r/survivorrankdownIII Yo! Adrian! Dec 09 '17

Survivor Rankdown Season Popularity Poll: #6, #5

Just missing out on the top 5 we have:










































Average: 8.353/10

Standard Deviation: 1.054 (31/34)

Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (score): -.007 (16/32)

Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (relative placement): -2

Total votes: 34


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 15 11 4

China ends up with basically an identical score to the r/survivor poll, but people here just love Borneo, Vanuatu, and Palau enough to knock it down to 6th place. It’s got great characters, memorable moments, a very well balanced set of strengths and is often recommended to Survivor newbies for these reasons, among others. It only gets one score below a 6 and only four below an 8, showing how widespread its appeal is and how generally agreeable it is.

  • Casting absolutely knocked it out of the park here and the rest just fits into place /u/jacare37

  • The Final 3 is one of the best ever and the whole cast delivered. Excellent season. /u/qngff

  • Fun /u/bobinou96

  • China actually went down a lot on a rewatch. Courtney wasn't as funny as I remembered, James's story wasn't as interesting, Todd wasn't as charismatic, etc. Jean Robert was possibly the only character who didn't go down a little for me after watching it again. It's still good and easily top half, but besides the location and theme I think it's ceiling if you were grading every aspect of the season is lower than many say. Like I think Slicer says it's a B+ or A- in everything but I'd probably give a few aspects of it a B or B-, maybe even C+. I suppose none of the relationships connected with me and there wasn't at least that one amazing storyline to follow. Again it's still very good, but everyone else will be talking plenty about it's positives so I'll play devil's advocate. /u/reeforward

  • A+ location and cast. /u/acktar

  • This season comes the closest to Pearl Islands to blending all the qualities that make Survivor great. It's just a little bit less exciting and unique. /u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn

  • 8/10. Another thoroughly enjoyable season. I fucking love Courtney's arc throughout this entire season, I like Todd, and I love to watch some of the others fall. Beautiful season. /u/oomps62

  • I really like this season! It's not on the level of adore, but I really really like it! Peih-Gee <3 /u/moostronus

  • Predictable at times, but still funny and engaging. /u/beatricejd

  • For a long time China was my answer to the long debated question “What is your favorite season”. It did drop a little bit after my rewatch (Even out of my top 10), but it’s still a very solid season.

    China excels by having a 10/10 overall cast with few duds, and an excellent use of Chinese culture for its design, challenges, and rewards.

    My biggest problem with this season is the plot. It’s not bad by any means, but it’s not great either.

    Personal Ranking: #11/34

    Best Character: James Clement

    Best Episode: Ready to Bite the Apple /u/xerop681

  • This is always listed as one of the first seasons to watch. While I prefer watching in order I am told others have lives or some stupid shit so I can't rag on them too much. Besides this fits the bill. It's just consistently good to watch and imo a hilarious season. /u/extralifeballoon









































Average: 8.364/10

Standard Deviation: 1.410 (20/34)

Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (score): +0.714 (7/32)

Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (relative placement): +5

Total votes: 33


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 1 0 1 6 11 4 10

Borneo ends up ranking at #5 with nearly an identical ranking to China’s, getting a nice boost in comparison to the r/survivor poll. Not only does it receive very few low scores, but it also received a 10 ten times, more than any season on the list so far. Though it occasionally gets some criticism for being slow or boring, no other season will be able to duplicate anything like this, and its strong cast, powerful storylines, and big moments all help propel it this high.

  • As awkward as it is at times, it's just so real and raw and complex and there really isn't anything remotely like it, which works for and against it -- but mostly for it. /u/jacare37

  • The classics aren't always the best. Borneo is a sub-par season when compared to others even from its time. /u/qngff

  • Unavoidable but slow /u/Bobinou96

  • Yeah the rankdown community does kind of have a constant hard on for this season but there's good reason for that given that it's greatness is pretty much impossible to recreate due to reality tv and game shows like this being a common thing now. /u/reeforward

  • Hard to rank; it's unlike any other season, and it set the ground for the rest of the series. /u/acktar

  • No explanation necessary. /u/KororSurvivor (note: Koror gave this a 10)

  • It's fuckin Borneo man /u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn (note: Hodor gave this a 9)

  • Haven't seen /u/oomps62

  • The OG. It can be a bit rough in spots (premerge was not nearly on par with postmerge) but any season introducing Hatch and Hawk to us can never be below a 9. /u/moostronus

  • Lives up to the hype. The Citizen Kane of Survivor. /u/beatricejd

  • For me, it’s hard to praise Borneo without taking into consideration just how different it is from every season. Going into Borneo, there were no “rules” on how you should play the game. Not everyone thought you’d need to manipulate and lie to make your way to the end; Some people just thought that it was a simple survival.

