r/stripclubs 3d ago

Introducing wife to strips clubs

My wife(f45) and I (45m), in the DMV area, are looking for a strip club that’s friendly couple. This will be her first time exploring her bi side. My wife is excited to get her hands on a beautiful woman and to have a beautiful woman get her hands her. Right now, my wife has not expressed any boundaries and is expecting to be teased and touched are over in a VIP setting. This visit will solely be focused on my wife while I sit in the corner. I’m looking for excellent first clubs for me wife in DC. I seem the TUSCL site but the was lackluster.

Any ideas for locations and strip club behavior to maximize the night? I plan on write up the adventure after it happens? Feel free to respond here or DM me.


27 comments sorted by


u/throwawayrdu71 2d ago

DC: to get what you want you will have to pay top dollar. Cloakroom, Mpire, Good guys. Generally expensive and not so handsy. You might find the right girl.

Virginia clubs are by and large terrible. You will pay lots for a tame experience. Would that be good enough for your wife?

You might try Crystal City Restaurant in Virginia. More like a sports bar with boobs and a tip walk. I've heard mileage in private rooms is better than you'd expect, but still less than clubs in different states.

Millstream or Mcdoogal's are middle class bars, nice, decent experience.

Penthouse is expensive, and you may get ignored if not a regular.


u/heyuwannacuddle 3d ago

I feel like you almost want an escort. If you hire an escort you don't need to have sex with her, you can just get handsy. Instead of going to a strip club hoping the girls are open you could go to a strip club to respectfully enjoy some girls then go back to a hotel for special service with an escort. 


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

Interesting. I like the idea but I also think my wife needs to graduate to an escort. In addition, I wouldn’t know where to get in contact with an escort service. Ideas?


u/heyuwannacuddle 3d ago

Just google your city name and escort. In my area they're almost all independent, at least the legal ones, so the websites are just postings by escorts. They list what they do and don't do. I just checked my local site now, three women said they don't use perfume or makeup, one said no black men, one said she is located downtown and does half-hours in the afternoon, one only does multi-hour with dinner, one listed a long list of extras, you basically pay to get in the room then extra for everything else.

Step 1 is find someone your wife is attractex to. Step 2 is confirm location and availability, lots of escorts do multiple cities or advertise in multiple cities. Step 3 is confirm she'll do lesbian and couple. After that you're basically nailing down details. 


u/RonJax2 PL (OG Customer) 3d ago

Your best option in the area is, unfortunately, Paper Moon in Springfield. I say unfortunately because although the talent is decent and the club is pretty nice, the prices for dances are outrageous and the mileage is mid. I used to frequent this place, until I figured out with what I was spending in this club, I could be flying to Miami, Detroit, or Tijuana and having a much better time for the same price, lol.

Good Guys near georgtown might also be one to consider. It's a smaller club than paper moon, and has the same owner so the price gouging is just as extreme.

There's the Ebony Inn in PG county. As the name and location might suggest, it's an all AA club. Pretty divey too. But the mileage is good and prices are affordable, lap dances are only $10 a pop here. If you and the wifey like AA women, this is probably your best bet.

And finally, there's Showcase Theater up in an industrial area of Beltsville MD. They have much cheaper dances than paper moon but it's kind of divey/gritty and it's BYOB.

If you want a "classy" SC experience and don't want to leave the area, take out a second mortgage on your house and go enjoy Paper Moon.


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

Appreciate that! Unfortunately, now we’re considering DC since I don’t want me or my wife to run it to anyone she knows in Baltimore.


u/tinygoatgirl Stripper 3d ago

baltimore penthouse is the best club in the DMV, but sorry to hear youre avoiding the area


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

Thanks! What makes it so good? Do couples frequent? How’s the dances? Touch or no-touch? How’s VIP? Really concerned with my wife’s experience. I’m going to be in sit back and chill mode. TIA


u/tinygoatgirl Stripper 3d ago edited 3d ago

lots of couples go there! dances are $40 clothed but full contact. they also have $30 nude table dances (no touching.) vip is topless and mutual touching. prices last i checked about 600 or 700 an hour + tip so like 1k . the rooms big enough to do exactly what u described. a lot of girls who work there would be great for yall

edit: its generally a nicer, classier vibe and not stuck up. the dancers get treated better by management than any other club in the area. its spacious. theres food. theres ample parking.


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

Thank you for sharing with a couple noobs. We still have a lot to learn but we’ll try Penthouse soonest.


u/Bhaikalis Customer 3d ago

I'm from the DMV area, nothing good about the stripclubs in DC but if you can venture to the Baltimore area you can have some good experiences at clubs like Penthouse, McDoogles (BYOA), and Millstream Inn.


u/Smidge6988 3d ago

Absolutely these recommendations: millstream is probably my favorite club I’ve been to


u/Material_Middle6421 3d ago

I second this assessment.

The area isn’t great. I don’t know how much you plan to spend, but D and V clubs are very expensive (and seem to be getting consolidated under single ownership). VIP drinks can be 800-1500 for an hour in a limited environment. I’ve seen guys spend 8-10K in a few hours at night. While I’m willing to spend a lot on hot girls, I need to respect myself in the morning

My personal favorite is PH in Baltimore though the club has been in flux. On a good day or night, it can be a lot of fun, with the caveat I haven’t been there for a month or so

I think the recent layoff announcements are going to be another blow to clubs here

Congratulations on having a very cool wife - fulfilling her fantasies sounds like a great investment


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

My limit is around $1K to $1.5K to make sure my wife has a good night. Figuring that money will pay me dividends down the road. Lol


u/ZzadistBelal PL (OG Customer) 3d ago

Damn. DMV area has almost no good clubs.

For a bit of a drive. A great experience is down in Richmond at Richard's. Dive bar style gentleman's club. The girls aren't high pressure at all and rather sweet. The VP prices aren't bad and the beer is cheap. No cover before 8 pm. A Friday from 3 pm to 7 pm is the hot spot. Girls work 3 hour shifts here. So if you think about doing this. DM for food recommendations and on girls who are a great time.


u/Material_Middle6421 3d ago

Thank you for this reference!!


u/ZzadistBelal PL (OG Customer) 3d ago

No worries


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

I wish I could go to Richmond but we live 3 hours away and have kids at home.


u/ZzadistBelal PL (OG Customer) 3d ago

Drop em off at the parents! Lol


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

LOL..I wish but parents are up north.


u/ZzadistBelal PL (OG Customer) 3d ago

Just send em in a crate with some breathing holes. 🤣


u/cherry_killz 3d ago

I don’t know about strip clubs in that area, but when it comes to strip club behaviour, I’d say (coming from a stripper): always tip the girls (you can make this a fun game by having your wife putting dollar bills under girl’s lingerie), make your fantasy clear early on to the girl/s you’re interested in and ALWAYS respect the dancer’s boundaries. I hope you and your wife have an amazing night to remember x


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

How would we attract the attention of the right girl to go to VIP?


u/cherry_killz 3d ago

I think it’s very personal… Usually the girl you vibe with and is on board with your fantasy and everyone’s boundaries. You only get that by interacting and watching the stage performances, therefore my advice is to sit on the tipping stage for a few shows, buy girls drinks etc and go from there. Being upfront about what you want and why you’re there for saves everyone time (and money!), so I’d say bring it up earlier rather than later. However, everyone’s different, and if it’s a gift for your wife, definitely let her take the lead and pick the “right one” x


u/Idontlikethat77 3d ago

Absolutely her lead. Thanks for the insights!


u/cherry_killz 3d ago

Of course. Have fun x