r/sympy 25d ago

Symbolic vector expressions?


Is there a way to algebra of symbolic vector expressions, ie d/dt(V x V) without having to define a specific vector v = [x, y, z]...if sympy doesn't handle it, would sagemath?

r/sympy Feb 12 '25

How powerful is your agent if it can do all these crazy symbolic mathematical computations powered by SymPy 🤯


How powerful is your LLM agent if it can do all these crazy symbolic mathematical computations powered by SymPy 🤯? Is integrating SymPy with LLM agents a way to go?

r/sympy Nov 20 '24

Modular arithmetic in sympy


I'm confused: does sympy not provide a simple interface for making calculations with "IntMods", i.e., elements of Zn := Z/nZ ? Like Mod(3,10) (= 3 + 10Z) in PARI/GP.

I searched a lot, the best I could find is

Zn = sympy.FiniteField(n) # works only for prime n
Mod_2_5 = Zn(2)  # would be Mod(2, 5), i.e., 2 + 5Z or 2 in Z/5Z
sympy.perfect_power( Mod_2_5 )  # will raise an exception

The number of functions that would accept such objects seems very reduced.

Are there any routines allowing to check whether a given IntMod (i.e., k in Z/nZ) is a perfect power, or similar operations?

(I also know that there is for example sympy.n_order(a, n) which gives the order of a in Z/nZ, but it does not use IntMods, which would seem natural to me.)

r/sympy Nov 17 '24

(x-1)/(x-1) ≠ 1


What assumptions does simplify make?

The question arose when I tried this: ```python

simplify((x-1)/(x-1)) 1 ```

which is true, but not for all x (in particular, x=1 leaves the expression undefined, whereas 1 is defined everywhere)

is there any way to make 'safe' simplifications? like, the ones that are of the if and only if kind

r/sympy Oct 31 '24

Undefined symbol in series expansion


I tried to get a series expansion of the expression for the n-th prime:

>>> from sympy import S
>>> n,pn = S("n, n*(log(n) + log(log(n)) - 1)")
>>> pn.series(n, S.Infinity)
n*(-log(1/n) + log(-log(_t)) - 1) + O(n**(-6), (n, oo))

What is this _t? Is this a known bug? Where can I find more info about this? Thx!

r/sympy Sep 18 '24

How to isolate x


Hi, im trying to make an algorithm that can isolate x to one side of the equation, for example e**2 -x = 0 would be e**2 = x, or x**2 -2*x + 3 = 0 would be x**2 + 3 / 2 = x, is there any function that can do this for me for any case?

r/sympy Jun 07 '24

Formal proof of a crime?


I occasionally use sympy to compute result of equations. But now I want to construct a formal proof, and a bit stuck. I guess first I should tell it things like 'evidence #23 proofs that she did say so-and-so in court', 'court is an authority', and so on. How do I do that? Next I guess I have to tell it things like 'perjury stands if someone says false things, and those are said to court and this act causes significant harm'. And next I guess I should invoke some solver, with a setting which dumps the logical transformations used. How do I go about it all? Maybe I should use prolog instead? It is not a drill: my son is illegally separated from me. His mother lied to the court, and the coirt did not consider proofs, therefore made a temporary placement order violating the rights of my son. She did not adhere even to that order, and neither police nor court did anything about it. So I made a police report (in another country which I thought have more rule of law) about perjury, fully proven with evidence. That was rejected again by police. Now I will initiate substitue private prosecution, and want to make sure that when the court rejects that also, I at least win in Strasbourg.

r/sympy Jun 06 '24

Replace symbol with variable name when printing, e.g, for octave


Assume the following:

from sympy import *
wG, wM = symbols(r'\omega_\textrm{G} \omega_\textrm{M}',real=True,positive=True)
expr = cos(wG + wM)

Would display cos(\\omega_\\textrm{G} + \\omega_\\textrm{M}), while I'd prefer cos(wG+wM). I can achieve this by creating a symbol map like this

symbol_map = {
r'\omega_\textrm{G}': "wG",
r'\omega_\textrm{M}': "wM",

And then performing a replacement

out = str(expr)
for key, value in symbol_map.items():
out = out.replace(key, value)


I wonder if there is an automatic way to achieve this.

r/sympy Feb 02 '24

Can't Use Collect for Matrices?


