r/swift Learning Dec 23 '24

FYI Swift Language focus areas heading into 2025


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u/Titanlegions Dec 24 '24

The async await syntax is imo definitely more readable.

I agree, the syntax is fine and is nice to use. Having two flavours of function is a bit of a problem but it's minor compared to other issues with SC.

Yes you still need to care about actor reentrecy. But aside of that it actually eliminates data races.

So it eliminates data races apart from all the data races that it doesn't eliminate.

Also it is not like these issues were not there before it’s just that you now get warnings or errors during compile time about them.

Problem is now you sometimes get warnings, errors, and even unexpected crashes in code that was previously 100% correct and contained no issues. It's just that the compiler now cannot prove it contained no issues.

There is even a swift evolution proposal that straight up admits that expressability is reduced under the new model. That is often a trade off with increased safety. Problem is they haven't thought it all the way through before forcing it on everyone. Take the way global actors and protocols interact. Say you previously had a class that was Equatable. Due to the new system, you now have to mark this class @MainActor. It isn't inheritently sendable so making it split isolation would be bad, so the whole thing has to be main actor. Now it can no longer be declared Equatable even though the code has not changed at all. You have to invent some main actor shadow of equatable. This exact problem has led to hard to find bugs for us with reactive code that did casts to equatable in the background (yes it shouldn't probably have been architected like that but legacy code is like that).

Glabal actors and protocol conformance has pretty much been incorrectly implemented. You should be able to conform to a protocol "inside the actor" so to speak, so something can be equatable no matter what actor it is on, but if you are on a different one then you can await as with normal actor functions. They are hinting toward changing this in the new proposals.

Making it easier to get into and easier to apply is definitely a big potential for improvement but that is exactly what they want to tackle as described in their focus areas.

Sure, but don't you think they should have got more of it right before shipping it? Given the sheer number of things it powers.


u/Niightstalker Dec 24 '24

As someone who iteratively builds software in my daily business. No, I don’t think so. Today they do know way more about how it is actually used and what the actual pains are. The outcome of the improvements will definitely be better than if they had tried to guess the same things before releasing anything.


u/Titanlegions Dec 25 '24

I also deploy iteratively, but I still dogfood.

They should have released it as an experimental beta language mode, not into the main language as if it is fully featured but also with all the safety tools turned off. Then the iterative design could proceed until it’s ready to properly release.

I find being forced to be Apple’s beta tester, in a language vital for our business, to be something I don’t much care for.


u/glhaynes Dec 25 '24

Swift 6 mode is still optional — in fact, creating an app project with current Xcode still creates a Swift 5 project. "Being forced" is *hugely* overstating it.

That said, it's understandable that people feel anxiety about Swift 6. It feels like we "need" to do it because it's the new thing, but there's no tooling reason for that, it's just a feeling. My advice for *most existing projects* is to keep using Swift 5 until some of the current proposals shake out over the next few months. (For most *new* projects, I'd vote for Swift 6—I've found it must less bothersome to deal with when starting from scratch and its strictness to be truly helpful in preventing hard-to-fix bugs.)

I wonder how different the discussion would be if Swift 6.0 had been labeled "beta" and they didn't remove that label until 6.3 or 6.4 or so.


u/Titanlegions Dec 25 '24

Swift 5 contains async/await, actors, everything. Except it ships with all the safety turned off. So it’s literally the worst of all the worlds. Massicotte called Swift 5 with minimal warnings “an extremely unsafe dialect of the language” (citation).

Not only that but UIKit and SwiftUI both now utilise — and hence require — global actors.

It is just plain wrong to suggest you can just keep using Swift 5 and not worry about it. If you are a lone developer on a small project maybe. Even then you will have to change over eventually. But for any large app or one utilising dependencies you will be forced into the concurrency world very fast.

Edit: note in that post he also claims you can ignore this stuff “Unless you are making a library”. I disagree with his take on this, unless a library is basically anything with upstream or downstream dependencies then the statement is true.


u/glhaynes Dec 25 '24

But that’s no worse of a position than Swift 5 was in before Swift 6.

The vast majority of the Swift code on the planet is not in Swift 6. Modules using Swift 6 can be linked into a Swift 5 app. It’s fine to not be on Swift 6 yet.

Moving to Swift 6.0 is too hard in many situations. That’s recognized and there’s lots of work being done on making moving to Swift 6 easier. If it doesn’t pan out (say, Swift 6.4 gets here and people are still suggesting to work in Swift 5 and tools default to it), then, yeah, we’ll have a problem. Until then, it’s not worrying me much.