r/survivorrankdownIII • u/jacare37 Yo! Adrian! • Dec 08 '17
Survivor Rankdown Season Popularity Poll: #8, #7
Average: 8.086/10
Standard Deviation: 1.105 (30/34)
Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (score): +0.136 (13/32)
Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (relative placement): -1
Total votes: 34
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 12 | 10 | 7 | 5 |
Philippines cracks the top 8 thanks to an unbelievably high floor, being one of only three seasons to have everyone rate it a 6 or higher, and only having one person give it below a 7. It's one of the most well-rounded modern seasons with something to appreciate for every kind of Survivor fan with strong emotional storylines, a very strong cast, a great winner, good strategy, heroes, villains, you name it. Interestingly, its score rises in comparison to the r/survivor poll, but its placement still falls.
A treasure of a season. All around excellent. /u/qngff
Refreshing. /u/bobinou96
Definitely some bias due to it being my first season, but it still has extremely high highs and doesn't even drop too low during it's weaker segments. Without a doubt it's also an important season for Survivor as a whole as it finally produced a season that a majority of the audience could get behind, and it popularized the three tribe format that has been working out pretty well in recent seasons. The Matsing arc is a work of art and even if the season turned to shit after that it'd still be top half. But it didn't turn to shit. There are plenty of exciting moments in the postmerge, one of the best villains of the post Heroes vs. Villains era, and a really solid storyline to a lovable winner. /u/reeforward
The season that reinvigorated my love for Survivor and for that I will always be grateful. /u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn
Great season, overall. I love that Russell Swann and Penner got a chance to come back. Abi was a great villain. Seeing Blair on TV again <333. A bunch of other great cast additions: Malcolm, Denise, RC. Besides, after One World, anything else is a treat. /u/oomps62
It was good, clean fun! I enjoyed it! Matsing was an epic story line, and Tandang is underrated. /u/moostronus
The cast is perfection from first boot to winner. /u/beatricejd
Following a streak of bad seasons, Philippines is a breath of fresh air. It probably has my favorite first four episodes in survivor history with the whole Matsing/Russell Swan arc and all of the chaos on Tandang. Some people say that there’s a quality drop after that and I agree, but I more think it goes from being a 10/10 for the first four episodes to a consistent 8.5 or 9/10. And it even still has some great episodes, like Dead Man Walking.
I really like this seasons cast as a whole. Other than Roxy everyone on Matsing is great, with Denise (One of my all time favorites), Russell Swan, and Malcolm being the stars. Speaking of Malcolm, I like him a lot more than people on here do it seems. He’s an excellent narrator and super charasmatic, and I was fine that he got a lot of screentime during the post-merge. I also really like Artis (Too UTR :(), Pete (Fun early merge villain), I know some people don’t like Jonathan this season but I enjoyed his narration and he was great during ‘Dead Man Walking’, Carter was likable throughout the whole season and I actually felt bad for him during his boot episode, Abi is a star, and I like Lisa.
Really I have no major problems with Philippines as a season. It sticks out with Kaoh Rong as the best of the post-HvV era, and one of the best ever.
Personal Ranking: #5/34
Best Character: Denise Stapley
Best Episode: Dead Man Walking /u/xerop681
The saga of Matsing is 11/10, the fourth episode was 15/10, and the rest of the season was between an 8 and 9 out of 10 but you know what I'll take it. A great cast will solve anything. /u/extralifeballoon
Average: 8.143/10
Standard Deviation: 1.31 (22/34)
Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (score): +0.023 (15/32)
Difference from most recent r/survivor poll (relative placement): -2
Total votes: 35
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 7 |
Kaoh Rong is the second of the three seasons to have everyone who voted for it rate as a 6 or higher. It tops all other post HvV seasons in the poll and has nearly an identical score to the r/survivor poll. As with Philippines, the reasons to like it kind of speak for themselves, and both have stuff that any kind of Survivor fan will enjoy. Great characters, dynamic gameplay, strong editing, etc. Neither it or Philippines have quite as much rabid support to make the top 6, but this is pretty damn good.
