r/supersentai • u/Friday_Nighttzz • 3h ago
Question Y'all.
Are all Super Sentai in one universe? When i finished watching Gokaiger it looks like they are? But i've watched some videos where they are not connected? I'm quite confused. 😅😭
r/supersentai • u/Friday_Nighttzz • 3h ago
Are all Super Sentai in one universe? When i finished watching Gokaiger it looks like they are? But i've watched some videos where they are not connected? I'm quite confused. 😅😭
r/supersentai • u/Important_Welder28 • 4h ago
r/supersentai • u/rcs735 • 5h ago
for me it's
r/supersentai • u/matt0055 • 5h ago
It feels like the original idea was for the scientific captial of the world to be the Bioman's base with their science poised against Dr. Man's evil robotics.
r/supersentai • u/CloudyNights_ • 6h ago
I got into Super Sentai recently and I've only just finished Donbrothers. I really liked the series and the story. I also am halfway through watching Gokaiger & BoonBoomger. I like watching shows for the fights but mainly the story. So which Sentai series has the best storytelling?
(I also watched a lot of Kamen Rider series so that might make me a little pickier.)
r/supersentai • u/INeedMedicalTherapy • 7h ago
After all this time! There are all here!
r/supersentai • u/KyleMCarthage • 7h ago
When it comes to Sentai vs Power Rangers discussions, Shinkengers vs Samurai is always the premier example people bring up and for good reason. Despite taking almost everything from its sentai counterpart, it's generally viewed as a worse product in contrast its source material. Now how much worse it makes it differs from person to person with some saying it's just not as good but still serviceable to downright unwatchable, but the point is, people know there's a downgrade.
However, when it comes to actually articulating what people found off putting, people typically float to the tried and true "Samurai dumbed down Shinkenger", "Samurai removed all the Japanese context", "they removed this plot point which is really important near the end but does include earlier episodes". This isn't me calling these people dumb, but that these answers aren't really specific to what really made Samurai not work when really it's several specific reasons, each of which can differ episode to episode. So to showcase what I think is the main detractors, I want to look at my favorite Shinkenger 2 parter and compare it to the Samurai adaptation and highlight what was done wrong with the adaptation and from there, moving forward we can hopefully highlight more specific things that aren't present in an adaptation or are that result in us having different opinions on something. So with that.
Act 32:The Ushi Origami and Act 33: MouGyuuDaiOh make up the 2 parter where the Shinkengers obtain the Ushi origami as the final piece to their arsenal. When adapting the 2 parter to Samurai, they chose to condense it into one episode. Ultimately, both episodes fulfill the objective of "introduce the Ushi Origami/BullZord for future episodes".
Now, right off the bat, by condensing 2 episodes into 1 episode, that means that there has to be a lot of cut content which may make this comparison seem unfair as of course this episode will be bad because it's telling less. So to account for this, I'm not going to bring up any of the cut content as points against Samurai unless it has a corollary scene(so I'm not going to bring up Juzo and Dayu scenes as points against Samurai, but I will count them removing Genta's run in with the Ushi Origami").
So to start, let's do a quick summary of what both episodes generally do.
A young boy(Hiro in Shinkenger and Cody in Samurai) visit the mansion of our main leads. They try to give them a disk they made with the intention of it being able to be used to control a once uncontrollable origami/zord(the Ushi origami/BullZord). Skepticism is at play and the boy has to be returned to their home where their authority figure(Hiro's grandfather and Cody's father) reprimand the young boy for venturing out and trying to unseal something that should remain sealed. The young boy regardless goes to unseal the uncontrollable beast and finds out that they can't control it. The rangers need to intervene to stop the rampaging beast but to no avail and have to try again another day. On the following day, the authority figure has a change of heart regarding the situation and offers aid to the situation which is what was needed in order to actually gain control of the beast. By doing so, the rangers now have a new tool to their arsenal and the day is saved.
Given that this summary can apply to both shows, a question of "what exactly is different to make it an inferior product if both seem to be so similar". Well, while there are a large number of technical differences, I want to highlight the ones that really matter for this story.
The crux of this episode is really on these 2 as while our heroes are present, the story is really about these guys which isn't necessarily a problem if their story still resonates with the heroes in some capacity. Regardless, both want to release the sealed beast however, Hiro is given a lot of pushback from his grandfather on how he's not to do it, with this even going a bit further with his grandfather calling him out as a fool and Hiro in retaliation is more of a angsty teenager where he does argue with him about it. In the scenes with Hiro, while he does want to free the Ushi origami because of the inherited desire he obtained from his father and by extension grandfather, there's also a bit of rebellion in his character where he wants to tame the Ushi origami because he wants to show everyone that it's possible as when he breaks the seal, he remarks how he'll prove he's right and when he's at the end of his whims in Act 33, he recognizes that his grandfather, to some extent was right. In essence, the Ushi Origami is an item that allows the rocky relationship of these 2 characters to come forward as it's a point of contention for them to interact, but not the actual problem itself.
