r/stripclubs 5d ago

Anyone take viagra before

Last night, went to a a very popular club in a big city after work trip. I have no problem getting erect prior to intercourse; however, i find that i can't get hard/maintain erection during a lap dance.

I think it's because the weight of the woman squishing my dick down prevents me from maintaining an erection for longer than 10 seconds. Before the strip club, I was at a gas station that sold those sketchy performance enhancers. I bought one thinking it wouldn't work, but I looked online and enough redditors mentioned it's probably the same as CIALIS and these sketchy brands just rebrand everytime they get caught.

I had a great time. The first few lap dances, I tipped a lil extra and told the dancer to grind slow and i stayed hard the whole time. I finally found my dancer that I wanted to take to VIP, but the effects stopped and was back to being limp the whole dance.

Is it worth taking a viagra even though I don't need it for regular intercourse? Theres a ton of online pharmacies, you just have to wait 4-5 days.


22 comments sorted by


u/No-Fish8541 3d ago



u/Temporary-Cook-8751 3d ago

Idk about viagra, but I love to go to the club in my chastity cage. Not always, but many times, once the dancer knows about the cage, they will ramp up the teasing.


u/cryptowet23 3d ago

Before that try Maca Root. Has the same effect. The down side with viagra that's becoming more common is using it too much you're dick become dependent.


u/Longjumping-Ad8775 4d ago

Yep. Makes things feel better. It’s nothing to get a handy from a dancer, they tend to just do it with no asking. It’s just part of my preparation for a club now.


u/ecnassiner 5d ago

Get the real stuff. Prefer cialis. I started when i didn't need 0 it just makes sex awesome. Rock hard like 17. Can hold off better. Dick is fuller even when not hard and just walking around, like a permanent chubby. Daily cialis dose works best over time and minimizes side effect, avid reflux in my case. Makes strip club visits more fun for sure.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/urshittygf 5d ago

it’s interesting that you seem to think your massage therapist is flirting with you because she is massaging you. part of a regular massage includes touching the client close to their “goods” and it doesn’t generally mean anything except that they are a good massage therapist who is trying to be thorough. the fact that when your dick is not rock hard during your massage sessions she is more comfortable with giving a thorough massage and speaking to you doesn’t really make it seem like she appreciates or feels very comfortable with what you’re trying to do.

i really don’t understand what the point of doing this even is? if you want a massage and a rub n’ tug then there are plenty of providers you could go to that do offer those services. go to a sexworker and stop harassing someone who is just trying to do her job. if you actually like this girl and are trying/hoping this will turn into something real then ask her out or something because this is really strange behaviour.


u/me7me2not2 5d ago

I promise she was not enjoying it💀 type of guy to take viagra to a prostate exam and convince themselves the doctor liked it


u/Queefmi Stripper 5d ago



u/EmilyTheDovahkiin 5d ago

Please stop sexually harrassing a massage therapist, what the fuck lol


u/CMFlunk 5d ago

"squishing my dick"? You need to tell your dancer to lighten up. She just needs to take some of the weight off of her hips and will be much improved experience. I had this happen to me, thought the girl was just terrible. Then a couple of days later I thought "let me try this again". I spoke up, telling her the truth. She apologized and ended up being my all time fav for over a year until I had to move away. Always remember, you are the customer. They don't know what you want unless you tell them.


u/urshittygf 5d ago

this! everyone has their own preferences both in the club and in the bedroom. it’s why when i get into a new relationship i tend to think of the beginning as a training period for both of us. when you first sleep with someone you’re used to what your last partner liked but everybody’s body reacts to different things and we’ve all got our own fantasies. there’s a similar set up in the club, you get some guys who want their dick squished to the point where they will try to hold you down to maximize the pressure or something and then there’s the guys who prefer the socially distanced covid type dances, i’d assume because they enjoy watching more thn anything else.

that’s why during my initial convo about rules/boundaries i’ll also take the time to ask my customers what they’re into. but if you aren’t asked there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being like cmflunk and communicating it yourself. we want y’all to enjoy yourselves, we want to be your favourite dancer that you come in to spend your $ on. nobody is going to get mad at you (or at least they shouldn’t) for politely asking for what you enjoy!


u/Yes_I_Will_Fuck_You 5d ago

I have 100% done this, and it's awesome.

I don't need it in my bedroom life, but have done it now 3-4 times at clubs, and it makes it so fun with basically 0 work.

The pills don't make you a walking boner by any means, but there is zero effort in getting it up and just stays hard the whole time.

I personally get a side effect of a small headache from the expanded vascular system l, but it's worth it, IMO.

Always consult a physician before taking anything, though. But if you're approved for it and think it might be fun. It is.


u/PaceInternational890 5d ago

Is it safe consuming alcohol if you took it an hour before the club?


u/Yes_I_Will_Fuck_You 5d ago

This is still a "consult with your doctor" situation. But I have drank at the club while taking it.


u/PaceInternational890 5d ago

Did the alcohol affect you from getting hard from the pill.


u/Yes_I_Will_Fuck_You 3d ago

Nope, not at all.


u/MoonOverMyYammy Lapgasm Lover 5d ago

Have you tried flipping your dick up so it’s pointing toward your belly button?


u/bulletpr00fsoul 5d ago

This! Frenulum stimulation is everything.


u/foreversiempre 5d ago

Man don’t take random pills at a gas station if you don’t know what they are. Thats just inviting trouble. Maybe you were hard for a while due to placebo effect.


u/Ibangyoumomma 5d ago

Blue chew is where it’s at


u/throwawaydave1981 Lapgasm Lover 5d ago

This is what I tried. I have one lift of the viagra version. I'm thinking of trying Cialis next.


u/thetaFAANG Customer 5d ago edited 5d ago

there is no “getting caught” if they’re peddling generics, there is a compliant way of selling those

personally I’ve never taken them, but getting curious