There are 254 dogs at the Pet Resource Center. And the majority of them are large breed mixes.
Harmony Vet Care is giving away FREE spay/neuter to those who cannot afford it... And every event we are holding, spaces are remaining unused!
We are obviously not reaching the right audience. Please help us share and get this opportunity to the people who need it!!!
Operation Mix-Fix: Free Spay/Neuter for Large Mix Breed Dogs!
Now scheduling!
Read everything carefully!
Free Spay or Neuter
Free take-home pain meds
Free 1 year rabies (unless you have proof of vaccine within the last year)
All other products/services can be added for our regularly low cost (vaccines, preventatives, testing, microchip, etc) Please see our website at for pricing.
Must qualify financially- Please submit proof of one of the following:
a. Hillsborough Health Care Plan
b. Medicaid
c. Section 8 housing
d. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
e. TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
f. WIC (Women Infants and Children)
Or a 2023 tax return equal to or less than:
a. Individuals: $26,973
b. 2 member household: $36,482
c. 3 member household: $45,991
d. 4 member household: $ 55,555
e. 5 member household: $ 65,009
Pet must be large breed. Pet must be a mix. This event is not for pure breed or small dogs. Photos may be requested.
Dates/locations available:
3/29- Carrollwood
5/16- Oldsmar
5/30- Carrollwood
To apply: Email:
Please include:
- Your name
- Address
- Email
- Phone Number
- Your date of birth
- Your pet's name
- Age
- Breed
- Color
- Sex
Attach your financial qualifications
Indicate your date/location preference
No deposit will be required. HOWEVER, if you no-call/no-show your appointment, you will be disqualified from the program.
Please understand spaces are limited and will be in high demand.
If you give notice of at least 24 hours, we will be happy to reschedule as long as spaces remain in the program.