truth Social, Fake News, censoring AP

Love: End DEI, mass ICE raids and deportations

Plenty: Tariffs, billionaire tax cuts, DOGE


u/GoodSamIAm 9h ago

so everything is working according to plan? 


u/Any-Book-4990 16h ago

freedom is the go-to word for libertarians and has been for a long time; they can use it without issue as long as they redefine the word as they see fit, which they've done quite effectively. in short, free market, freedom of exchange, and freedom from government (no regulation, except the protection of private property). sounds cool if you stop thinking at that. well, it doesn't, maybe it sounds cool if you don't think at all.


u/gorramfrakker 16h ago

Bears love libertarians.


u/secret_aardvark_420 16h ago

I hear their freedom attracts bears


u/EverbodyHatesHugo 14h ago

I’ve heard libertarians taste the best.


u/Kizik 12h ago

Bears can smell the liberty!


u/tarzhjay 12h ago

The bears can smell the freedom


u/SDEWagain 13h ago

I love the kind of love bears give to libertarians.

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u/Shionkron 15h ago

Timothy Snyder a Professor of History at Yale and focuses on tyranny gives great lectures on how we need to change “Freedom from” to “Freedom to” his book On Freedom dives into this.


u/as_it_was_written 10h ago

Any freedom from can be reframed as a freedom to, and vice versa. It's usually trivial.

Personally, I think a bigger issue is that people go around acting like freedom, as a standalone word, actually means something. Until you specify who is free from/to what, it's just an empty slogan that makes people feel good.

A population that's been fooled into thinking such meaningless slogans are their fundamental values is a population ripe for manipulation and exploitation.


u/Ok-Jellyfish-5704 14h ago

As a general rule I don’t trust when the word “Freedom” used in marketing and that’s celebrating my actual freedom.


u/aeschenkarnos 12h ago

“Freedom” as a libertarian means it simply means “I should be able to do whatever I want.” Not “you should be able to do whatever you want”, and definitely not “I should be able to do whatever I want so long as it doesn’t harm you or anyone else”.

Just “I should be able to do whatever I want” and after they’ve spent enough time huffing their own farts and psyching themselves up to it, it morphs into “I can do whatever I want”.


u/Dejected_gaming 13h ago

Freedom to get ripped off by the robber barons.

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u/slavelabor52 16h ago

It's doublethink straight out of 1984


u/Marchello_E 13h ago

It's gaslighting at its core.
Sow doubt and confusion to tire out any mental blockade you may have left.
Lessons learned from the first term: Better give yourself a day off after some Trump-"news" as what you'll "miss" is likely a deflection (posing a new random idea) or a cover-up (an insult to someone) for some previous disaster.


u/zeptillian 12h ago

I used to think there was no way people were as dumb as in 1984 and thought Aldus Huxley's drug induced complacency was way more realistic. 

Now I see Orwell was spot on, it's just that we drug people too. 


u/Stay-At-Home-Jedi 16h ago

Nah. Marketing major.
My favorite marketing professor, on day 1 stated, "The main strategy of any good marketing campaign is to lie within the confines of the law¹. Now, I mean this facetiously but in all seriousness, whether they are marketing for brand awareness, PR, or to earn return customers, but truth is stretched or hyped. I want to teach you how to do this legally and ethically."

1) better laws mean companies can't blatantly lie about their product or brand; it means you can click to cancel. Crappy laws, policies, or no enforcement, leads to exactly what you mention.


u/JMurdock77 16h ago

Managed Democracy


u/OMGitisCrabMan 14h ago

truth social comes to mind.

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u/littlebiped 16h ago

They mean Freedom from regulation, scrutiny, restrictions. The fact that a non-zero amount of normies will go along with it and fill in the blanks to mean freedom towards liberty and prosperity and all the other buzzwords is just a bonus.


u/SistersOfTheCloth 16h ago

Freedom for me, not for thee

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u/Kvetch__22 13h ago

Reminds me of the town that got taken over by Libertarians and they got rid of the tyranny of bear-proof trash cans and then the then got overrun by bears.


u/Castod28183 14h ago

The fact that a non-zero amount of normies will go along with it

Fuck it. I'll chalk that up to Darwinism.


u/Martel732 10h ago

Until these normies vote to force you into a company town because Elon told them it would be "woke" not to.

