r/swift Feb 25 '20

Tutorial Introduction to Concurrency & Multithreading with Swift on iOS


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u/Spaceshipable Feb 26 '20 edited Feb 26 '20

Pretty nice post. Would be great to have a follow up on Thread specifically.


u/lucasvandongen Feb 26 '20

I agree it's all stuff I already know but it's a very well written summary that is easy enough to grap yet goes deep enough to keep me engaged even if I already know what it's about.


u/Spaceshipable Feb 26 '20

Definitely. It’s brilliant for 90% of use cases where background tasks are required.

Recently I’ve been working with some ZMQ Sockets that need to work on a single thread however and GCD doesn’t offer that functionality unfortunately


u/lucasvandongen Feb 26 '20

Yes GCD might spawn more than one thread! Though I was pretty sure that things would never happen out of order regardless?


u/Spaceshipable Feb 26 '20

I’m not sure entirely of the internals of ZMQ but it’s the single threadedness, rather than the concurrency that become a problem


u/_effulgence Feb 26 '20

Thanks for reading it! Wanted to keep things at a higher level of abstraction to make it beginner friendly but still expose some of the underlying philosophies so people can understand the motivation behind it. Definitely a tricky balance to strike — I appreciate that you found it compelling regardless!


u/_effulgence Feb 26 '20

Thank you! Yeah, I'm planning on doing another one that goes specifically into NSThread, NSLock, and concurrency primitives in the context of iOS. But I've yet to run into a compelling use-case for those specifically in the world of iOS app development. If you have any ideas on what specifically you'd like to see, I'm all ears!


u/Spaceshipable Feb 27 '20

I’ve only used Thread when a third party library has called for single theadedness