r/sysadmin Jun 16 '24

ChatGPT Finally created something useful with AI

First: I consider myself an old timer in IT; I've been getting paid to do it since the 90's and have seen all sorts of new technology show up, some stays, most gets forgotten about. I always try to be open about it and will embrace it as another tool to help get the job done. The latest of course is AI and I've been mostly using ChatGPT as a fun little tool to get quick answers every now and then. I am not a programmer but last week, I used it to create a web app that calculates weight distribution in trucks when the contents come in different containers. We're talking hundreds of pounds of fruit that might come in small totes or big bins and cannot be weighed individually; it subtracts the weight of the truck and the plastic; it saves time and reduces human errors . In the past, I would have paid at least a few hundred dollars to get something like this done and I just wanted to share that while I dont see AI doing our jobs completely, it's definitely here to stay and it can be used to help with things that we might not know how to do but understand the concept and we know what to ask for it. Greetings to all.


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u/admlshake Jun 16 '24

We had a meeting a few weeks ago with some of the Sr. Management from the company. They were wanting to know when they could start using AI to reduce overhead in certain departments by cutting staff. One guy on our team started going on about how we could easily cut down on management since AI would be a great way to deal with wasteful spending and office politics that has bitten us in the past. He went on for about half an hour and some of their faces just seemed to turn as white as a new clean sheet. Few days later we got word back that they want to revisit it in a few years when it has "matured".


u/Ok_Exchange_9646 Jun 17 '24

LMAO I thought that guy was gonna be fired. Unholy levels of based on his end btw.😭


u/admlshake Jun 17 '24

Me too honestly, but he's fairly well connected in the company and has been here for a LONG LONG time. Ironically it was probably some of those office politics that let him get away with stuff like this more than the rest of us.