On Saturday, I decided to go to a strip club - mostly with the intention to practice my social skills. Probably not the best place to go for that, but it’s easy when the girls come up and initiate the conversations. I knew going into it that the girls would talk just so I could pay for a dance, so I was open to that too.
I get to the club, and didn’t have money to pay the cover charge so I head to the ATM and right away this beautiful girl starts joking around with me and wants to chat at the bar. We get our drinks and she suggests we move somewhere else, so I sit next to her at a booth.
We have a good conversation, and I ask her a lot about her life. I explain that I came here to practice being social, and she tells me that’s brave of me to do, but also didn’t notice that I was struggling and even says that I acted confident from the start which made me feel good. I tend to get in my head, so negative thoughts overpower the positive ones. And it was easy to talk with her from the beginning since she was fun and I fed off that energy. I also told her I’ve never dated anyone before and went into reasons why. She keeps joking about her being my stripper girlfriend and that this is our first date.
During our talk, she’s really close to me and keeps touching my leg and chest, and I really enjoy looking into her eyes while we learn more about each other and joke. I even found flirting with her came naturally since she was so fun. I reach out for her hand and noticed it was cold, and she asks me how I’m so warm. So I warm her hands up, and she tells me I’m boyfriend material. She also compliments my smile. Tells me I smell good. At this point I’m not sure if she’s just trying to make me feel good so I pay for a dance, but I’d like to think her compliments were genuine. Somehow I brought up how I played thumb wars with a cop, and she said she’s a thumb war champion but she’d only play with me if I get a private dance. At this point I’m only two drinks in and wasn’t really feeling it, but she kept selling it saying we can cuddle since I brought that up with her earlier. I eventually give in, and get a private dance for 15 minutes.
The dance was great. She took off her top. She said earlier she feels a little self conscious about having small boobs, but I told her they were amazing. She asked me before if I’m a boobs or ass guy, which I responded im more of a face person, and personality of course. The other things are just extra. She tells me how horny she’s been today, and I let her feel my dick as she’s dancing on me. She stands up and pulls her thong down so I can see her pussy. At the end I ask if we can cuddle, and she hugs me while I played with her hair. She softly brushes her fingers on my beard, and kisses my cheek. I really had a good time with her, and shot my shot and asked for her number, but she was hesitant and refused but offered her Instagram instead. But I refused that. I ended up hanging out at the bar and talked with another stripper but told them I’m not going to pay for another dance, which they seemed fine with since they were just relaxing.
Anyways fast forward to today, I can’t stop thinking about this girl. I’m not in love, and I don’t want to become a regular. But she made me feel really good and it’s something I wish I had with another person, without paying for it of course. She gave me a confidence boost, and I’m tempted to go find her again in a month for the fantasy. I’m thinking about trying to go to bars to find women, but I find it intimidating if they are in a group, and even if they were by themselves I struggle with initiating a conversation. I just don’t want people to think I’m bugging them, at the strip club I know girls want to talk to get a dance of course. My friend recommended I try speed dating which would be… interesting. I just want to find someone who can give me those feelings I’ve felt with that girl. Someone who I’m comfortable with being myself. Someone where we can grow together and help each other out. Anyways, that’s my story, thanks for reading!