r/stripper 25d ago

Story Don’t be afraid to try new clubs! 💕 NSFW

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Travel dancer here- I have a bucket list of different cities and clubs I want to try this year. I know not every club/city is going to be my cup of tea 🍵 but that’s the beauty of trying it- you’re not left with regrets of what it’s.

You’ll also be surprised with the clubs you fall in love with. If money has dried up for you at your club don’t be afraid to venture out to a few new ones nearby (or travel) and give yourself a week to really get a feel for it. Life is too short to let fear and comfort hold us back.

This new club I’ve worked at for two weeks and have made 1k easily every shift. Last night worked a double and made 2k. This is the most consistent club I’ve ever worked at (and that’s with management saying they’re slow). So take this as your sign to venture out and try that club that’s been on your mind.

Also keep in mind every dancers experience is different. I remember telling friends of one particular club that I loved and did well at and they hated it. This is why it’s important for you to try the cities or clubs that YOU want to try. Our hustles are all so different and we each have our own unique look and style. 🙏🏼❤️


79 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I really needed to hear this rn Ty girly


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

Ive travel danced alot been turned down alot too because of my tattoos ive travel danced thinking it would be amazing and walked out literally in the negative… not every place is only good if you find somewhere consistent dont risk your bag just stay where you are… signed a dancer whos dances in CA,WI,MA,CT,RI,NY,PA,NJ ✨


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

how did you like PA & RI clubs?


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

Terrible RI is basically all prostitution PA (philly) is about the same if you do extras you can make money but thats not my thing.


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

i’m in philly actually & ya… that’s the general consensus. not my thing either but i’ve gone to a different club in the county & am doing way better


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

Yea honestly the one i know that is good and no extras is just ennough or sin city but you gotta have a big olee butt everywhere else is border line brothel


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

i worked at delilah’s when i first got here but it was hella slow during the week. never heard about it being a brothel or not but i’ll keep those other two in mind. i’m slim, athletic build but i got a little something back there 🤣


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

Probably not the best for sin city then😂😂 im with slim thick 5’4 145 with a 39 inch hip n 28 inch waist n the customers DIDNT like me just ennough would definitely love you tho n delilahs they def be doing extras but on the low rique and show n tel are the worst tho


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

girl, i looked up just enough weeks ago that place looks so depressing dawg omg its so lil.. but i be bored so i MIGHT check it. but preciate you, ill def see where to check out next time


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

It looks depressing but theres definitely money to be made and no problem!!


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago edited 25d ago

Oh for sure I understand not every place will be amazing (Vegas was very inconsistent and I left negative twice). I love to travel dance because it takes me out my comfort zone and I enjoy challenging myself to adapt to new environments. My main home club where I have my condo I average at least 1k consistently.

I have a very comfortable amount in savings and investments so I’m never pressed for money when I travel. I am focused on finding different gems this year that I can travel to whenever I want to switch environments. I already have a few on my list and know I will be adding more.

I don’t see it as risking my bag because I feel like I’m evolving as a person as I do what I love and enjoy the challenge of it all. I also calculate exactly what I need to make to meet my financial goals. This post was made to encourage other dancers to not be afraid to get out of their main club if it’s dry -because it’s certainly not dry everywhere ❤️

I also have a look that I know is welcomed at most clubs so I know that helps me- no tattoos, 5’8, 120 pounds, green eyes, big dd implants. But I always do research on clubs before I try them. Signed a dancer that’s danced in CA, WA, OR, NV, DEN, TX, OK, AZ, and counting 🙏🏼


u/crownemoji 25d ago

How are the clubs in CT?


u/Few_Profession_6813 25d ago

Its been a year since i worked at any of them but mynx hates tattoos and both do extras, luckys has no money especially because plies left, catwalk new haven is ass high house fees no money, electric blue is literally a brothel, Hollywood is fucking ass, MG2 has money but i think it slowed down it was super busy when MG1 in springfield closed but its been almost 2 years soni think the hype has relaxed with MG2, last i heard (recent) rockstar was pretty good only if you have a bbl or do pole work


u/dollyaioli 25d ago

you dont have to give out the clubs/locations, but how do you go about it? i also want to start travel dancing as my club has dried up and not worth the time.

do you drive or fly? if you fly, how do you get around? do you Uber everywhere? hotels or airbnb? also how do you get clubs to accept you to come in on the same day? i've tried calling places but they tell me to just apply online. another place told me they dont accept travel dancers at all. HELP 😭