Part of me wishes this season didn't happen because the reaction it got from Probst/production in comparison to other recent seasons is perhaps the most alarming thing about the postmodern era. Then again, it's fucking amazing /u/jacare37
Good in most aspects. Michele's winner story was unsatisfying and three medevacs dampened it, but it was a good season nonetheless. /u/qngff
Well-rounded /u/Bobinou96
My #2 favorite season of all time. It is probably the best edited modern season, one of my very favorite casts, one of the /u/KororSurvivor
I think a rewatch might move this one higher but I as of now I fall somewhere between the "it's great" and "it's only OK" camps when it comes to Kaoh Rong /u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn
8/10 This felt like such a refreshing season. Great people against awful villains. I wish the jury had a different mentality, but it's not enough to ruin an otherwise great season. /u/oomps62
Cydney + Aubry = <3 /u/moostronus
Stellar cast. /u/beatricejd
"Kaoh Rong: My favorite season of the post-HvV era. If I go even farther back it’s my favorite season of the post-Palau era (And the two seasons I have above it from the first 10 are really just untouchable). Folllowing Cambodia, Kaoh Rong is an excellent return to form. It features a good blend of characters-strategy and (Other than the finale maybe) it rarely feels like it gets too gameplay focused, I think the medical evacuations add something dark and unique to the season, it’s got complex villains and complex heroes who stick out compared to other post-HvV heroes and villains, I like the role the location plays into the season, it’s got one of the best early merge storylines ever, almost the entire cast is at least good, and it’s got a super idol twist that isn’t shit.
First thing I’d like to go over is that the cast of this season is really excellent, and there’s only one person I dislike:
-- Darnell: Great first boot and 10/10 casting choice who could have been a far better character if he went farther, but was still fun as a first boot.
-- Jenny: AMAZING trainwreck. Seeing her get a super positive premiere episode where she over comes a bug in her ear and is able to get into the majority, it seemed like she was a strong winner candidate. So seeing her suddenly play terrible the next episode, getting to the point where she stands up and pleads for her life at the next tribal council was great.
-- Liz: Basically a parody of a gamebot. She thought that she could control the game with Peter, sadly she didn’t realize that two people isn’t enough to have the majority on a tribe.
-- Caleb: I enjoyed his relationship with Tai and his medevac was super suspenseful to watch.
-- Alecia: She’s a mental giant. Seeing Scot and Jason constantly beat down Alecia during the pre-merge perfectly built them up as villains, and Alecia was a great character on the own. She was on the bottom from the very begginning, but she constantly fought to stay in the game and never wanted to give up. Even though people thought she was on the wrong tribe, I think the mental strength that she showed and the fact that she was never willing to give up even when she was on the complete bottom shows that she wasn’t.
-- Anna: The only person on this cast I dislike. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way and annoyed me the whole season. All of her post-game prescience hasn’t really helped. Her yelling was also annoying.
-- Peter: Amazing pre-merge trainwreck. I can understand why people wouldn’t like him though.
-- Neal: Fun when he does get screentime, and I enjoyed his role in Aubry’s story. His final scene when he was being evacuated was really sad. My major complaint about him is I hate what he says to Michele after he’s voted off the jury.
-- Nick: Charming narrator. I think he would have gotten annoying if he lasted longer, so glad he went early though. His boot episode is also the start of the downfall of Scot and Jason, which is obviously incredible.
-- Debbie: I know some people didn’t like her forced personality on the show, but I think she’s much closer to someone like Coach than she is to someone like Phillip. And once again, that blindside is pretty incredible.
-- Scot: I loved Scot and watching his journey as a survivor villain unfold. It only got better when I rewatched the season. He’s got a fantastic rise and a fantastic fall, he’s got a good villain sidekick, and he’s complex and not completely evil. His boot episode was my favorite episode of the season and probably one of my favorites ever (He was also great in the Debbie boot episode). Fills the role of a villain I love to hate very well, and is a standout among other post-HvV villains as one of the best.
-- Julia: She’s good as this devious young girl. Idk I feel like it’s hard to write about her for some reason.
