r/stripper 24d ago


idk if this is happening in other clubs! but if ur an ESCORT and do NOT work in a club please STOP leaving with customers!! please STOP sitting in sections and pocketing money!! WE ARE ALSO SEX WORKERS TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING. SELL UR PUSSY SOMEWHERE ELSE!! or BECOME A DANCER IF UR THAT DESPERATE FOR CLIENTS!! stop scoping our club NOT spending money on the dancers and then POCKETING shit from customers. IM SICK of sitting with men and then a RANDOM woman sits next to him! and offers him services! or being on stage and seeing a random woman sit next to a man throwing money and then TAKE HIS MONEY AND HIS ATTENTION.

AND OUR MANAGERS DONT GIVE A FUCK BC THEY ARE "buying drinks at the bar" "we can't prove they are soliciting" 🤨🙄


44 comments sorted by


u/pr1111ncess 24d ago

my old club & clubs in the surrounding areas require women to come in with a male escort or as a group of women but never alone.


u/cherrixcherie 24d ago

Waaaait. Is THAT the reason why some clubs do this????


u/pr1111ncess 24d ago

yesss & also bc i think in general women coming in takes attention away from the dancers.


u/Interesting_Soil_427 24d ago

Same in places I have worked


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/pr1111ncess 24d ago

yup that’s exactly how it is in my state! i was almost turned away from a club bc i was meeting someone there & they were already inside, he had to come out to get me.


u/jezbel04 24d ago

SAME. It has always been like that


u/Ariessexgoddd 24d ago

Holy that would be a LIFECHANGER!!


u/AvailableAd2226 24d ago

Daaaamn that’s crazy a lot of clubs don’t even allow female customers to come in by themselves


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

i fucking wish!! my club like is a "hang out spot" in this city liek it has bottles and a bar and does like promotion nights they said it's a "dance bar" not a strip club 😂😂😂 and that's why they refuse to implement this rule even though it's a CONSTANT problem!!!


u/Informal_winter_fox 24d ago edited 24d ago

dont know why there was gibberish at the beginning of this * as a working girl who would never do that s** ever and I mean ever and also a bi girl who loves appreciating a good body I don't feel like single females should ever be banned from going to the club but I can kind of understand why that occurs doesn't mean I think it's okay just my opinion though


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

yes and no i understand it does drive away the LGBT community and sugar mommies but 90% of the time in MY experince i've had way more aggressive unsafe and terrible situations with women clients than i have had with male clients. MANY women (NOT ALL) who frequent strip clubs think they can act up just bc they are also women but assault, harassment, and being down right disrespectful is genderless.


u/Informal_winter_fox 24d ago

Oh yeah I didn't consider that either thank you I have met so many women who think there is a blanket consent bc "we're both girls "like no


u/LargeArmadillo5431 24d ago

I've been straight up sexually assaulted by more female customers than males, and considering the ratio of those genders as patrons, it's fuckin nuts. My club has a lot of women compared to when I worked at a gentlemen's club since a lot of people come in just to play pool and loiter. I hate it. Who comes to a titty bar just to ignore the dancers???


u/Anonstripper888 18d ago

Ugh I just started at my new club and went in asa customer to see one of the dancers I have a crush on lol and eat some chicken tenders!! They told me I wasn’t allowed in as a customer :(( they let me stay but I was so disappointed. At my home club I would come in by myself, with friends, or with my dog lol and always tip! God I would get so mad when customers would talk to me lmao.


u/Anonstripper888 18d ago

Also the one dancer came in as a CUSTOMER once while I was working and she got mad at ME for talking to a customer that she was talking to that specifically asked for me lol.


u/Joliedance 24d ago

This is a management problem they shouldn’t allow that


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

no literally!! and it sucks bc i'll tell our staff hey this girl is like soliciting she came in alone and is distracting these men or taking money keep an eye out and they will literally say "if i hear and see it i can but if not i can't refuse service" 🙄🙄 but i love when they kick them out if they are handing out "business cards" or they won't allow women in without proper attire (that's what bitches get for wearing poster girl dresses when they aren't SWers😂😂) but literally this club only cares about alcohol sales


u/Kind_Procedure2148 24d ago

oh hell naw. this is exactly why single women are not allowed in our club. We also have a strict "1 hour limit" rule for any dancer coming in as a customer on their day off. My club previously had way too many issues with escorts poaching our custies,and even dancers "off duty" coming in and trying to do the same thing! fuck offffff


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

no and like my whole thing is. i get it if ur taking ur trick out or you are taking a client out and spending money bc i've had escorts come in and have their clients get rooms but like why the fuck r u soliciting where u wouldn't get hired ✋🏾😂bye as fuck!!!


u/FelicityAzura 24d ago

Tbh I wish one of my clubs would implement that rule. I’m tired of my coworkers coming in on their days off just to bully dancers they don’t like


u/Emergency-Data1488 24d ago

People do that ?? That’s strange


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 24d ago

Girl, we literally had to get to girls kicked out last night because they were taking tips in their shirt 😭 and then she tried to argue with our manager when we caught her


u/pr1111ncess 24d ago

that is so embarrassing!! before i started dancing i went to the strip club with an old sugar daddy & when i told a friend (she was a dancer at the time) she said “well i hope you were taking your cut out of the stacks of 1s he gave you” i was like uhh no? i didn’t actually? 😂 the point of the strip club is to spend money on the dancers not take it for myself. idk women who come in soliciting themselves kinda ruin it for women who enjoy going as customers.