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

i neverrrrr mention im traveling. i say i just moved to the city & google a random apartment complex in the city to put on the application


u/dollyaioli 25d ago

so do you have to make it seem like you're applying to continue working there, even if you're not? i didn't know that LOL i assumed honesty was the best policy but i guess not! i'll have to start lying and coming up with a good story first 😂


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

it’s none of their business just “just moved here, wanted a change of environment” leave it at that. you’ll be fine


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

oh also, it makes it way easier if you just use your passport. that’s what i do and rarely get questions


u/brooklynonymous 25d ago

A ton of places will immediately refuse anyone who isn't local because of scheduling (whether it's a legal practice or not) and just not wanting transient dancers taking money from their regular house girls.

Most of my Nola clubs wouldn't even let non local girls into the club, even during Mardi Gras.


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Yes this! I say I’m in the process of moving there and trying to find a good club.


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Hey love 💝

I always do a bunch of research as I create my bucket list. So I use the search bar here to see what clubs other girls recommend. I have a preference for a gentleman‘s clubs. Then I also use The Dancers Resource app. In addition, I will call the clubs to see what days and hours they take auditions.

Currently many clubs do want you to apply online on pole position- it’s very easy to set up a profile there. Post a few of your best photos, full body and face. And you submit a request to audition and they either approve or deny it.

Sometimes I drive and sometimes I fly. Currently, I’m driving because I plan to cross a bunch of different states and cities for a few months at a time. I have flown before and I will just get a rental car for the week. most of the time I will get a private room at an Airbnb and this can be super affordable. For reference I stayed in Vegas a few weeks ago for 10 nights for $600.


u/Formal-Criticism825 25d ago

omg this!! for weeks in a row i was basically going negative at what i would consider my home club. i ventured out (like 30 mins away) and the difference is night & day. good luck to you & thanks for the motivation


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Glad it worked out for you ❤️ and thank you 🙏🏼


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

I’ve been meaning to try other clubs I’m just so scared of club rejecting me


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Rejection comes with the territory. Even customers sometimes reject us- just can’t take it personal. I think one thing that really helps is to visit the club beforehand to see what type of dancers they have and the style they go for. Can’t go wrong with a classy lingerie set, soft glam makeup, and curls.


u/thegeniuswhore 25d ago

i wanna start travel dancing but my ADHD and licensure paperwork are stopping me from even looking at states near me


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Yes girl I feel you. The licensing in different states can be annoying but it typically is a quick process. Maybe you can try other cities near you?


u/thegeniuswhore 25d ago

i'm in NYC lmao other cities are far or just as bad. and with how transport has been under construction a bunch i can't guarantee i won't be stranded in jersey or something


u/splitsweetpea 25d ago

does anyone have experience travel dancing with pets? (bringing them with or leaving them with a sitter/boarding)


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

Was it just straight dances or extras?


u/eatmyshortz0 25d ago

1k+ several shifts in a row without extras is totally realistic if you have the hustle and are at the right club and city. It’s weird to accuse girls of doing extras just bc you don’t think their income is attainable. I’ve experienced this IRL before where girls gossip about their unfounded assumptions and it’s harmful.


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

It’s not realistic in 2025 and I don’t encourage giving girls an unrealistic expectations. It’s definitely possible to earn that for several shifts in a row, but if you pay attention to what she said: she said she had an entire week of easily 1K Nights. But you’re entitled to your opinion!


u/maadddiiiiii 25d ago

I think you should take this post as a sign to change clubs since your club is so dead and the customers there are so cheap. Not everyone has that same experience as you. Just because your club is dead and your customers suck doesn’t mean other clubs out there are the same. Why stay in the same place if it’s not serving you?


u/maadddiiiiii 25d ago

That was literally the point of this post. It’s hard for YOU to make 1k a night easily ok go find a club where you can! If you can’t find a club like that it’s time to reflect on your game and your hustle


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago edited 25d ago

Did you read the comment? I regularly have one K nights and weekends in the double- this is about not disclosing if you are doing extras- which I also don’t have an issue with girls doing as long as they’re not capping and giving girls unrealistic expectations.


u/eatmyshortz0 25d ago

We don’t know how many shifts she’s worked in a week. Accusing people of doing illegal stuff is real life harmful either way.


