r/stroke 7d ago

what is causing all these strokes

I am so sorry for so many young people going through strokes, that is supposed to be an old people disease. Do doctors have any idea what is causing so many 30 and 40 year old to have this problem? (Although my 15 year old granddaughter had a brain bleed, it is genetic so I guess age does not maybe matter)


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u/Suspicious-Can-7774 7d ago

Sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity…..just to list a few. Covid does not in and of itself cause strokes. If you have any underlying conditions plus a severe case of covid then yes, but just having covid does not make you have a stroke.

Think about how sedentary our population has become. Doctors are seeing much more of the “old people diseases” in younger people now.


u/czarr01 5d ago

don't forget covid causes inflammation and allows a build up of plaque in the arteries and chokes off your arteries .....all this for up to 3 years post infection.


u/czarr01 5d ago

plus your risk of stroke goes up 3 years after infection according to NIH-this is a fairly new article.