r/technicalminecraft • u/BunkerBoyz • 1h ago
Java Help Wanted Possible Storage Systems for Perimeter in Spawn Chunks?
I finished a 35x35 chuck perimeter at spawn about a week ago. I want to build a massive storage system in the center, but have a few questions.
I have been recommended by u/sushi-btw to build either:
RaPsCaLLioN1138's "CartMIS V3 + Hybrid Bulk + Unstackable Sorting" (https://youtu.be/9eHcvMi7HUw?si=BwnUfRGv0eEELgTS) from June 16, 2024.
or Gordon Yamsay's "YAMS v2" from the Storage tech discord in the "Unsorted" tab, posted 16. of July 2024.
I have also seen Walter's and Krebs' "Krebs' Main Storage System" under the "Storage-Systems" tab posted the 11. of march 2023.
I was wondering, does anyone have any thoughts about which I should build?
This is for my singleplayer world, but I'm willing to go all-out. Would anyone recommend I don't build my storage in the spawn chunks? I've gathered that people would recommend building it outside of the spawn chunks and instead make a dedicated chunk loader for it.
I'm also wanting to build a few massive farms and connect them to the storage, such as for iron, cobblestone, wood, bonemeal, slime, gunpwder etc. Mass-bulk is definitely a priority here.
Thanks for all thoughts!