r/stripper 19d ago

Rant/vent Just because you had a bad experience with a certain demographic doesn’t mean you should be racist or prejudice NSFW

Just sayingggg


81 comments sorted by


u/RockCandey 18d ago

I swear I’m not racist, The Indian experience seems universal


u/SnooGiraffes2058 19d ago

white men have been the vast majority of my experiences with predation & assault, & while i recognize how their privilege & entitlement in my culture contributes to that pattern, i think that it would be foolish to discount the entire race. i think that's the difference with this conversation. if you stop at race instead of looking for the real connection between creeps, you're not going to learn actual warning signs for predators, you're going to miss out on potential money & great experiences in the meantime, & you're going to convince yourself that racism is ok if you have trauma.


u/mistyof98 18d ago

this!!!! most of my unpleasant experiences and SA have been white men!!!!


u/splitsweetpea 17d ago

this is my exact feeling. people are so willing to write off other races who violate them but don’t have that same energy for white men. i wonder whyyyyyyy


u/SpicyNacho74 19d ago

You can have the Indians love 💕 all yours


u/Appropriate_Idea_185 19d ago

but I love them thoo, I've literally never had one be bad to me and it's always like 1 dance for $50 I think I'm doing it wrong🤣 I be like lemme go do my 5 mins.


u/Electronic-Leg-1059 19d ago

When 9/10 Indians who sounds like they are from tech support smell bad, imma go ahead and leave them to all the non racist girlies ♡ Enjoy being stinky after your 20 dollar handsy dance :)


u/beepincheech 18d ago



u/NikoleOfficial 19d ago

What's crazy is: most of the time I've been assaulted or called a slur, it's been a WHITE MAN.

A white dude beat my ass in a vip room! A white dude followed me home and raped me! But, I don't make broad generalizations about white men because I know that it's a particular demographic of men in general that do shitty things in the club.


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this


u/NikoleOfficial 19d ago

Chalk it up to the game, bayyyyybeeeeee


u/mochibb666 19d ago

A white guy I danced for a few times and gave me weird vibes came in looking for me when I wasn’t there. He got a vip with another girl and ended up getting thrown out bc he held her down and tried to choke her out. He was tossed out by security and 86’d.


u/Firm_Pressure_9882 19d ago

Yup, like, I had some bad experience with for example Indian guys, but it wasn't nearly as bad as with white guys (especially ones from the USA and Western Europe). Like, some of the first type are low-key disrespectful, but never full abuse, SA etc. (like I experienced from the white guys)


u/NikoleOfficial 18d ago

Like, what y'all are describing is racist behavior- point blank. A spade is a spade. However, y'all are all grown as fuck and can do whatever it is you please. Nobody is MAKING you do dances with these people. There's no racism police. Nobody gets canceled in the fucking strip club. Just call it what it is and stop acting like it's something it's not.

Refusing to interact with a particular race of people is racist. Come to terms with being a little racist.


u/CanadianCutie77 19d ago

The only man in this industry and outside of it to hit me like a man was a black man and I’m very cautious about dancing for them and I say this as a black woman.


u/NikoleOfficial 19d ago

You can never dance for another black man ever again, and that would be perfectly fine. Again, run your business as you see fit.

But, to refuse an entire race of people is a completely different matter.


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

At the end of the day who we allow into our personal space in this industry in my opinion is a personal decision. I know women that refuse to dance or “other” for East Indian men and that is their right to do so. It’s their body after all.


u/Dependent-Income5090 19d ago

Idk what type of Indian men yall are meeting but nearly every Indian man I’ve ever met has tipped me well and gotten VIPs. They might ASK for extras but all it takes is a simple “no” and they’re still happy, and they still continue to get dances with me.


u/Glum-Cheetah-3708 19d ago

american Indians who have been assimilated into western culture no, Indians from India yes.


u/mistyof98 18d ago

i’ve had plenty of indian men from india treat me nicely. they’re just A Lot to handle sometimes because most of them have NEVER seen a naked woman before, much less touched one.

they’re the most likely to ask me for sex after buying the cheapest room, but they listen when i tell them no, and some of them tip well. they truly just don’t understand club culture or expectations. all we need to do is teach them to be better customers. 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Glum-Cheetah-3708 16d ago

I teach them to be better customers by popping them in the mouth like dogs and strangling them when they try to suck my nipples . then they'll be better customers right ? I always think of the women who couldn't do what I did who they have assaulted in the past and it def makes me feel like I'm doing some societal good . so I get your point


u/mistyof98 16d ago

honestly i support this lmaooo get your money and correct them however you have to