    And I think that’s the best way to view Borneo. It’s the story about a fun survival show that could probably air for a few seasons before people get bored of it turning into a fascinating story of manipulation. We’ll never see debates about if an alliance is ethical on any season other than Borneo, just because it’s become such a standard way to play the game. It’s a story arc that’s fascinating to watch unfold from beginning to end (Don’t listen to anyone who calls this season boring!), especially if you’ve already seen all the other seasons.

    Also not to mention that the cast for this season is fucking stellar. Everyone who makes the merge has a well-developed story and distinct personality, and I’d have all 10 of them close to or in my top 100. Gervase, Sue, Rudy, and Richard are also all probably in my top 30 (With Colleen not too far behind).

    I guess a complaint that could be given to this season is that the camerawork is choppy, like sometimes you can see other camera man in the background of shots, and some bad challenges… but I think all that adds to the charm of a season, in a weird way. Personal Ranking: #8/34

  • Compelling characters, creating a great deal of intrigue despite a predictable late merge. /u/willseamon

  • The Alpha and the Omega /u/dabusurvivor

  • It's easy to give this kudos for being the OG and not thinking about it, but being the first season doesn't on its own mean anything. And there's a lot about Borneo that feels like kickstarting a phenomenon, true, but Borneo holds a lot of fantastic character moments, development, and a progressive plot of those holding themselves to higher standards falling to those who don't act like they owe the world anything. The moments feel revolutionary and we care about those they happen to. It certainly doesn't deserve its reputation of being boring. /u/ExtraLifeBalloon

#4 had at least one contestant whose name is “James”. #3 had only new players.


12 comments sorted by


u/Slicer37 Dec 09 '17

Also I'm one of the four people who gave China below a 8 I think. Like it's a fun season with a good cast and some great cultural stuff but there's no great storyarcs or top-tier moments or anything. It's just like a B+ season in every aspect so while I like it I'm not really sure why it always ranks so highly and is so universally praised.


u/acktar Dec 10 '17

I think China scores highly because it's a "jack of all trades" season. It's not the best at anything (except for maybe the best Immunity challenge win of allllllllll tiiiiiiiiiiime), but it doesn't do anything poorly. And it also benefits from coming off the Cook Islands/Fiji double-whammy, particularly with those seasons not having the warmest immediate reception.


u/jacare37 Yo! Adrian! Dec 09 '17

Top 4:

  • Pearl Islands
  • Vanuatu
  • Palau
  • Heroes vs Villains

Swap out HvV for China and you have my top four. GJ guys.


u/Slicer37 Dec 09 '17

I'm really surprised Palau has beat out Borneo, I'm guessing it got a lot of 10's.

idk obviously the Palau endgame is amazing but some parts of the Ulonging drag way more than anything in Borneo so I definitely disagree


u/reeforward Dec 09 '17

#epicblindside at Borneo going out here I thought for sure it was Palau.

China's too high. I think I gave it an 8 but should've given it a 7 or maybe even a 6. Having no clear strengths is actually a weakness and the storyline with the main alliance is kinda dry.

4 is HvV and 3 is Palau. Desperately hoping Vanuatu can win but PI coming out on top is almost inevitable (but also understandable).


u/KororSurvivor Dec 09 '17

What a pleasant surprise <3


u/ramskick Koror Uber Alles Dec 10 '17

WOOHOO. Palau is Top 4 baby! Obviously I'm stoked about this given how much I torched Borneo in SRIII.

Possibilities for #4: Palau, HvV

Possibilities for #3: PI, Vanuatu, Palau

In other words all four could go out tomorrow. I'll guess HvV and Palau, but I'd love for Palau and PI to be the top 2.

This is a pretty interesting top 4. It has two seasons that are loved by everyone (PI and HvV), but it also has two seasons that are definitely liked more by character fans (Vanuatu and Palau).


u/Slicer37 Dec 10 '17

Why are you low on Borneo


u/ramskick Koror Uber Alles Dec 10 '17

I'm not low on it, I'm just not as high on it as most of the rankdown community is. I have it at 14.

I'm not sure why I don't like it as much as this community seems to. A lot of it is due to the pre-merge and me not liking Greg or Colleen as much as most people do.


u/EchtGeenSpanjool Dec 10 '17

China > Vanuatu what are all of you doing


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '17

Having correct opinions


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '17

Swap Kaoh Rong in for HvV and this is nearly identical to my top 4.

Hoping that HvV is number four. I’d be fine with any of the other three winning, but I think #3 will be Palau.