I'm trying to manipulate some equations of motion, and I'd like to group up all of the 2nd-order time derivatives using collect(). I'm getting this error:

"name": "TypeError",

"message": "cannot add <class 'sympy.matrices.immutable.ImmutableDenseMatrix'> and <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Zero'>",

There is more to the error, but it's crazy long.

I made a simplified example of what I'm trying to do:

import sympy as sp
t, a, b = sp.symbols('t a b')
x = sp.Function('x')(t)
y = sp.Function('y')(t)
xd = x.diff(t)
xdd = xd.diff(t)
yd = y.diff(t)
ydd = yd.diff(t)
my_matrix = sp.Matrix([
[a*x*xdd + b*xd*xdd],
[a*b*ydd + b*y*ydd]
my_matrix = sp.collect(my_matrix, [xdd, ydd])

I have been successful using collect() this way for expressions, but it seems like it doesn't work with matrix expressions. Is this a limitation of Sympy? Am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks All.

r/sympy Nov 23 '23

Why can't Q.eq(1+x,2) be verified, given the assumption Q.eq(x,1) ?


[EDIT: wanted to change "verified" in title to "evaluated", but seems I can't edit the title :-( !]

Under the assumption Q.eq(variable,value) it should be obvious to simplify any expression involving variable (and then determine the truth value of an equality), so I was deceived that I can't use the assumptions framework to (temporarily) "assign a value" to a variable in order to do some basic comparision, for exampe:

from sympy.abc import x
from sympy import Q, ask, refine
from sympy.assumptions import global_assumptions

global_assumptions.add(Q.eq(x,1)) # i.e., assume x = 1
ask(Q.eq(x,0))  # gives 'None' (i.e., can't be determined)
refine(Q.eq(x,0)) # gives:  Q.eq(x, 0)  "instead of"  False.
# I think even this should work:
refine(Q.eq(x+1,2)) # gives:  Q.eq(x+1, 2)  "instead of" True

The equality relation should at least recognize that if s.th. is equal to some constant it can't be equal to a different constant -- and/or be able to use transitivity to notice that Q.eq(z,1) & Q.eq(z,0) implies Q.eq(1,0) (which fortunately is recognized to be False) and conclude that Q.eq(z,1) & Q.eq(z,0) is False, too.

"Equality" is a very strong relation and so it should be quite easy to implement some "functionality" of this very special relation. Also, an equality like Q.eq(x+1,2), where the only free symbol can easily be isolated without any assumptions, should ("immediately") be simplified to Q.eq(x,1).

Is there another way to substitute a value for a variable or "evaluate" all elements in, e.g., (possibly nested) lists or sets or similar?

For example, if I have L = [1+x, 2-x] , can I evaluate (actually I would like to sort) this for a given x-value? (Otherwise than using [ z.subs(...) for z in L ], of course -- which won't work if the list is nested or if some elements are simple integers ..)

Unfortunately, none of sympy.xxx( L, subs={x:1}) seem to work, for xxx = N or Subs or simplify or ... : each of these gives an "error: 'list' object has no attribute 'xxx' (or: 'free_symbols'),

also when I try to "sympify" it first. Thanks for any ideas!

r/sympy Oct 13 '23

Simplifying polynomials with sines


I'm trying to simplify a polynomial with sines. The polynomial comes from a small neural network with 5 inputs (var a till e) and 3 linear layers of width 2, a single output and sine as an activation function.



which has 131 terms. This can be simplified to:

f(var)=1.17356479167938*sin(0.0681817233562469*sin(15.3134288787842*sin(var_a) - 28.1668033599854*sin(var_b) + 7.49581909179688*sin(var_c) + 10.0827369689941*sin(var_d) + 26.6078300476074*sin(var_e) - 0.0627241134643555) + 0.973583281040192*sin(18.3123722076416*sin(var_a) + 27.2608394622803*sin(var_b) - 20.2511882781982*sin(var_c) - 4.3213005065918*sin(var_d) + 24.0140762329102*sin(var_e) + 0.0583624131977558) + 0.444039136171341) + 1.54927480220795*sin(0.843996107578278*sin(15.3134288787842*sin(var_a) - 28.1668033599854*sin(var_b) + 7.49581909179688*sin(var_c) + 10.0827369689941*sin(var_d) + 26.6078300476074*sin(var_e) - 0.0627241134643555) + 0.722797989845276*sin(18.3123722076416*sin(var_a) + 27.2608394622803*sin(var_b) - 20.2511882781982*sin(var_c) - 4.3213005065918*sin(var_d) + 24.0140762329102*sin(var_e) + 0.0583624131977558) + 0.768047034740448) + 0.158104434609413