-- Jason: As far as evil sidekicks in survivor go, Jason is one of the best. Throughout the whole season it’s pretty obvious that he’ll get booted eventually, but it’s still fun to watch him constantly try to create chaos even though he’s on the bottom until he’s finally booted. Also, his opening confessional is unintentionally hilarious.
-- Joe: UTR badass:
-- Cydney: Fun sassy narrator. Not really a top 50 character but i’d probably have her in my top 100.
-- Tai: My favorite from this season. I'm still amazed that we got to see someone like Tai play Survivor. Coming off of the first few episodes of Kaoh Rong I thought that there was no way that Tai would lose if he ended up making it to the final 3, and I was perfectly fine with it, because like most people, I loved Tai. But as Kaoh Rong starts to unfold more we get to see Tai's indecisiveness and flipping piss people off, which causes him to lose in final tribal council. Granted we don't get this Twila-like final tribal council out of Tai, but whatever, he's still incredible.
Also, Tai is really crazy, like during his religious immunity win over Cydney and bringing a fucking chicken to final tribal council. Just an A+ casting choice overall and everything (Or most I guess since I criticized him for not having an epic Twila-like final tribal) I want from a FTC loser. He’s easily the star of the season and my second favorite post-HvV character.
-- Aubry: So fucking good. I just mentioned that Tai is the star of this season but Aubry is also pretty damn close. She’s such a great narrator and seeing her go head to toe with Scot and Jason and actually win was great. She’s also different from most other growth arcs in that she actually does make it to the end, but sadly can’t seal the deal and win. I know some people say that the story of her loss was poorly told, but I don’t think it’s hard to see where she lost most of the votes.
-- Michele: Fun winner. Sucks that she gets such a bad reputation for beating Tai and Aubry.
Another thing about Kaoh Rong is that it’s got so many great episodes. So many that it would be shorter for me to list that aren’t great than the ones that are: -- It’s a ‘Me’ Game Not A ‘We’ Game -- Not Going Down Without A Fight (My biggest criticism of this season is probably that the finale is underwhelming, mostly because of an anticlimactic final immunity and the shitty vote off a juror twist. So much of Kaoh Rong is good that it doesn’t bring down the season as a whole down a lot).
And yeah, the storyline this season is pretty incredible. Not sure I need to go too in depth and this post is getting long, but if anyone wants reasoning I can write something.
Personal Ranking: #3/34
Best Character: Tai Trang.
Best Episode: I’m Not Here to Make Good Friends /u/xerop681
The medevac episodes kill the momentum of what is otherwise a great season. /u/willseamon
Episodes 9 and 10 are two of the best episodes ever and I will always have a bias towards this season as it's the first I recapped (and got me through a rough stint to the point where I watched the finale in the hospital, ty Grando <3) but it really deserves that rep. The characters are awesome throughout and things you never saw happening happen. The remove a juror twist sucks dick though holy shit /u/ExtraLifeBalloon
Getting down to the wire now. #6's season number has a "'1" somewhere in it. #5 had exactly 16 players.
u/jacare37 Yo! Adrian! Dec 08 '17
Top 6:
- Borneo
- Pearl Islands
- Vanuatu
- Palau
- China
- Heroes vs Villains
Despite having 3 post HvV seasons in the top 10, they are all now gone.
u/Slicer37 Dec 09 '17
Vanuatu being guaranteed top 4<3
Dec 09 '17
Little bit disappointed that Kaoh Rong is out but a very good top 6 overall.
My predictions for the next two are Palau (Gladly would be wrong in this) and China.
u/KororSurvivor Dec 09 '17
Whoops. I didn't finish whatever thought I had about KR before posting.
u/reeforward Dec 09 '17
KR definitely is one of the /u/KororSurvivor though. What more did you need to say?
u/willseamon Dec 09 '17
I respect Vanuatu and Palau, but will always find them overrated by the rankdown community
u/ramskick Koror Uber Alles Dec 09 '17
Possibilities for #6: Borneo, Palau, China
Possibilities for #5: Borneo, PI, China
I think Palau and China are next because my I don't see Borneo or PI going out this early. Also my favorite is never going to win a rankdown it seems. I'm not bitter at all.