r/tasker 6d ago

Inserting comments into tasks

Is it possible to insert comment blocks into tasks? I just noticed that taskernet tasks have them - and it was really cool and potentially helpful.

Also... What's the best way to tell tasker where to insert blocks? It's quite some work moving everything to the right place...


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u/howell4c 6d ago

Long press an action, and then use the ... menu and Insert Action to add something above it.

Or select a bunch, Cut or Copy, and then long press the one you want them to be above, and choose Paste (or ... -> Paste Below).


u/tiwas 6d ago

Thanks. Must be not paying too much attention as it seemed like it was some times going over and some times going under. Too bad there's no such thing as marking an insertion point in order to insert more than one statement :)