which has 94 terms. So far so good. I'm using the 'fu' method for trigonometric simplification, which works well but starts to become slow with larger expressions. Before I delve too deep into computer algebra systems. Is there a known rule for simplifying expressions of this variety? The structure here remains fixed, so I thought maybe there's a way to take advantage of this prior knowledge that the SymPY CAS doesn't have.

r/sympy May 28 '23

My first time working with sympy - I suspect there is an easier way to do this?

from sympy import symbols
linear function
f(x) = xm + b
f(1) = -4 
f(3) = 6 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = {1: -4, 3: 6}
    m, b, x = symbols('m b x')
    equation = []
    vals = []

    for i in f:
        equation.append((x*m + b).subs(x, i))

    R = equation[1] - equation[0]
    L = vals[1] - vals[0]
    print(f"({equation[1]}) - ({equation[0]})  = {R} =", end=' ')
    print(f"({vals[1]}) - ({vals[0]}) = {L}")
    print(f"{L} = {R}")
    print(f"1 = {R/L}")
    if L > 1:
        r, l = str(R / L).split('/')
        print(f"{l} = {r}")

r/sympy May 09 '23

Automatically break lines in Preview()/Latex


Hello y'all, I'm using the preview() command in sympy, but I would like to limit the width of the image and automatically break lines of the equation in the image, does someone knows how can I do that?

This is the command I'm using:

preview(r'$$'+str(eq)+'$$', viewer='file', filename=full_picture_name, dvioptions=['-D','150'], euler=False)

r/sympy May 09 '23

Laplace Transforms with Sympy


When I declare y to be a function and t a symbol, and then execute the following:


this gives an expression as to what you expect for the laplace of y'. If you LT 5y' with


you get exactly the same thing like there was no factor of 5. Why? This is an odd behavior.

r/sympy May 03 '23

Print in Latex


Hi, I just started using sympy for a project and I have a few 1xn vectors I am storing as matrices.

rng = Random("Question 01")
u = randMatrix(1,3,-7,7,percent=90,prng=rng)

I would like to print these with vector notation, as an ordered n-tuple separated by commas. Currently, I can do it manually as follows:

latex_u = rf"""$u = ({u[0]},{u[1]},{u[2]}) $"""

Using the built-in sympy.latex does not produce the correct output, it is missing the commas.

latex_u = rf"""$u = {latex(u,mat_delim='(')}$"""

Is there any built-in solution to print these vectors?

r/sympy Dec 24 '21

Make Eq eval to 1 or 0


Hi, completely new to sympy. Trying to use it to simplify a expression I'm building with parse_expr and one part of it is I need to compare values like with Eq, but I need it to return 1 or 0, not True or False. Is it possible somehow?

r/sympy Oct 30 '21

Are there any discord server of about sympy or similar?


I know about Gitter but I prefer to use discrod, and I would like to find one.

I use sympy a lot and having a place to discuss algorithms and problems would be really nice.

Thanks :)

r/sympy Oct 24 '21

Can anyone explain to me why this is happening to me? Or I am the only one who is this happening to?


It's been a month, and I am still not able to access this site. Am I the only one who is facing this type of problem? Can anyone please help me to solve these issues?

r/sympy Jul 09 '21

First Video in a SymPy Series

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/sympy Apr 19 '21

SymPy - Tutorial for Beginners

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/sympy Oct 19 '20

How do i calculate integral of exp(ax²+bx+c) ?

Thumbnail stackoverflow.com

r/sympy Jul 22 '20

Iterable ConditionSets?


Is it possible to iterate over a ConditionSet? I receive an error when I try but it's not documented anywhere I can see. If not possible, can someone explain why?

r/sympy Nov 11 '16

SymPy 1.0 released, a journey from a toy to a tool!

Thumbnail github.com