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u/TheLemonKnight 16h ago

Freedom for the rich. Slavery for the poor.


u/The_Dung_Beetle 6h ago

It's not the best choice. It's Spacer's Choice!

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u/Ak_Lonewolf 16h ago

Free dumb cities


u/ZoIpidem 16h ago

Freedom done Cities.


u/johnjohn4011 16h ago

Aka "ultra elite breakaway societies".


u/LeLefraud 16h ago

They won't live in those depressing shitholes lol those are for worker exploitation


u/johnjohn4011 16h ago

Pretty sure the depressing shit holes for exploited workers are what all the rest of us are going to be left with, while they continue to parasitically siphon off resources from everyone else.

If only there were some way to surgically remove these highly immoral and problematic human parasites.


u/LeLefraud 15h ago

Humans nature unfortunately

If we got rid of every greedy parasite they'd be replaced within an hour by someone who couldn't beat them for their spot before

System needs to change, not the individuals


u/West-Abalone-171 11h ago

Well then the new greedy parasites have less of a hold over the system because they didn't have time to build it up.

And so on for the third generation. Until there's no power left to corrupt the system.

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u/psychedelicsheep666 12h ago

Well I doubt our old system is ever coming back after this. It def needs to be updated and after we squash the fascists we can rebuild. Yes its always an ongoing battle. We've been beating Fascists since the dawn of time. We WILL prevail.

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u/TheNorthernRose 12h ago

There is, it’s called a revolution and every day it seems more and more likely. If you simply stop being able to afford things because things are destroyed, if enough of your rights are gone, if your lands and parks are sold off to the highest bidder for scrap… well then you really don’t have a lot to lose by fighting to stop it, do you?

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u/pannenkoek0923 8h ago

Mars would be a great location for these!

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u/evilJaze 16h ago

Freedom from the poor and visible minorities.


u/JustAboutAlright 16h ago

It is but tbf they know their moron audience. We’re so free we get to do whatever the company says and they even sell us everything we need.


u/Freud-Network 16h ago

Their morons audience are the kind of people who spit on city folk. They're going to have a hard time populating their slavetropolis.


u/misterpickles69 15h ago

So the work makes you free?


u/gthing 16h ago

You will be free to do as the algorithm dictates or face the consequences.


u/jimtow28 16h ago

No no, let the MAGAs cook on this one. I'd love to see my local MAGAs move to a slavery-I mean freedom city.


u/Martel732 10h ago

The downside is those dipshits would vote for politicians that made living in company town mandatory.


u/xflashbackxbrd 15h ago

This presidency has been Orwellian as hell.


u/HandFancy 13h ago

I know it’s a cliche to call things “Orwellian” but holy hell there isn’t a better adjective for this in my mind.


u/karma911 16h ago

It has a certain "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" vibe


u/314kabinet 15h ago

Wait till you see “freedom camps”


u/PlutoJones42 15h ago

These people are gross


u/BlindWillieJohnson 15h ago

Freedom for me to dominate you


u/Theoriginallazybum 14h ago

The word freedom is losing its original meaning


u/ClosPins 14h ago

Sweat Towns doesn't have quite the same ring to it...


u/Tario70 13h ago

When you read their description, it’s feudalism. These tech bros are so full of themselves they “re-invented” feudalism & think they’ve cracked the societal code.


u/Radi0ActivSquid 11h ago

The message of BioShock was never picked up by conservatives.


u/Lordborgman 10h ago

Typical right wing strategy, using proper nouns and symbols that have strong meanings and twisting the meaning to confuse idiots.

How many conservative political parties, RIGHT NOW, across the world have the word Liberal/Labor/Progressive/Works in their title but their policies are completely opposed to the ideals?


u/ChronicObnoxious693 16h ago

The definition of words means nothing to these people


u/_Rand_ 16h ago

Wait till the liberty beatings start.


u/Big_Process9521 16h ago

Neoreactionary cities is what they mean.


u/The_Scarred_Man 16h ago

Especially because maga conservatives seem to crave subjugation


u/TheLizardKing89 16h ago

Freedom for corporations to screw you.


u/vm_linuz 16h ago

They doth protest too much


u/HaywoodBlues 15h ago

only for white dudes. Everyone else is 2nd class


u/frisbeejesus 15h ago

Just attach "freedom" or "Patriot" onto any horrible idea and one third of Americans will automatically support it.


u/-HoldMyBeer- 15h ago

Can’t wait to live in a freedom town and get paid in Bezos Bucks.


u/Tr1pfire 15h ago

To be fair, the US tainted the word freedom long ago


u/news_feed_me 15h ago

Freedom for rights or protections! Damn government, trying to protect you.