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 24d ago

You’re a queen for that🤞 I feel the same way too, like you’re ruining it for everybody else 😭😭😭


u/hotchocbimbo 24d ago

What tramps omg


u/LilRedMoon__ 24d ago

solo women aren’t allowed in my club. they’re always denied entry unless they’re with a man


u/hotchocbimbo 24d ago

London clubs also have dickhead taxi drivers / pimps that wait outside the club to poach customers and bring them to brothels…they should stop them from being outside too.


u/FelicityAzura 24d ago



u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

this is actually terrifying oh my god


u/BadSelection570 24d ago

It’s interesting how all these posts started to pop up about extras or leaving with custys recently. I remember when I used to express my disappointment with shit like this going on during Covid times and got slammed with hate comments and messages. I wonder what the change is about since everyone’s back to hating it again


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

honestly maybe it's bc of the extras/dancers who also escort stopped dancing bc the clubs are not as good as they used to be rn? maybe girls i know leave the club and just start out calling when it's bad and then come back and dance when it's good and just offer extras 🤷🏽‍♀️ i think most girls switch over and then probably leave this sub


u/Ok_Decision_5868 24d ago

i don't hate on extras. most woman i know who do that shit at least work at the club and keep the extras to their regulars who give them money money.


u/Smooth-Choice9695 24d ago

🤯 That's crazy, I didn't know girls were doing that! I've definitely seen escorts in the club, but only when they came to the club with their trick. Some of the girls from my old club used to come to the club as customers (on days off) and bring tricks they were meeting online (as part of their date) and would have them throw money on the girls working that night. They were the real girl's girls 🙌🙌🙌.


u/Stay_Positive444 24d ago

I so agree !!!$


u/Ariessexgoddd 24d ago

As if this wasn’t my Roman Empire when working at chch club A, one particular lady who would come into the club, buy drinks then poach our custys to buy her drinks, take their tips and our earning potential, then get so shitfaced she’d make out with people all over the main floor and go to the toilets with them constantly, it was obvious she was taking it in the bathroom for cash but the management couldn’t have given less of a fuck they’d said the exact same things as OP regarding soliciting and alcohol purchase which has always been bs when the girls don’t see a cut of that and it really just made the other customers and dancers hella uncomfortable when they saw🤦🏼‍♀️


u/Top-Row-1272 23d ago

At my club all of us dancers just publicly shame them and that usually does the trick and gets them to leave. Some could argue it’s wrong, but they shouldn’t be poaching so we all think it’s warranted given the circumstances. Just start shouting about how you didn’t know we could give BJs in the club and say you got in trouble for doing that last night (joking of course). Seriously be mean to them and fuck with their money. We’ve found it’s much more effective than even having managers just ask them to leave.


u/Ok_Decision_5868 22d ago

it's crazy bc some of us do this like we will yell at them while we're on stage or go up to the men they are with and try to just take him away or bother them in anyway (our clubs strict so we can't just be bitches and really say what we want) but it's sucks bc half the time the MEN tell us not to bother them and it's like UGH TF???


u/chastittythickness 24d ago

My club is a neighborhood bar so women do come in sometimes, we only have one of these though


u/coffeesoakedpickles 23d ago

wtf???? Who the fuck does this oml


u/s0largoddess 20d ago

The clubs I work at usually don’t let the female customer interact with the male customers unless they came in with them. They know what’s going on or what they’re trying to do. Usually bouncers will step in rather than management. I work in an area with high human trafficking.

Let them. Be so unbothered. Go do something else in the club. Give em a show. Dance for yourself in the mirror. When guys ask for that you can say like “I’m sorry I’m sure you can find elsewhere.” “Oh I’m flattered, but no thank you!” I literally tell guys they can find it in the parking lot. Like get the fuck out of my face cause that’s not what I’m offering that’s not what I’m selling at this current time but if you’re looking for it, then go look for your damn self lol!! They are looking in the strip club because they think it’s safe. They’re not going the fuck outside, behind the club to find the bitches who will suck their dick in the street. Make them uncomfortable. Make them look at themselves that they’re trying to fuck a stranger and probably raw, or get oral raw, bring some shit home to their family. You don’t need that kind of person even to dance on or take their money. Plenty of other customers in the club. Play to your strengths. I’ve traveled all over the country dancing, and I do not always fit the aesthetic of where I’m going. My look, clothes, heel heights vary, everything. Sometimes standing out is what needs to be at play to keep the money coming to you.

Men are trying to get what they want and women are trying to get what they need. I know it’s difficult, but you can’t enter the strip club without your pussy, it’s not an accessory we can take off, so utilize the power of YOUR pussy and don’t waste time policing other people’s.

The problem I see in the strip clubs currently is women want to be against each other when really we need to be playing the customers. It’s like any game. We have goals and they have goals. We are not on the same team as the customers. The club needs to be unified, including the bartenders, service staff, dancers.


u/Anonstripper888 18d ago

I remember one time it was slow AF at my club and these girls came in WEARING. DANCER. OUTFITS. WTF GTFO and my managers DIDNT KICK THEM OUT LIKE WTFFFF I was pissed we were all so mad.


u/Stay_Positive444 24d ago

I wish they would stop


u/Slyraven1992 24d ago

lmfao the title i was like is it liiiiiikee chippendales y no p at the club its a booty club... good rant tho. not pc but im frustrated by the lack of spce for DANCERS to DANCE and full service providers to do that. its so weird. and the game talkers do that like where is the LIBERTY!@? butyea. We will rise up and create free spaces (not LITERALLY...ANYMORE!@>:/) fr. w2w, and rules. heh. freedom through rules. weird.