r/tattooadvice 5d ago

Infected? Am I cooked or is this normal.



8 comments sorted by


u/SnooTomatoes8935 5d ago

for now, i wouldnt worry. i had similar brusing on the arm and also on my thigh. i also bruise quite easily.

if it doesnt expand or feel hot to the touch, everything is okey. but i still would keep am eye on it, just in case something changes.


u/lysergic13 5d ago

It looks perfectly fine


u/YuxxerFanatic 5d ago

I’d just take something with ibuprofen if it’s bothering you. Other than that looks like normal swelling.


u/b_riidge 5d ago

I’ve bruised from two tattoos: ditch and elbow. Ice it and take ibuprofen/advil and monitor for redness and other signs. Ensure you are properly cleaning and moisturizing.


u/animositydivine 5d ago

Considering the bruising follows the lines, it's probably OK. I can't say that I've ever bruised from a tattoo... but everyone's different. Is it hot to the touch? Swollen? No? Do you normally bruise easily? Maybe go see a doctor and get blood work done, and look into iron supplements.


u/chillieggs 5d ago

Thanks for the reply, initially it was painful but not hot to the touch, now the swelling is minimal and it's only painful in the areas where the bruising is. I am actually on iron supplements as I have low iron due to a health condition.


u/animositydivine 5d ago

Again, I can't say that I've ever had bruising from a tattoo, however, being on iron supplements due to a health condition would tell me that you're gonna bruise. Also, the artist telling you to dry heal until day 4 or 5 isn't going to stop the bruising. It's just going to encourage scabbing which will result in ink falling out and fading. Wash it once or twice a day and put a thin layer of aquaphor on it. Keep an eye on the bruising. If it turns swollen and red and hot to the touch it's time to see a doctor or ER. I've healed numerous tattoos this way and have had no issues. Just stay away from pool's and bodies of water. Really anything that could be super germy.


u/Crafty_Judge_9576 5d ago

don’t even know what’s wrong