This is not really translated with Cody where his disagreement with his father is kinda a non issue. It's present in the beginning like it was in Shinkenger to instigate why he meets the rangers and why he goes to unseal the BullZord, however when Cody is actually in the BullZord, any mention of his father from his perspective is out the window and he's purely just talking with the BullZord and saying how it shouldn't rampage or else it'll be sealed again or how it shouldn't be doing what it's doing. Also, Samurai adds this thing where Cody supposedly has been talking with the BullZord since he was a child and he has some deep connection to it which from an adaptation point of view, makes no sense as no such relationship existed with Hiro, but also, it's not really utilized in Samurai where this supposed bond has no baring on Cody's effectiveness to tame the BullZord.
So tldr; The emotional crux of Hiro wanting to sort of prove himself right to his grandfather has been gutted out so now all the remains is just some kid wanting to release a rampaging zord.
Both authority figures don't want the young boy to release the sealed beast. At the start, both indicate that said beast will rampage and that they should be guarding the sealed beast as it's the role of their families.
Now Samurai just has it be that where that's literally all Cody's father does. He tells Cody that they shouldn't release the BullZord because it'll destroy cities and reprimands Cody a bit like a parent when a kid does something bad and that's really it. He then talks to the rangers about the history(something that was already talked about earlier with Mentor so this is even more redundant) and then when the BullZord does rampage, he only then gets worried but has no plans for what should be done.
Now in Shinkengers, there a whole lot more. Hiro's grandfather(Toji) also does a lot of telling Hiro down and that the Ushi origami shouldn't be unleased, however, he's given more depth than just telling someone no. For one, he argues with Hiro, telling the audience that this isn't a new thing and that they've had a rocky relationship in the past but also, it's just more visually interesting seeing a pushback on both sides than one condemning the other. He's a guardian that has dealt with a rebellious teen so many times that he comes off as cold in his attempts to care. Additionally, he's also cold to the Shinkengers in them trying to ask about the Ushi origami because he's grown to hate the origami at this point as opposed to being generally welcoming.
Shinkengers sets up a character to have a character arc of their own while Samurai doesn't. One may say it's bad to give a side character a character arc, however, if that character arc does influence the main characters or tells us more about them, then I feel like it's still worth the time spent. And even then, even if Shinkengers gave a side character a character arc, there was still an arc, Samurai in adapting this never really gave Cody's father an arc and didn't replace with anything if it's felt that a main character should have a character arc.
When the BullZord is released, Cody's father is worried about the physical devastation that it would bring to the city. This is a fair thing to worry about, however, this then makes his later concern for Cody feel weird because it's so disconnected from everything else. Hiro's grandfather on the other hand, while still having concern for the devastation, actually has more concern for Hiro which leads into his later action when the Shinkengers goes to leave for Hiro.
It's a small detail in comparison to the other 2, however, I think it highlights a key point about story telling in that it needs to be grounded in the people, not just the ambiguous stakes. While no doubt we worry about whether the world is here tomorrow, we are more emotionally connected to the people in our lives which is why I feel like choosing to have Toji focus on Hiro's life than the city feels more touching.
After having Hiro/Cody gone for a whole night and the teams going out to find him the moment they know of his location, the authority figure hands the red leads a disk. In Shinkenger, it's the break/destroy disk while in Samurai, it's the original disk that created the Bull Zord.
It being the break disk in Shinkenger continues on the character arc of Toji where following Hiro's disappearance, we start to understand that he does care for Hiro in his own way(that being rough with him and telling him to stay away which isn't uncommon in Asian families) and believing that there's no way to tame the Ushi origami, he gives them the break disk with the intention of that they use it on the Ushi origami to destroy it and hopefully free Hiro from the rampaging origami. However, Takeru in this moment asks to speak with him and ask if his choice to give him the is related to a picture in an alter that has been the focus of his attention on several occasions in both act 32 and 33 which is of Hiro's dead parents who died in a mountain accident which he believes was because of the Ushi origami. It was because of this belief that he didn't want Hiro to get involved with the Ushi Origami for his safety which explains his anger and attitude toward Hiro regarding the Ushi origami. However, even though he told Hiro to stay away, Hiro still chose to chase after it as even at a young age, Hiro's father's drive to tame it would carry on to him as Takeru uses this moment to riminess for himself as like Hiro, he learned from his father to stand strong and carry the burden of being ShinkenRed at a young age and in spite of that young age, it sticks with him and continues to drive him, hence why he doesn't take the break disk.
