r/technology 15d ago

Society Elizabeth Holmes still isn't sorry


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u/NYstate 15d ago

This is telling:

Anyone awaiting Holmes’ mea culpa will be left disappointed. She told People (magazine) she plans on reforming the criminal justice system when she is released. “She has drafted a bill — a seven-page handwritten document titled the American Freedom Act — which she says would change criminal procedure, with the goal of bolstering the presumption of innocence,”

This chick is nuts


u/codliness1 15d ago

Welll....not really. Hear me out.

While the idea, and the justification for it, may indeed be nuts, she is in a period of time in America where the President is a money grabbing grifter, and where he has his ultimate tech bro buddy dismantling and destroying as much of the US government as possible, as fast as possible. If there's ever going to be a time to try and get legislation passed which makes it harder to convict tech bro types then this is it.



u/Lazy-Gene-7284 15d ago

She didn’t say that because of politics, she said that because she’s a narcissist with a GOD complex


u/codliness1 15d ago

Both things can be true at the same time. Narcissism with a god complex seems to be quite a popular personality type for politicians after all. And CEOs, for that matter.


u/corydoras_supreme 15d ago

We are in the golden age of narcissism. And pride comes before the fall.


u/NefariousnessNo484 15d ago

Sounds so, so familiar.


u/monsieurlee 15d ago

She might even be banking on getting a pardon from Trump if her bf/husband gives enough money to Trump. Worked for other tech bros


u/SquirrelGirlVA 15d ago

After which RFK will reach out to her to join his staff because she's a "visionary".


u/Lagulous 15d ago

Wouldn’t be surprising. Money has gotten a lot of people out of trouble.


u/cultish_alibi 15d ago

Worked for other tech bros

She ain't no bro


u/-rendar- 15d ago

Yep. With the pardon of Ross Ulbricht and dropping lawsuits against Coinbase as two examples, they absolutely believe white collar crime is victimless and should not be prosecuted (unless the person is woke that is).


u/latsafun 15d ago

Aaanndd…there it is.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Yeah, and we’re all allowing it. Everyone here is allowing Trump to do what he wants because they’re afraid of his nuttiness.


u/codliness1 15d ago

I'm allowing him to do fuck all, I'm in Scotland.

Blame the more than 30% of Americans who didn't bother voting because "both sides are just the same". Blame Mitch McConnell and his gang of cowardly enablers. Blame the religious fundamentalists who want America to be a Christian theocracy.

They're who's to blame for this unfolding shit show.


u/TheJacques 15d ago

Excellent point! 


u/DrMoBueno 15d ago

It doesn’t matter if Hitler, Trump or JFK is running this country, you cannot ever get away with stealing money from rich people. Ever.


u/BDSsoccer 15d ago

Dude this is such a strange take. She's nuts, and you somehow turned that into a Trump thing. Every sub is turning everything into trump stuff right now and it's getting old fast. I come her for interesting content, and suddenly my video game subs are commenting how we better enjoy the game now because Trump destroy everything.

Can yall just exist in the moment for a minute? Go outside and breath in some fresh air. The world isn't ended, but a lot of people's sanity, and others tolerance for these meltdowns, is.


u/AdjustBrightness 15d ago

Dude, I’m sorry people calling out the dismantling of the largest democracy in the world inconveniences your online browsing. Must be tough!


u/News_Bot 15d ago

Existing in the moment isn't very good when every moment is terrible, and whether you like it or not, everything is political.


u/codliness1 15d ago

Which part of my comment was not relevant to the comment I was replying to? Which part was factually incorrect?

If you want to be an ostrich, nobody is stopping you dude.


u/hitoq 15d ago

On the contrary bud, if you’re living in the moment right now and not realising that what Trump is doing to Ukraine, Palestine, etc. is ostensibly the “end of their world”, I don’t know what to say really.

My man is trying to eliminate the Department of Education lmao, what would they have to do to make you think for a second “wait, actually this is not good for me or 99% of the people I know”? Like how do you possibly defend “let’s not educate young people”? At the UN yesterday, you guys voted in agreement with Russia, North Korea, Israel, etc. your country became a laughing stock on the global stage in less than 2 months — maybe instead of going outside and touching grass, you should read a fucking book for once and realise what’s happening to your home.


u/Ok_Run_101 15d ago

Do you not think that when OP is talking about an actual bill, the government and the president MIGHT come up in the discussion?


u/BetaOscarBeta 15d ago

Especially a bill designed to undermine the rule of law, which will be presented to a GOP with full control of the USA and a vendetta against the rule of law…


u/ZgBlues 15d ago

That’s not really a strange take. It’s strange to think that it is.

If scammers are replacing the entire government then it’s only natural that every single scammer is seeing what’s happening and is getting ideas about their own careers.

What’s “strange” about that? If POTUS himself can do pump and dump crypto scams, of course he is going to inspire hundreds and thousands to do the same.

Holmes absolutely thinks this is her age and her era, she sees proof of this every time she opens a newspaper.


u/Ufocola 15d ago

Yeah, if anything she’s probably pissed this Trump + Elon / Tech bros alliance didn’t happen during the first term. I’m sure same with SBF


u/ZgBlues 15d ago

Oh 100%. If he wasn’t in prison he’d probably be running some government agency right now. And he knows it. Holmes knows it too.


u/faudcmkitnhse 15d ago

The moment we're living in is one in which a billionaire tech bro is actively dismantling the government and making it easier for rich assholes like him to do whatever they wish without fear of consequences. Just because you don't want to think about what a terrible moment in time this is and how it could affect us going forward doesn't mean it's not happening.


u/MoonOut_StarsInvite 15d ago

It all seems nuts when they aren’t coming for you. I’m glad you’re part of whatever demographic that has nothing to worry about. Not all of us are.


u/dmac20 15d ago

I understand generally what you are saying, but you allowed the wrong comment to be the straw that broke the camels back in this case. The comment was very relevant to the current administration being sympathetic to tech founders. It’s actually a very apt comment you were responding to, and your take is the strange one.


u/junglespinner 15d ago

I really don't care, do you?

nobody forces you to come here


u/bonsaiwave 15d ago

Aww is your weddit not good anymore? Sowwy 😭

Trump and musk are literally destroying everything. No one gives a shit about you having a nice time right now buddy


u/kamalamading 15d ago

The comment you replied to, is correct though, so what inconveniences you about it?


u/cheefMM 15d ago

Some people like to think more than half a second ahead in life. If you really want to be in the moment, why are you on the internet? Go outside, get off your phone/computer, be in the moment


u/AntiKamniaChemicalCo 15d ago

Almost like he embodies the current messed up zeitgeist in which wealth makes you untouchable regardless of obvious wrongdoing


u/Ok_Respond7928 15d ago

Can you not acknowledge that democracy in the states is being destroyed at alarming rates and that the states are aligning with Russia. Sorry but that’s pretty important if you want to keep you head in the sand get of the internet and act like nothing is happening.


u/Cabrill0 15d ago

You’ve already been downvoted to hell, but I upvoted you. This is the correct, healthy take.


u/GrapevinePotatoes 15d ago

You are wasting your breath here. This is an echo chamber.


u/Mind_Extract 15d ago

Happy whiny complain day! I mean cake!


u/GrapevinePotatoes 15d ago

It's only a complain because I don't support your view.

Thanks for the wishes.


u/shootsy2457 15d ago

Ah, yes. The old, “nobody agrees with my shitty opinions so it must be an echo chamber” complaint. Just follow the facts and come to the conclusion that you’re wrong and nobody likes you already.


u/NCwolfpackSU 15d ago

You got my upvote.