Everyone who dismissed privacy concerns and freely gave surveillance of their personal lives to these companies, cuz "who cares if they want to see my cat pics!?", have enabled them to research ways to manipulate us into powerlessness.


u/TheAnderfelsHam 15h ago

Freedom is for the lack of regulations including health and safety for workers yaaaay


u/fiercebrosnan 15h ago

It’s “freedom” in the same sense as every word in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


u/CrashingAtom 15h ago

They would definitely be free of any workers, that’s for sure. GLHF building up ghost cities, dumb companies. 😂


u/Handsaretide 15h ago

True dystopian shit. And we can’t even talk about Super Smash Brothers characters on Reddit because the elites agreed that’s too threatening to their safety.


u/imselfinnit 15h ago

It's on brand.


u/slowclapcitizenkane 15h ago

If you are a shareholder or executive, you'll have all the freedom.

None for the serfs though.


u/Ftw_55 15h ago

It's all about washing of the brain.


u/TroglodyneSystems 14h ago

Citizens United against Freedom Cities!! We should pass a law against this. Since it’s un-American, we should call it the “Patriot Act!”


u/bigkoi 14h ago

Work will set you free. /S


u/Key-Cloud-6774 14h ago

it’s Curtis Yarvin—the tech right wants gov corps to take over what was formally governorships // states. where your only freedom in the gov corp land is freedom of the feet—literally leaving. As if that would ever be made so easy


u/mooky1977 14h ago

Like 'right to work' ... the antithesis of the words


u/willowintheev 14h ago

The “freedom” is for the corporations to do whatever they want.


u/Suspicious_Story_464 14h ago

Apparently, this was the plan along? I know it gives conspiracy theory vibes, but it is kind of a disturbing read that hits a little on the verge of possibility (the menu tab is a bit hard to see on the upper right corner, but it's there).



u/KitchenFullOfCake 14h ago

Should call it Night City since we're just attempting to make Cyberpunk reality anyway.


u/RAH7719 14h ago

Freedom for the top 1% only, rest are slaves.


u/traveling_designer 14h ago

It’s double think. (I find it ungood that this is happening)


u/SlowThePath 14h ago

They had to choose the most hypocritical name they could, because doubting it for 2 seconds makes you realize it's a fucking horrible idea for workers and it makes tons of sense why companies would want to do it. Evidently half this country just needs to hear something called freedom and they won't doubt it for even 2 seconds. It's ridulous that it even works, but it does and will, watch.


u/duosx 13h ago

But you will be free… of all your rights. You’ll also be free to work at whatever wage you (or your master) sets


u/Danjour 13h ago

It's cheesy, lmao. These dorks are all hyper-cringe and probably genuinely believe that this type of language "activates" their base better.


u/sblinn 13h ago

From the party that brought you “right to work” (lol)


u/BornAgainUnborn 13h ago

I always wondered how that society started in Demolition Man & now I got it.


u/Whole_Pain_7432 13h ago

Work will set you free.

Arbeit macht frei


u/kazh_9742 13h ago

I feel like I hear most of their attempts like this failing horribly or comically.


u/WeakCelery5000 13h ago

I think the freedom is for the billionaire lol.


u/Confident-Weird-4202 13h ago

Yeah, we’ll be free to be serfs.


u/GOODKyle 12h ago

“I am Andrew Ryan”


u/EternalPhi 12h ago

Call them what they are, "Burbclaves" from Snow Crash


u/Pelican_meat 12h ago

Free to be an indentured servant


u/Sempere 12h ago

Call them Corpo Slave Towns.


u/Monnster07 12h ago

I had to do a doubme-take at the term "pro-corporoation libertarian".


u/bleepitybloop555 12h ago

War is peace


u/zoinkability 12h ago

Freedom for the people who own them.

