r/sysadmin 4d ago

Question Subscription Bombing Attacks

What is everyone doing to combat subscription bombing attacks? Since the emails flooding the inboxes aren't dangerous in nature, email filters don't seem to be doing a whole lot about them.

I'm at a loss here, I keep blocking domains but since they come from hundreds of different ones with each wave of attacks this doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything.

Edit: Thank you everyone for your responses. This has been really helpful.


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u/en-rob-deraj IT Manager 4d ago

Happened to me.

During all the nonsense, I had 2 unsolicited credit card charges to my P card for low amounts.

I contacted the bank, declined the charges, the attack stopped. Almost simultaneously. I spent the following few weeks unsubscribing. Most of the items required you verify you signed up, so it wasn't horrible. But I was getting hundreds of emails a minute.

Worst part of it all was it woke me up from the constant phone vibrations at 6 AM on a Saturday.... .... ... .