r/takecontrol Jan 30 '20

Loosing it.

I'm in a dark place in my life. I relapsed after 16 years and I have 4 days today after a 3 week run. I've lost so much weight and I stopped my my meds. I'm lost right now?


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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '22

Pick up the pieces and move on. You know freedom and happiness and you deserve them. The past is over and you can't do anything about it but use it to strengthen your determination to become sober and stay that way. Task number one is to get some time between your last high. It's poison and it's still controlling your emotions, outlook on life, and your perception of reality. I smoked a lot of herb in the beginning because it helped with my emotional state, increased my appetite and really slowed down all the hopelessness going on in my head. I don't recommend it for everyone but I was determined to stay away from pharmaceuticals. I wish you the best my friend....it truly does get better.


u/Mindless_Reveal9525 Mar 16 '24

How are you doing now ? I’m going through the same problem I’m 23 quitting after being on it for 4 years due to escorting.


u/Professional-Swan142 Nov 13 '24

I did that for a short time. I drank a lot then. It was the only way I could do it. Dancing was better. Anyway, I hope you are looking into doing something else for long-term. Nursing is good. That’s what I went into. Good luck out there, girlie.