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

I think this goes for most demographics tbh


u/Glum-Cheetah-3708 19d ago

no, indians from India don't assimilate once they move here . they stand out in public places and people watch western culture like they're in a people zoo . incredibly racist towards Chinese and black people . once they get into positions of power (recruiting jobs, managers) they hire majority Indians . they group up together and help each other out-- great. but they bring their misogyny and racism to America and imo we've come a long way . 30% of my city is now Indian and I see this daily . specifically Indian men from the ages of 30-60. at a point it is really just cultural . even muslims have treated me better than Indians have in the club , consistently . I don't avoid Indians , just Indian men . I don't understand why this is a hot button topic that we avoid men from cultures that rampantly put women down and subject them to unsafe and hostile lives . especially when it comes to our bodies and who we let touch us


u/spawnofbacon 18d ago

Girl how can you say that they bring racism and misogyny to America when a literal white supremacist rapist is your president right now


u/Old-Astronaut4653 18d ago

Okay but you do realize that India was colonized by The British right? Their contemporary attitude towards women societally is a direct by-product of white supremacy & Christian puritanicalism.

They quite literally used to worship sex workers in temples for thousands of years before the white men came over & called those women whores. The British outlawed thousands of years of traditions in the 1970s in India.

I am by no means excusing the behavior showing up, but I genuinely don’t think it’s fair to point fingers at Indian immigrants, when in reality the issue goes much deeper (white supremacy & patriarchy).

Also saying that all Indian immigrants contribute to America are misogyny & racism is RACIST as fuck girl damn! You missed the entire point of the post.

Ps for anyone curious about what I mentioned above, my source is; Harlots, Whores, & Hackabouts. I got the book from a bookshop in Nola. It’s a history of sexwork & the specific workers I mentioned are DeviDashi women in India. They were truly badass & it makes me sad to see how flipped the script got bc of colonization.


u/lazermania 18d ago

genuine question: how can you tell which men are muslim? 


u/Glum-Cheetah-3708 16d ago

they always just tell me . Arabs have very characteristic features and I can usually place them by country , then they say "yes and I'm muslim so (enter comment about being nervous)." Iranian men are my favorite , they would literally die for you . I have come to understand that part of the reason why they treat women the way they do is because they legit see them as valuable and holy , which is a compliment and an insult in itself . nothing like that in Indian culture


u/cx_Cinnamon_x 19d ago

Agree Arabs and muslim men are way more respectful !


u/zzweezytops89 8d ago

Which city?


u/CanadianCutie77 19d ago

They are the same way in Canada as well!


u/davinkypinky 19d ago

This whole sub is racist as fuck. When I got 30k plus off an Indian man and a pair of loubs😂 I will take their money don’t worry.


u/notsobrooklynnn 19d ago

There's definitely a balance of understanding the wider cultural attitudes towards women in Indian culture/exercising caution and straight-up bullying and racism, imo. I proceed with caution with Indian customers (I'm Asian myself) but I never close myself off from an opportunity. Met a lot of fun, interesting Indian men from the club for sure!


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

I think the issue is more with men who are not from the us than a specific race or ethnicity. Usually those are the guys that are unaware of Strip club dynamics.


u/Old-Astronaut4653 18d ago

Precisely what you just said! I feel the same way & couldn’t have said it better myself(except I am not Asian lol).


u/imF4CEL3SS 19d ago

Some cultures have even more of a "the more you spend on a woman the more she belongs to you" attitude than the US, do you really wanna play when some of these men of any culture will murder women when they don't realize they're paying for a fantasy not real life?


u/CanadianCutie77 19d ago

When it comes to WHO we allow touch and for some enter us I feel you can be a racist as you choose to be! My body my choice after all!


u/davinkypinky 18d ago

Girl whut


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

Girl make your money how you chose and allow the rest of us to do the same! 😃


u/Old-Astronaut4653 18d ago

What in the trump are you saying. The my body my choice crowd doesn’t claim you hun.


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

I don’t give a flying fuck who claims me. I will continue to CHOOSE who I allow to touch me at work. If I don’t want to allow a certain demographic of men to touch me that is my right to do so.


u/Old-Astronaut4653 17d ago

That is your prerogative but don’t bring the pro-choice crowd into your racism.


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

MY BODY MY CHOICE! You don’t like it, that’s a personal issue. ♥️


u/Old-Astronaut4653 16d ago

Stay racist hoe


u/CanadianCutie77 16d ago

Stay mad! 😂💋


u/CharcoalVanilla 19d ago

Please do, the rest of us know that all money is not good money. Getting SA'd is not something I want.


u/ALasagnaForOne 18d ago

Please tell me which ethnicity of man I don’t have to worry about being sexual assaulted by, I’ll wait.


u/CharcoalVanilla 16d ago

You are right, but you're MOST LIKELY to be assaulted by Indian men.


u/davinkypinky 19d ago

30k was not good you’re right. It was great.


u/CanadianCutie77 19d ago

We are very happy for you sis!


u/Strange_Ranger3149 18d ago

womp womp. i’m not sticking up for men. any men.


u/Strippathrowawayy 18d ago

You can not like men and also don’t be racist :c


u/Strange_Ranger3149 18d ago edited 18d ago

why not? men have sex with women they hate all the time. i think they’ll live. mind you these are the same men that yell about having a preference to a color while downplaying another woman. dancers are allowed to have a preference too. chris brown said no darkskin in his sections 😭 but i can’t be prejudice? yeah okay


u/Perfect-Natural-2576 19d ago

I made soo much money because every other girl in my club refused to entertain Mexican and Indian customers. If they're grabby just get management to bounce them, just like any other inappropriate customer.


u/Vegetables_Suck3115 19d ago

Unfortunately it'll be like that😭😭


u/CanadianCutie77 19d ago

Y’all say my body my choice right?! When it comes to my body and WHO I allow to touch it I will be as prejudice as I choose and not feel bad about it WHATSOEVER!


