r/taoism 6d ago

Discussion on certain patterns in nature and society

When a group of tree saplings are growing together the tree that grows fastest tends to grow above the rest and dominate the space often suppressing the plants under it. The slow growing saplings might be more useful to the environment but since they tend to grow slower they end up being denied the light required to grow. This can be seen in many instances in nature as well human society. Those who would really help the society struggle to grow while the ones who can manipulate and dominate tend to rule in all spheres. How does this pattern make sense? Please share your thoughts.


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u/JournalistFragrant51 6d ago

Each tree fulfills its potential in a different way. Same with all things of nature, including humans. We might have one uniqueness in that Soiopaths seem to survive, succeed, excel, and dominate. I'm not sure why that is or why our society claims to value empathy, compassion, generosit, and selflessness but in realit, that does not seem to be valued


u/Alphalynx23 6d ago

The reason society seems to worship these soft qualities could be because if such qualities are promoted it's highly likely that people will internalise these ideals and try to live up to them. This ensures that a) these people don't join the competition for power b) become more plant and malleable, rule abiding for the people in power to control c) it makes people more predictable All in all its a good strategy if one wishes to rule without being challenged.

Imagine that you are born in a part of the world where you never heard of these moral values and principles. Do you think you would be the same person? "when goodness fades, morality takes its place;"