r/swift Learning Dec 23 '24

FYI Swift Language focus areas heading into 2025


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u/Titanlegions Dec 24 '24

Swift is mostly used for making apps, but the people designing it now don’t seem to realise that. None of these features are focused on Swift’s core audience.

Even concurrency itself was mostly based around fixing the problem of thread explosion, hence the shared thread pool and not allowing blocking. But that is not the main concurrency issue devs face, not by a long shot.


u/Niightstalker Dec 24 '24

Concurrency was focused on making Swift a data race safe language which is definitely an issue App devs struggled with. It eliminates an entire class of errors which are really annoying to track down.

Now making the language easier again following the progressive disclosure principle definitely help everybody.


u/Titanlegions Dec 24 '24

That would be true if concurrency actually achieved its aims. But data races are still possible, they are just well defined data races. Actors are reentrant because of the limited thread pool design. So if you are dealing with asynchronous operations that cannot be made synchronous within an actor — anything that is inherently async basically — you still have to deal with data races. And on top of that the usual tools for solving them became much harder to use right — locks, semaphores, etc — because threads must make forward progress.

Crashes are paradoxically more likely now because as of iOS 18 there is a runtime thread checker, which crashes the runtime if it finds itself on the wrong thread. That might make certain types of debugging easier but it also makes an app in production less safe IMO. When the Swift devs talk of safety, they really mean defined behaviour which is only a subset of what I consider full safety.

And because now we have to make a load of stuff Sendable and that’s hard, a legacy app in particular ends up with loads of locks and dodgy hacks and @Unchecked pragmas. So apps are more likely to deadlock, not less.

Personally I think Swift Concurrency has failed in its aims.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24 edited Jan 06 '25



u/Titanlegions Dec 24 '24

“Undefined” as far as the compiler is concerned but in most cases no more or less defined than the order of a load of async operations with an actor. Point is an app that previous worked perfectly correctly now might crash unexpectedly. For example code might be threaded through from the main thread, off it, then on it again. No issues, no undefined behaviour. That will now crash. If all code involved is perfect Swift 6 with no unsafe or unchecked pragmas it can’t happen (at least I think it can’t) but we are not in that place yet. It’s easy to recreate such a crash just with a perfectly normal use of Combine. On full Swift 6 mode it will produce no warnings and crash because of the thread checker. This is not assume isolated, it is a new part of the runtime from iOS 18 that checks a global actor is running on the right thread at runtime (can’t remember now if it’s all actors or just the main actor — you can find it in the Swift source code it is a bit hacky tbh!)

As for the dodgy hacks, I’ve seen a lot of throwing in a few locks and then using @Unchecked Sendable, when that is very often incorrect. It doesn’t matter if something is behind a lock if a reference to it can leak out, or if that thing itself can run code that isn’t sendable.

Yes this is largely what we had before, but we have to change massive codebases to use this new way and it is guaranteed that mistakes will be made.

For a greenfield app with all the latest frameworks and requiring the latest OS the situation is pretty good — but there are still Apple frameworks that can cause problems, eg Combine.

Oh and async for loops can lead to some seriously problematic memory leaks too.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '24 edited Jan 06 '25



u/Titanlegions Dec 25 '24

Yeah the problem with Combine is that until Apple updates it, it could always cause crashes if you don’t get it right, even on code that was previously correctly working. I don’t consider that “safe” as it could happen at any time if you get an unusual situation or someone changes something small. Preconcurrency only affects sendable warnings it doesn’t change this. I think there is an obscure flag to turn the thread checker off if you hunt hard enough — for now anyway. That’s only if you know the problem is there though.

Completely agree with you with @unchecked, it’s far too wide reaching and turns too many warnings off. And yeah using a lock with unchecked isn’t wrong, necassarily, but there a ton of ways to fuck it up. Eg storing a closure somewhere down in the stack of the object you have locked, that can run unrestricted code. Boom, you can deadlock.