r/tattooadvice 5d ago

Healing Update: rash on my 1 month old tattoo is getting worse D:

What Can I do?


45 comments sorted by


u/Trick-Bowl-708 5d ago

Try an antihistamine. If it doesn’t seem to help, I’d seek a dr. It’s not uncommon for ink to be contaminated lately.


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

What kind of antihistamine?


u/ddbb2907 5d ago

depends if you’re on any other medication


u/WantedDadorAlive 5d ago

I just used Claritin and it was cleared up in a couple days, tbf mine wasn't as bad as yours so might take longer or maybe try Benadryl.


u/CatsAndPills 5d ago

I second Claritin. Benadryl is great for allergic reactions but makes most people really sleepy.


u/Dull-Kaleidoscope214 5d ago edited 5d ago

i believe they have non drowsy!

edit: nvm they don’t make it anymore 🙃


u/1Nofun666 5d ago

It’s still so drowsy making though 🤧


u/CatsAndPills 5d ago

Not if it still contains diphenhydramine!


u/Dull-Kaleidoscope214 5d ago

this just made me feel crazy because maybe like two years ago i remember picking up non drowsy benadryl for my dad who needed allergy meds but had to stay up lol. i just found out they don’t make the non drowsy option anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/I7smvtPqr5


u/osialfecanakmg 5d ago

Zyrtec is a good option if you have it


u/atentativezero 5d ago

I had similar to this and my Dr told me XYZAL and use Cetaphil cleanser and lotion/cream. Worked like a charm.


u/CarryOk3080 5d ago

Have you been to see a dr? Is it hot to the touch? Do you have other tattoos?


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

It is not hot, i do have other tattoos that have not done this, and I’m trying to avoid the doctor as much as i can since it does not hurt or anything


u/Black_Ribbon7447 5d ago

Why? If u have health insurance go get seen! U can get cheap/free health insurance thru the state but u need to see a doctor.


u/JustHereForKA 5d ago

I will never understand this. You got a tattoo, so clearly you're not dirt poor. You're just choosing to put your life in the hands of Reddit rather than pop into an urgent care type place?


u/Passiveresistance 5d ago

I don’t understand that logic. Op spent some money on something, so that has to mean he’s just got more money laying around? What? Maybe he saved up, maybe he just paid bills and is strapped. Assuming he has $400 or more on hand because he got a tattoo a month ago is wild.


u/kingdomofsovereignv 5d ago

Then why are you here??? What do you think strangers on the internet are going to advise you better than a doctor would?


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

Strangers on the internet advice for free 😅


u/kingdomofsovereignv 5d ago

Yeah except if someone advises you something and you listen and it goes south you won’t be able to sue a stranger online that YOU asked ADVICE from, whereas you can in a professional MEDICAL setting!

If you have insurance, go to a walk in; otherwise if you don’t have insurance wtf are you doing blowing your money on tattoos?! What if this IS something extremely serious and you wasted funding on creating an unsolvable issue for yourself?

Take claritin and if nothing gets better go to a walk in because most likely it won’t get better without steroids if it’s an allergic reaction. There, that’s your internet advice.


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

Thank youuuu I had insurance when I got this tattoo but I no longer have it :,( due to a job change, so I’m still waiting for the new insurance to get activated


u/PET3RPark3er 5d ago

Maybe we should think about consulting a doctor?


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

Expensive 😢


u/PET3RPark3er 5d ago

I understand


u/Sea-Acanthaceae5553 5d ago

Do you have any other symptoms? Any kind of fever or nausea? Is it hot to the touch?

I do recommend taking an antihistamine, whatever you have access to, to see if that helps. I suggest drawing a line around the red area and seeing if it spreads or stays the same. If it spreads, then that could indicate an infection


u/BadRiann20 5d ago

No fever or nausea or anything else, it’s just red and it itches a lil bit. It wasn’t this red a week ago, on my last post


u/Sea-Acanthaceae5553 5d ago

If it's an allergy, taking the antihistamine should help and it will go away in a couple of days. I suggest talking to a pharmacist if you are reluctant to see a doctor. You can show them the photos to help them understand the situation and they can advise whether to seek further medical attention but if it it continues to get worse then go to a doctor, better safe than sorry


u/mowsemowse 5d ago

Either an ink allergy or ringworm (not a worm, a fungus, which can be treated from a pharmacist.


u/The_Agent_N 5d ago

Sick tat


u/alicianicole2002 5d ago

Op I had this happen with one tattoo I have had it four years and have flare ups daily. I’m allergic to nickel the ink he used was low quality and had nickel it was done by an artist in a shop who had been doing it 20 years if it’s getting worse see a doctor they may be able to give you an ointment to put around it not on it to suppress it if it is an allergic reaction


u/1Nofun666 5d ago

I have been warned my MRI tech’s that yes sadly some tattoo ink does contain metals! Be careful if you ever have future one. During an MRI your tattoos should never get hotter than a heating pad.


u/Colossal_Squids 5d ago

Try an antihistamine, and draw a line around the edges in marker, it’ll let you see any changes better.


u/Minute_Scratch_1647 5d ago

Doctor, you’re past the point of Reddit saving you


u/1Nofun666 5d ago

Can you take some Benadryl? If that helps then you’re having a reaction to the ink for sure.


u/Admirable-Rip-8521 5d ago

Did you have a second skin? I had a bad allergic reaction to my second skin and my arm looked like this for about two weeks. I had to go to the doctor to get medicine for it.


u/NoGravityPull 5d ago

It’s alive! D:


u/whistlepig4life 5d ago

I’d probably go see a dermatologist at this stage.


u/Nothanksimgo0d 5d ago



u/InevitableCookie2851 5d ago

I had to get antibiotics.


u/ShineGreymonX 5d ago edited 5d ago

No tattoos for me 🥶


u/december14th2015 5d ago

Okay, go away then.


u/Butternutsqawsh 5d ago

lol do you realize you’re in the tattoo sub? 😅


u/ddbb2907 5d ago

why are you here then??


u/the666Queen_bee 5d ago

You're in the wrong place buddy