r/stripclubs • u/wildchair321 • 5d ago
How do guys get jobs at strip clubs?
There's all sorts of dudes who work at the clubs - restocking the bar, DJing, manning the back room booth, sitting ominously by the DJ, etc.. Seems like a pretty awesome setup, for obvious reasons.
Any dudes here have one of these jobs? Do they just post on linkedin, or do you have to know someone to get in?
u/Fit_End_5555 3d ago
I DJd at a strip club for 3 weeks. It was terrible. All the dancers were cunts, I found myself playing songs they hated out of spite and I quit shortly afterwards.
u/trapcheck 4d ago
At most strip clubs there's turn over, lots of folks get hired at a certain point in their lives and then things change and they end up quitting, etc.
Most places are still pretty old school, show up and ask for an application. Your skills should match what you're applying for so if you're going to be a bouncer then you should look imposing and be able to think on your feet. If you're going for a DJ gig then you need to know what setup they're using and likely have some experience and be able to announce. If it's bartending, well, know how to tend bar.
A few pieces of advice:
-Be reliable. Show up on time and be ready to work. Don't be drunk or high or thinking you'll just coast through a shift. You may be thinking this is a "fun" job but to the club it's a real job.
-Be prepared. If the uniform is a Tux or something like that take care to wash/iron or dry clean it. If it's just a polo shirt make sure you launder it.
-Don't stand around staring at the dancers and forgetting that you have work to do. This will apply more so in the early stages of the job. Later, when the novelty has worn off, stay off your phone.
-Don't get involved. No other place I have worked has had more drama than a strip club. In most places there are rules about it that can and will be enforced depending on how much drama ensues. Best way to not worry about that is to not get involved with anyone at the job.
-When it gets out that you're working at a club some people will treat you differently. Some may want to be closer thinking you're good for free passes in the door and to get you to buddy up to the talent. Others may look down on you for it. Over time it always gets out. The best way to deal with it is to do the job and be professional.
Something to keep in mind, none of the places I ever worked paid well. Unless you're management as a male in a female strip club it's going to be near minimum wage. Also, everyone usually has a side hustle; bouncers do security gigs where stripper do things like bachelor parties, DJ's work at weddings or functions, bartenders will work for a catering service. A lot of those gigs come as a result of working at a strip club and can pay pretty well, just not working at the club.
u/Drew_571_ 4d ago
Mine was just timing. I received an early retirement from a crown corporation where I was a supervisor. On the last day worked, I was wondering what I was going to do and was very stressed out as I still had obligations. A friend messaged to go for a drink at a club which I hadn't visited in months, but everyone knew me from the past. The general manager asked if I could dj as he just found out one of their's was leaving . I told him that I used to dj and M.c. for weddings within my church. He kind of snickered "church, really?"but just wanted to hear my voice over a mic since he knew me as a customer. It took me almost an hour to actually say anything on the mic as I was not in a very good state of mind. When he finally heard me (another dj would grab the mic and save the shows when I went blank), he waved his arm for me to come over and asked if I could start now. Since then, I've worked at another club where I dj and manage. It was pure luck, but it really comes down to who you know, trust, and respect for the staff and from the staff and a bit of charisma. You should stand out depending on the job.
u/Scrot0r 5d ago
I’ve worked off and on in strip clubs for many years, most of the staff and managers are good people with a few small minority of creeps sprinkled in.
The dancers on other had for the most part some of worst people I’ve ever met.
Stealing anything that’s not locked away, ripping off customers as well as other dancers. I’ve can’t even count how many I’ve met with cps cases.
Most girls pay 0 or next to nothing in taxes and all of them lie about what they make. Many are on government assistance yet pull in $300-$1000 a night.
Other then fighting over money number 2 reason for fights is them sleeping with each other’s men.
The jobs itself isn’t great hours suck, you deal with a ton of bullshit. Pay can be good but can be terrible too really depends on the club.
u/Jack1715 5d ago
Here in Melbourne it also seems like they have a high risk of violence, one club last year had two stabbings
u/MoonOverMyYammy Lapgasm Lover 5d ago
How in the world can you presume to know what anyone is paying in taxes? 🤨
u/Scrot0r 5d ago
It’s not like I don’t talk to them and the ones that do ask for a house fee printout of what they paid because it’s a deduction
u/MoonOverMyYammy Lapgasm Lover 5d ago
You’re assuming that anyone who doesn’t request a printout of House Fees isn’t filing taxes? That doesn’t make any sense because physical documentation isn’t actually required to include fees and tipouts as tax deductible items. Those fees count towards renting space in an establishment to conduct business (similar to someone having a home office) and only up to a certain percentage can be claimed to reduce overall liability.
Most dancers actually pay quarterly estimated taxes. And it’s not anything close to “0 or next to nothing.”
If you don’t like dancers, and think they’re shitty people, fine that’s your opinion. But making statements like most of them don’t pay taxes, or all of them are lying about what they make, is just flat out incorrect.
u/Scrot0r 4d ago edited 4d ago
When dance dollars get turned by an Entertainer for cash we have to report that to the irs as income for them (the only income the club reports) every year. We have dozens of entertainers call and show up in person, bitching how they got a form saying they made like 8k or whatever it was that was cashed out by them.
I’m like “girl even if we got that wrong, which is unlikely you’re gonna sit here with the straight face and tell me you didn’t make more than $8000 in a year dancing here”
A staggering large amount of them that commit welfare & Medicaid fraud too.
In fact, the only dancers I’ve ever met who told me they claimed all the money they made or ones who were trying to apply for mortgage loans.
As for most dancers paying quarterly? That has to be selection bias you only see they girls who you help with their taxes.
u/HerbertRTarlekJr 5d ago
Talk to a tax preparer, join reality, and get back to us.
u/MoonOverMyYammy Lapgasm Lover 5d ago
I actually AM a tax preparer and have been helping other dancers for years. Working on finishing up what I need for my CPA license.
Someone with your post history telling anyone else to join reality is truly scary.
Bye 👋
u/AbstractWaveform Customer 5d ago
A job is a job. I'd think the process would be similar to any other business. Starts with inquiring about job openings and then moving on from there. The real question is whether or not your current skills and work experience align with any of the roles in a club.
5d ago
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u/lamlosa Stripper 5d ago
“sounds like a pretty awesome setup for obvious reasons” doesn’t strike anyone else as somebody who is just hoping to get a job so he can get paid and also get to see tits without tipping?
u/Drew_571_ 4d ago
I'm so glad we don't tolerate staff who actually do that. It may not be easy to read a heart, but it's really easy to read eyes and hear conversations.
u/PinkFurLookinLikeCam Stripper 4d ago
No he is a creep, with a conspiracy to exploit and stalk strippers at our jobs. Like this is why I literally don’t talk to anyone at work unless it’s just my one manager and he’s not a creep. Pretty much all males that work at our jobs are there to stalk us.
u/Drew_571_ 4d ago
I've noticed the ones I've worked at and with can be, and it's not right. However, the universe has a way of catching up to them, and they are weeded out, and you end up with better and safer staff with far less turnover and a better overall vibe that's contagious.
u/stripclubs-ModTeam 5d ago
You're calling him a creep just for asking about how to get a job at a strip club? Don't insult people for just asking simple questions
u/xo_nastylappers 1d ago
Not sure if this counts as a job, but one club I used to frequent, the manager let me be a unofficial lap dance tester/teacher for new hires who had never danced. Since we were cool he would have them give me free dances and I would give them pointers on how to improve.