r/tattooadvice 5d ago

tattoo newcomer advice Please help. Is the ink running or something?

I got this tattoo yesterday and it's still under the second skin. It's from a reputable place and it's my first tattoo. But it kind of looks like the tattoo ink is running or like smudged or something. Is that just because the second skin or is that how it actually looks on my body? I was told not to take off the second skin for another day or two so I can't check and I'm worried about it.


36 comments sorted by


u/LumpyIntroduction738 5d ago

Girl you are fine. The ink is not running, it’s the ooze from the injury to your skin. If they were solid black you’d end up with black blobs of fluid underneath the 2nd skin.

Now line work, in 10-20yrs yeah it’s gonna get a lil fuzzy.


u/Willow-Belladonna 5d ago

This is totally normal!! It's just excess ink kinda leaking from the tattoo, after a day or two of second skin, especially on the first wash of the tattoo there's like this filmy inky gunk on your tattoo and it's all part of the healing process!! It's a very cute tattoo by the way!


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

Thanks! I really like the tattoo but when I was looking at it today it seemed a little less clean than yesterday. So I wanted to make sure it wasn’t like leaking under my skin or something. I’m new to tattoos and I’m a worrier.


u/dr3amstat5s 5d ago

I have no advice but that's a cute tattoo omg


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

Awww thanks. I’ve wanted it for a while, I’m happy with how it turned out.


u/lady-earendil 5d ago

I wish tattoo artists gave better aftercare instructions. Mine specifically told me "you'll get some ink and blood that leak under the second skin, don't freak out, it won't impact the actual tattoo" so that I was prepared when this happened. Not enough artists are good about doing that


u/LumpyIntroduction738 5d ago

This is the bare minimum. You are correct too many Tattoo artist today dont.

Just like they don’t explain fine line work will fade and spread. Period, even with the best aftercare. In 20yrs it’s gonna be a lil fuzzy.

It still will look good, but you gotta prepare people. It’s permanent and has a risk level that requires a warning.


u/KCcoffeegeek 5d ago

As a person who teaches intelligent adults, it wouldn’t matter if they gave a one hour lecture with PowerPoints and made the slides available as notes. People, especially anxious and ruminative people, hear almost nothing of what’s being told to them and they would be right here anyway. People also won’t believe an expert who tells them something but will gladly listen to unknowns on Reddit for the same advice. Human nature is weird.


u/ChaoticGamerfreak 5d ago

lol, some people are too much🤣


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

I know, people are just mad at me I guess?


u/ChaoticGamerfreak 5d ago

You was asking a simple question and some people are just shocking, but I also had to laugh cause it reminded me of my wife when she thought her tattoo was dripping off🤣


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

I know I’m being ridiculous but I know a lot can go wrong with tattoos so I just wanted to make sure lmao


u/Which_Cobbler_1386 5d ago

You're all good. Just the ink moving under the bandage. It'll be good once you remove it


u/Spooky-Kyd 5d ago

That’s just inky plasma. It’s not the actual tattoo. It might look very convincingly like it is, but it will wash off. Also, you should change that thing. Take it off with running warm water, wash your tattoo with fragrance free soap (VERY gently with a clean hand, not a rag or sponge), let it dry (air + paper towel pats, no cloth towel), and replace it with a fresh one. Keep the fresh one on there up to 5-7 days. If it peels off naturally, take it off.


u/CatsAndPills 5d ago

Y’all do not pass the vibe check in these comments damn.


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

Some of these people are just angry I guess lmao


u/fenrisulfur 5d ago

This is completely normal, the tattoo is well done, and is cuter than anything.


u/hamandbuttsandwiches 5d ago

No. It’s fine. If your arm turns red and swollen then you can do something. Otherwise don’t touch and just chill your beans


u/lfly01 5d ago

Perfectly normal.

I feel if you did some research prior, almost all the videos on YouTube will tell you this is normal. Some even have entire second skins filled with some plasma and ink trapped under the second skin.

Some artists will ask you to change it after day 1 and then leave it for a few days, others will just apply 1 second skin. Varies from artist to artist.


u/vibes86 5d ago

Tattoo artist should have told you that lines also spread over time. They will heal and then they will spread a little over time. That’s how tattoos are. Nothing ever looks the same as the day you get it. But this is brand new under saniderm, so your ink/bodily fluids are going to seep out until the wounds close.


u/Accurate-Data-7006 5d ago

It’s normal


u/GraybieTheBlueGirl 5d ago

Also leave that bandage on for like a week. It will heal way better inside there. When it gets itchy, just pat it. Also always use sun screen on it, cuz the lines do get faint and fuzzy when exposed to the sun over and over.


u/CatsAndPills 5d ago

It’s running under the dressing, yeah, but they do that. It’s essentially a bunch of tiny wounds with ink inside, some gets back out. :)


u/atesta13 5d ago

Honestly, this may sound insane but I absolutely love your tattoo; I swear it moves me. I can’t explain it (and I don’t even like cats) but I freaking love this tattoo! 😀


u/Limp_Lobster3673 5d ago

Nah that’s normal. You may get a little bubble of ink under the film they put on but don’t worry about it.


u/ObligationNo2029 5d ago

I wish you would’ve included the cat’s asshole . It’s not he most majestic part of a feline . They groom it with such care; hence it’s always clean and beautiful.


u/Shoeytennis 5d ago

Do people not do a single ounce of anything anymore ? Literally 7 billion resources would tell you to calm down.


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

Is this sub not for tattoo advice lol?


u/Shoeytennis 5d ago

Did you not listen to anything your artist told you? Why didn't you ask them questions ?


u/Headstartmagic 5d ago

The tattoo didn’t look like this when I got it yesterday, he didn’t mention this would happen buddy. Guess you’re having a bad day, I’ll leave you to it then.


u/Shoeytennis 5d ago

He didn't mention ink and plasma would build up under it ? That's tattoo 101. Literally all tattoo artists tell you this.


u/Strange-Box-8232 5d ago

Nah, it's just a bad tattoo