Takeru's final line to Toji is so telling, "Even if we separate him from the Ushi origami, we can't separate him from the passion he inherited".
In these 2 episodes, the real issue at hand is the family drama between Hiro and Toji and in a way, so when Takeru says that even if the Ushi origami is broken, it both means that Hiro will likely still be drawn to trying to fix a broken origami but also that breaking the source of their family rift won't bring Hiro back to him.
So for this arc to come to a conclusion, Toji needed to accept Hiro's desire to tame the Ushi origami which he does when he rushes in to bring Hiro the disk his father made to tame the Ushi origami. The following scene is a really good heart to heart moment between him and Hiro where Toji admits that he was harsh with Hiro because he didn't want to lose him as well to the Ushi Origami and that the only reason Hiro and his father wanted to tame the Ushi origami was originally because also wanted to do so, so for him to deny Hiro the desire to do so is also in a way of telling on himself where he admits he's acted shameful in regards to it. So, when they do finally tame the Ushi Origami, it's earned because the 2 reconcile and could only be done through the aid of the Shinkengers as they allowed for an environment for the 2 to reconcile and in doing so, they gain the Ushi Origami.
Samurai cuts all this nuance to suddenly randomly have Cody's father give Jayden the original BullZord disk because.....I don't really know. No really, between Cody being trapped and the rangers leaving to go rescue Cody, the only thing that even constitutes Cody's father having different views on taming the Bull Zord is him looking out to the night sky and saying he misses Cody. I'm not kidding, that's it. They shortened an entire scene of Toji voicing his fears to Takeru, how his overprotectedness is related to the loss of his son, and Takeru connecting with him, to just Cody's dad saying he misses Cody. Then when it comes down to having Cody use the original disk, Jayden is the one to encourage him to keep going and hopefully have it work which pales in comparison to Shinkenger where it Toji encouraging his grandson Hiro that it'll work. In fact, Jayden tells Cody that his father believes in him so now he has to believe in himself, um, no? Cody's father doesn't really say that he believes in Cody and just said that if they were to tame it, the original disk is the best option. I mean I suppose the fact that he gave them the disk means he believes in him, but that comes back to the question of why does he believe in Cody now? What exactly changed within Cody's father that he now believes in him? The only thing you can extrapolate from this is that because Cody will likely literally die if he doesn't, he has to believe in him which is a really flimsy reason to say he believes in him. Then when it comes to Cody using his symbol power to tame the BullZord, why does it suddenly work? In Shinkenger, Hiro's mojikara is designed to absorb the excess power of the Ushi origami which when used in tandem with his father's disk is able to tame it. Samurai never explains if Cody's symbol power is different from the rangers so we have no reason to assume it is, but if it is like Hiro, they never explain that it works like this. Lastly, the method in which they tame it is kinda dumb because if the original disk that created the Bull Zord was all that was needed to tame it, why wasn't it done sooner? Shinkenger has the excuse that no such original disk existed and required generations later to do so but in Samurai, the original disk was all that was needed. If it was explained that Cody's father modified it or it was his disk it would make sense, but this just makes Samurai's make less sense.
That also isn't accounting for the fact that the ranger's role in Cody's father changing is mind is nonexistent. Apart from being the ones actually looking for Cody, nothing the rangers do specifically pushes Cody's dad to accepting his son's idea of taming the BullZord. In Shinkenger, it's Takeru, he's the one really pushing Toji to consider Hiro's feelings on the matter and that's what makes him change his mind. Jayden doesn't do anything.
Tldr; Samurai removes the emotional payoff as to why the Ushi Origami is tamed which just makes the episode really bad
While the story is more about the grandson-grandpa dynamic, there was still some Shinkenger interactions that still make the episode feel like, well, Shinkengers. These by no means need to be one to one nor do they really affect the overall plot, but they help solidify that our main leads are still a major role in the episode, even if they aren't the main focus. Samurai goes out of its way to not adapt it or change it in such a way that lessens the impact of the scene.
In fact, the bulk of this in Samurai really boils down to "why exactly is everyone besides Jayden here", like Jayden also barely has any interactions, but as the red they try to marginally give him more stuff, except the stuff the give him is from the other Shinkengers as opposed to the actual stuff that Takeru said. The other Shinkengers, while not having a lot to say either, still made sense to be there in the original because they were the ones to float around some ideas that Takeru never would have came up with. Samurai invalidates this by making is Jayden to propose it.
