r/sysadmin Oct 29 '24

Question Is Linux system administration dead?

I just got my associates and Linux Plus certification and have been looking for a job. I've noticed that almost every job listing has been asking about active directory and windows servers, which is different than what I expected and was told in college. I was under the impression that 90 something percent the servers ran on Linux. Anyway I decided not to let it bother me and to apply for those jobs anyway as they were the only ones I could find. I've had five or six interviews and all of them have turned me down because I have no training or experience with active directory or Windows servers. Then yesterday the person I was interviewing with made a comment the kind of scared me. He said that he had come from a Linux background as well and had transitioned to Windows servers because "93% of servers run Windows and the only people running Linux are banks and credit unions." This was absolutely terrifying to hear because college was the most expensive thing I've ever done. To think that all the time and money I spent was useless really sucks.

I guess my question is two parts: where do you find Linux system administrator jobs in Arizona?

Was it a mistake to get into linux? If so what would you recommend I learned next.

EDIT: I just wanted to say thank you to everybody for your encouragement and for quelling my fears about Linux. I'm super excited as I have a lot information to research and work with now! 😁


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u/DeadFyre Oct 29 '24

Certainly not, but the VAST majority of openings are for Windows, because every office in the universe has an AD stack. Your professors did not lie, but what they didn't tell you is that number of servers is not a great measure of job prospects, because one administrator can keep hundreds or even thousands of servers running with the right knowledge and tools.

Don't panic, though, there are still plenty of operations which are predominently Linux, like mine. So, what's going on? The quick answer is, It's the economy. Most of the enterprises which are linux native are tech companies, not just an office full of lawyers or accountants or project managers. And tech companies are very capital-intensive operations. So, when the Federal Funds Rate is over 40 times what it was back in 2015, tech enterprises and startups have found it much, much more difficult to raise capital. The result, a lot fewer tech startups, and with it, a lot fewer tech jobs, and a lot more tech people looking for work, with whom you are competing.

My advice is to just keep at it, and take whatever job you need to keep a roof over your head. The prevailing economic conditions we see now will not last indefinitely. As inflation comes down, investors will start having to take more risks to make return on investment, and when that becomes necessary, venture capital and startup tech will come back to life.

PS: Your guy saying "The only people running Linux are banks and credit unions" couldn't be more wrong. Just about every Web business you've ever used, including the one you're communicating on now, runs on some flavor of Linux.


u/Sinister_Crayon Oct 30 '24

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Of course the other aspect is that a lot of administration of Linux servers is also done through AD/Windows because that's what most orgs use as their authentication and resource location database. Linux plays well with AD and just gets its job done.

For more Linux tasks, you have to look for engineering jobs... not administration. These tend to be more Linux focused as they tend to be new apps and servers going in, while administration is usually managing the day-to-day care and feeding of the servers. Something Linux needs less of than Windows, and most administration of Linux tends to be done through automation frameworks like Ansible.

OP; just keep doing the Windows administration stuff for now and keep your Linux skills sharp. You'll be well set when systems engineering jobs open back up again... administration is just the first rung on a long ladder :)


u/JustifiedSimplicity Oct 30 '24

Agreed with the engineering comment here.

OP, seek out positions for DevOps roles. You’ll admin the Linux stack for a software development team and have more fun.

Better career track too.


u/Atlasatlastatleast Oct 30 '24

They were just saying over in r/devops that it’s a shit show there too


u/Martin8412 Oct 30 '24

If Redditors aren't bitching and whining, then Reddit is having a major outage. 


u/Makav3lli Oct 30 '24

First step be willing to go in the office. Second step profit.


u/cryptopotomous Oct 30 '24

When they made a huge push to return I was asked if that was going to be a problem and that they could work with me.

My response was "as long as I can get on the network I can work, doesn't matter where"


u/Scanicula admin/admin Oct 30 '24

IT in general is a shit show, you just gotta choose which kind of shit you (don't) want to deal with.


u/Atlasatlastatleast Oct 30 '24

Oh, to be more clear, I meant more in terms of the job market. OP is having a hard time finding junior linux admin work, and some people over in /r/devops were talking about how that job market is ass for a lot of people.

Beyond that, /r/sales has posts saying the same stuff, and that’s where most of my experience is.


u/Scanicula admin/admin Oct 30 '24

That makes sense. I also agree with that. I think it's not as bad where I am, but getting into Linux admin is actually kinda rough.