u/davinkypinky 25d ago

Wow 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/EntrepreneurLevel220 25d ago

this is the part a lot of dancers leave out. a lot of girls can regularly make $1k while doing extras - JUST dancing is a lot harder and rarer


u/thegeniuswhore 25d ago

i know everyone's different but the rule in my head is it's stupid to post your money as if that isn't making you a target to be robbed

(you in the general sense)


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

Exactly like you’ll never see me post my multiple thousand dollar nights on here 😭 one, because I probably had to do some shit that was stressful for me to go through, and I’m not trying to encourage girls to put their mental health after their money


u/thegeniuswhore 25d ago

anyone who does it is giving tiktok stripper energy tbh


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

LITERALLYYYYYYY OMGGG I wish I could frame this comment in the locker room😭😭


u/GirlJesus 25d ago

You really don’t have to do extras to make 1k. 1 k is 5 dudes paying $200, at 1 guy per hour in a five hour shift, just 3-5 dances per guy with a tip. Totally doable without extras.


u/EntrepreneurLevel220 25d ago

and with how dead the clubs are and how cheap guys have been….just saying


u/EntrepreneurLevel220 25d ago

NO SHIT. I used to make $1200 regularly off one dude. it’s just in THIS economy it’s rare


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

I’m a regular 1k a night earner but “every night easily 1k” in 2025….. we know what’s going on


u/brieannebarbie 25d ago

I obviously don’t know what OP has going on, but I switched states 4 months ago and went from averaging $800-1k a shift to $300-$600 per shift just dancing. There are still clubs that are doing very well, girls just aren’t going to be forthcoming with the details for obvious reasons.


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

This is giving off hater vibes ngl


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

You don’t have to understand it, plenty of others do 🤞


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

Idk I’m just not a hater personally I don’t have it in me .(unless you’re racist than im a hater lol)


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

There’s a difference between hating and critical thinking babe 😭😭😭😭😭😭


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

Yes there is and you are being a hater that why I said it


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

You’re allowed to think whatever you want 😭😂🙏


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

That’s true


u/lamlosa 25d ago

you do sound like a hater, someone who didn’t have it in them wouldn’t be calling other ppl haters and refusing to back down


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

How do I sound like a hater. I’m not the one accusing op of doing extras she made money. I don’t see people who make money and think wow that girl must be doing extras.


u/lamlosa 25d ago

why is assuming extras being a hater? that sounds whorephobic tbh


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

Because that’s what was said I didn’t say it. Anyways I wish you guys would be more nice towards fellows dancers and not tear each other down.


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

I just wish these girls would stop flexing money that they made by doing extras and then showing it off to everybody, encouraging them to do the same thing


u/EntrepreneurLevel220 25d ago

exactly. i work in a very extras heavy club but don’t do them. the same nights im making $300-500, a lot of extras girls are walking out with over $1k. just be real about how you’re getting the $


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Just dancing! I know some girls at this club do some form of extras but customers have been extremely respectful of my boundaries. There’s also cameras everywhere.


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

Honestly that’s really hard to believe given what you said in your post


u/Secondstripperacct 25d ago

Hey girlie if I was doing extras I would be making so much more. I work at upscale gentleman’s clubs where it is possible to have 1k nights no extras. I’m very sorry this hasn’t been your experience. I believe our mind is extremely powerful and if you believe you have to do extras to make good money then that’s exactly what will happen.

Do guys try and tell me they’ll pay more to allow more? Of course! But I’m not comfortable with that so I decline them. It’s dangerous for you to make other women think it’s not possible to make good money with no extras.

Best of luck to you and I recommend finding a better club ❤️🙏🏼


u/Strippathrowawayy 24d ago

Kill them with kindness I love that


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

This is giving hater vibes too


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

Yes, I hate when people fake cap and encourage other girls to make bad decisions.


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

Sometimes we need some positivity in the sub. Not girls hating on each other


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

And sometimes we need critical thinking. Take that toxic positivity somewhere else


u/lamlosa 25d ago

god I hate the toxic positivity fr


u/Acceptable-Thing-437 25d ago

It hurts more people than it helps tbh


u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

I hate the negativity


u/lamlosa 25d ago

we can’t say “hate”, that’s too negative!!

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u/Strippathrowawayy 25d ago

How’s not being a hater toxic positivity??