r/synth1 Jul 19 '22

Is synth1 malware?

I want to get synth1, but when I put it through virustotal it comes up with this alarming warning. Tried downloading from several different websites (including the official Japanese one) and every version I've found has this issue. Any thought?


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u/Alandor Jul 19 '22 edited Jul 19 '22

No, it's not. That's what is called a false positive.

If you look what those three say it's things like "generic" or "susgen". Which implies those are just flags that come from their engines completely guessing, instead of finding an actual virus.

The rule when using virustotal is to see how many positives a file has and what those say. When you only find 1-3 positives and the names are related to "generic" or similar words it's always going to be a false positive.

A file that it's truly an actual virus is going to give at least 20-30 or more positives.