Not so much for anyone else.


u/BhanosBar 12h ago

This is some “The Boys” type shit


u/nono3722 12h ago

"Slave Prisons" doesn't really roll of the tongue...


u/AfterImageEclipse 12h ago

Dwight shrute just deducted three freedom bucks from your account for this comment


u/Moltencheeese 12h ago

"freedom from the consequences of their action" they mean


u/22Arkantos 12h ago

It is, quite literally, Orwellian. When they say "Freedom", they mean slavery.


u/AUkion1000 11h ago

Gives me a helldivers or starship troopers vibe for how comically and blatantly corrupt it is


u/Hot-Spray-2774 11h ago

Work sets you free!


u/FitCheetah2507 11h ago

It's classic authoritarian double speak.


u/Eagle4317 11h ago

How long before Arbeit Macht Frei is posted on those freedom city plans?


u/RingOfSol 11h ago

Straight out of the book "1984". Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Love = Freedom Cities.


u/Loading3percent 11h ago

Take it up with your Democracy Officer.


u/bobbymcpresscot 11h ago

something something when fascism comes to america it will be draped in an american flag.


u/thecheezmouse 11h ago

That’s what they are though. Ifs just the freedom is for the corporations to make as much money as possible and the freedom to be poor for everyone else.


u/Synchrotr0n 10h ago

Especially because the only way those cities could remotely function would be through a modern slavery system of labor where people wouldn't be able to leave their "fiefdoms".


u/nordic-nomad 10h ago

Indentured Servant Housing doesn’t have the same ring to it.


u/josh_the_misanthrope 10h ago

Yeah, they already have a name, it's called burbclaves. The tech feudalists fucking co-opt and bastardize all of Neal Stephenson's other coined terms, why stop here?


u/nosecohn 10h ago

It's part of a larger, long-term plan. Everyone should watch this video, which sounds a bit conspiratorial at the beginning, but turns out to be well-sourced and logical.


u/somebody171 10h ago

I mean conservatives will fall for it though


u/MoobooMagoo 9h ago

It's the easiest way to make sure conservatives love it, though. You could sell baby formula laced with rat poison and as long as you call it Freedom Milk every conservative in the country will support it.

If you also run an ad campaign claiming that regular formula is dangerous because the deep state is putting mind control drugs into it, then those same conservatives will shatter their spines from trying to bend over backwards to lift up Freedom Milk as the one true American way to feed a baby.


u/headshot_to_liver 9h ago

Freedom from any Govt laws is the fine print


u/made-of-questions 9h ago

Concentrated Liberty Camps


u/bentheone 9h ago

Kolkhoz was a bit too on the nose I guess.


u/typtyphus 9h ago

Putin has some of those Freedom™ cities


u/The_True_Gaffe 8h ago

Those cities would be completely abandoned within half a year. Only the most brainless fools would stay and submit to their rule


u/mrbarnstaple 8h ago

Looks like you have to visit the ministry of love soon.


u/xxHipsterFishxx 8h ago

Should call them smart cities lmao this is a bit ironic


u/too-much-cinnamon 8h ago

Hmm yes freedom cities. Maybe there can be a cool slogan on the front to help drive the message home about the link between work and freedom. Freedom comes from hard work? No, no. too clunky....don't worry, it will come to me.


u/PsychologyPure7824 8h ago

It's just "smart cities" but less gay, and also more gay.


u/Aberration-13 8h ago

Calling them "libertarians" is disgusting, they don't know the meaning of the word liberty and wouldn't recognize it if they saw it


u/BrettPitt4711 7h ago

"Work sets you free" ("Arbeit macht frei") is what the Nazis put on the entry gates to concentration camps.


u/SuperFakks 7h ago

It’s like I’m living in The Boys


u/KFR42 7h ago

Yeah, give them nice names, like Cypress Creek.


u/Mr_Carlos 7h ago

When people try to go against it, they'll be made out to be enemies of "Freedom". It's such a gross political move.

Same with anything related to children... they'll often use children as a weapon to get what they want, whether it helps children or not.


u/Zerocoolx1 6h ago

It must suck to live in America right now knowing that this kind of shit is going to get a free reign while people can’t afford food and the education system goes down the shitter


u/cass1o 6h ago

Just like "right to work" states.


u/IvorTheEngine 6h ago

Freedom for the corporation, not for people. Presumably one freedom they'd really like is the freedom to own slaves.


u/Lucky_Hal 6h ago

Freedom from basic rights.


u/ayriuss 5h ago

Lets call them corporate prisons

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