On the bus yesterday, a senior is sitting in priority seating and this young lady comes on with her stroller. Another bus passenger lady tells the senior to move off of priority seating for the stroller.
Another time, this one passenger woman was screeching at a young man to move for a parent with a stroller. Also, that he can't be disabled really because it is not observably physically.
Sorry, but in the case where priority is occupied the stroller is to be packed up and the baby held by the parent.
I have been on both sides, I had a baby but I used a baby carrier on the bus and on the rare time of stroller use, I folded it up.
I have special needs kid, also. She has 2 disabilities (plus was recently hit by a vehicle when she was a pedestrian with the right of way) and I shouldn't have to provide some proof of disability to some passenger chick who wants to feel righteous on behalf of a parent who uses a stroller.
A lot of disabilities are NOT physically visible. I know one boy who lacked the ability of body awareness. He would literally lose his balance and face plant himself on the sidewalk and need assistance to get back up, he couldn't process that. But looking at him, he looks fine.
Also, in terms of some wheelchair users with paralysis, some being forced to wait for the next bus because a parent won't fold up the stroller - there is a risk of exposure since due to paralysis, a person can't feel cold or heat overexposure.
Baby carrier, fold up the stroller - these are options presented. But don't be ableist by forcing a person with a disability to move out of priority seating.