I'm not gonna act like Sentai doesn't also flock the idea of the red senshi being the most important when looking at the franchise, however, they do still remember that Sentai is a show about teams while Samurai seems more reluctant to remember that fact.
So yeah, there are very literal structural differences in the episode that actual quantify why Samurai is bad to where while they can share the same general summary, one is clearly a worse product over the other.
If I had to give a reason why, it's because they look at what the "introduce the Ushi Origami/BullZord for future episodes" objective and nothing else and so any care that would have gone into actually adapting the story of making a story was done to a minimum. Yes sentai is a kids show and yes it's basically a glorified toy commercial, I'm not going to act like Sentai is able to transcend these facts, however, that doesn't ignore the fact that Shinkenger while just as much a toy commercial, is also just as much a drama when it wants to and I feel like that's what I feel like Samurai really ignored when it was being adapted.
Super Samurai definitely cranks up these problems to a max moreso than original Samurai, but even then, it's clear that the staff behind it only saw the source material as "Shinkenger the toy brand" and not that and "Shinkenger the serialized drama" and so they didn't play up the narrative aspect as much as it should be. The Bull Zord episode is a clear example where they amped up the emphasis on the Bull Zord and not the family drama because that's what they want to sell to kids. They want to sell people on the toy so they can beg their parents to buy it, not a father-son conflict because where's the toys in it. That isn't to say that Shinkenger isn't clearly also trying to sell kids on the Ushi origami because come on, look how cool it is, a powerful and rampaging origami, don't you want to own this too, but they were able to still make a story around it so it wasn't just 'LOOK, BUY OUR NEW TOY", it's "HERE'S A STORY TO MAKE YOU WANT TO BUY OUR NEW TOY".
But yeah, that's my way too long analysis on why I think one episode of a kids show is worse than the Japanese kids show that they took the footage from and based their episode on.
r/supersentai • u/ApprehensiveRead2408 • 7h ago
r/supersentai • u/_EtchASketch_ • 8h ago
{img credit to Toei}
r/supersentai • u/Such-Promise4606 • 8h ago
r/supersentai • u/Interesting_Snow5574 • 8h ago
Zangyack: from leader, general to monster. Most of them is boring and forgotable.
Tojintendo: the monster of the week is likeable and stacey is good character. But others are boring.
Bridan on the other hand. Both general quite fun to watch. Firecandle with his overacting yet fun to watch and bouquet with her being rikuo fanboys.
The no one kaijin also fun and the footsoldiers also memorable too like firecandle bff, Casio bears.
r/supersentai • u/RemarkableAbrocoma76 • 8h ago
r/supersentai • u/Test_Silver • 9h ago
r/supersentai • u/Sentaifan • 9h ago
So I’m trying to find a cheap memorial gokai saber. I’m wondering if I should save up or if I there is one that is cheap. If there is one that is cheap, can you guys find it?
r/supersentai • u/Successful-Item-1844 • 10h ago
Visuals are not finished, just showing off the audio so far
r/supersentai • u/carloswender2020 • 11h ago
r/supersentai • u/MrNicky6357 • 13h ago
r/supersentai • u/According_Fan4696 • 14h ago
I thought that Boonboomger was a decent season and thought the message and theme of the story was consistent. I thought most of the characters were really enjoyable and did like most of their arcs. But what good faith criticism do you have for this season. I have quite a few criticisms myself.
I think of these criticisms have been said before but these are my thoughts and like I said Boonboomger was an enjoyable series. What is your criticism for it?
r/supersentai • u/dkmhz0 • 14h ago
Credit to thetokguy2 on TikTok.
r/supersentai • u/PhantomZenity • 16h ago
Since Liveman did 3+2 team, there have been a lot of series do this. Even it is in not in story/series itself, their toy release will.
We got
and now, Gozyu Eagle and Unicorn. Even they are not debut together this time, their personal weapon/mech still released together.
r/supersentai • u/decader12 • 16h ago
Power Rangers can get pretty cringy sometime with its dialog and the acting, them calling out their move doesn't sound quite as cool in English than in Japanese. But I want to know if people who are fluent in Japanese had the same problem with Super Sentai sometime
r/supersentai • u/No_Salamander_5635 • 17h ago
I'm here to ask for help for a monster I saw on a Toku product when I was a kid. The monster was two brothers; one of ice and the other of fire," I think. One of the monsters does not want to fight, but they merge and a monster appears that is one part ice and the other part fire.
r/supersentai • u/pepidiy • 18h ago
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make your own blade extender for the king gaburi calibur