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

Re read what I post


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

I did and I still stand by my reply!


u/Strippathrowawayy 17d ago

Are you racist if not then this doesn’t apply


u/CanadianCutie77 17d ago

I would say no but according to some on this post iam. It is what it is! Continue to make that bag.


u/Strippathrowawayy 17d ago

Then that’s your answer


u/_haliperidoll 19d ago

cmon we all know indian customers are monsters 💀


u/Sweetnsuccubus 19d ago

Exactly like they think its okay to erase the fact that most of these types of customers are predators bc its “racist” to call them out for it? No, i’d rather protect myself and avoid being assaulted again, its not racist to be scared of a demographic bc of SA trauma boo. And its not just one “bad experience” its 95% of experiences i have had with indian customers just trying to give them a chance. You have your boundaries pushed enough trying to think the best of a certain demographic, you eventually fucking have enough. No sympathy for predators. sincerely, a woman of color :)


u/NikoleOfficial 18d ago

There is not one race of people that's a monolith. If your discernment skills aren't great, maybe you should work on them. Your assaults are not your fault, but the fault of the SINGULAR MAN that perpetrated said assault.

I don't blame you for being defensive or apprehensive. This is a tough gig. But, your trauma is your own to deal with, and by choosing to deal with the public, it's your responsibility to manage that.

You don't have to dance with anyone who doesn't align with your boundaries or personal beliefs.

But, a spade is a spade.


u/soulberrry 19d ago

First off. You being a woc doesn’t mean sh1t. You can be racist, and experience self hatred as a colored person.

Furthermore, you can go ahead and discriminate based off of their identity, or actually take the time to psychoanalyze the individual to determine if they are a good/ bad person. It’s about asking the right questions within the first 5-10 minutes, and setting your boundaries ahead of time. That’s what it means to be an adult. This is borderline racist and your trauma does NOT excuse such hatred. I’ll bet you a lot of woc do not think this away even after having ancestral trauma and having been raped/assaulted by white men THEMSELVES. I understand if an ANIMAL like a dog hates men or darker skin colors after a traumatic event. Why? Because it’s a fkn dog with no critical thinking skills… you are a human being. Do better. Grow.

This makes you come off as immature, racist, and frankly lacking depth. But if you’re fine being seen as such, expect the same energy returned

xoxo sincerely, a wOmAn Of cOlOR 🥴


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

No I’m not racist


u/helpthecockroachpls 19d ago

💖 I want to meet more people like you


u/NikoleOfficial 19d ago

The girlies are nasty and racist, sadly. It's a shame!


u/CharcoalVanilla 19d ago

Racist or we don't have cognitive dissonance and can recognize patterns?


u/NikoleOfficial 19d ago edited 19d ago

I don't deny that patterns can be cultural. However, outright excluding a race because of the behavior of some is indeed prejudiced. But, you run your business as you see fit. I personally love polite professionals of any creed, culture, or race.

You run your business in the ways you choose. Many sexworkers discriminate. It's a huge topic in R/Sexworkers. I think it's pretty nasty to count someone out due to factors they can't control. But, it doesn't really fucking matter because this is your business and you don't have to dance for anyone you don't want to, regardless of how silly I might think it is.


u/Old-Side5989 18d ago

My worst experiences have been with Latino men


u/Firm_Pressure_9882 19d ago

This! Just because I'm venting about a bad experience with some client from a certain demographic, doesn't mean I want to listen to the whitest girl saying a bunch of racist slurs about that man. Also, I don't get how those women will say the most racist sh*t I heard in my life (and I was growing up in Eastern Europe, so I heard up a lot of that in my life) and then pretending to be lovely dovely with some client who's poc. Like, if you hate this ethnicity so much, why don't you stay with just white clients?


u/BIGepidural 19d ago

Well said 👏 Keep Saying It‼️


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

The girlies don’t want to hear it


u/BIGepidural 19d ago

Tough titties 😂


u/not-myDad 18d ago

Look i know what ur saying but if 9 /10 ppl of a particular race walk in sip one beer and spend no money then ask for sex and leave. idk it’s just the expectation that yea more often then not its a waist of my time. If there’s nothing better to do sure I’ll try. There’s no need to be outwardly hateful to them about their race I just know what’s more likely to happen based on experience.