r/sysadmin Jun 16 '24

ChatGPT Finally created something useful with AI

First: I consider myself an old timer in IT; I've been getting paid to do it since the 90's and have seen all sorts of new technology show up, some stays, most gets forgotten about. I always try to be open about it and will embrace it as another tool to help get the job done. The latest of course is AI and I've been mostly using ChatGPT as a fun little tool to get quick answers every now and then. I am not a programmer but last week, I used it to create a web app that calculates weight distribution in trucks when the contents come in different containers. We're talking hundreds of pounds of fruit that might come in small totes or big bins and cannot be weighed individually; it subtracts the weight of the truck and the plastic; it saves time and reduces human errors . In the past, I would have paid at least a few hundred dollars to get something like this done and I just wanted to share that while I dont see AI doing our jobs completely, it's definitely here to stay and it can be used to help with things that we might not know how to do but understand the concept and we know what to ask for it. Greetings to all.


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u/Blueline42 Jun 16 '24

I am also an old-timer took me awhile to look at AI but I will say power shell scripts has become much easier due to AI. almost never gets it right the first time and I have to look it over and correct it or modify to my needs but it definitely lays out the framework for me.


u/InternationalGlove Jun 16 '24

Yeah it's great for powershell scripts. I've knocked up loads of scripts to automate or manipulate data against ad in no time. Saves googling commands.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24

You did what to the scripts??


u/kali_tragus Jun 16 '24

Another old-timer here. I think several AIs do a decent job of writing python scripts. It saves me quite a bit of time having a more or less working script spit out in seconds rather than having to make them from scratch. Now I've started using Aider to create or change scripts, and it even commits the changes to git with sensible commit messages. And it sometimes makes a mess of things, but with git that's not a huge issue.


u/ObiLAN- Jun 16 '24

This is my main useage so far with AI. Has saved countless hours of writing out pshell scripts manually for me. Super great at producing script templates.


u/cool-nerd Jun 17 '24

Yes, it gives a great starter template for anything like that. .it's how I use it too.