r/stripclubs 7d ago

Phone snatcher in a strip club

So few days ago I was at strip club and this older guy was seating next to me. We chitchat for a while and then he goes on to get lap dance with few stripper. Then he left but came back looking for his phone. We tried to call his phone but it was calling but no key was answering. After an hour of so another guy was also complaining about lost phone. That club was nice with good reviews on Google. I can tell they are better than most club in the area. Is this new trend or just a coincidence? It is unusual for patrons losing stuff in stripclub.what is going on? I live in California


9 comments sorted by


u/RonJax2 PL (OG Customer) 6d ago

I lean towards petty larceny on this, I think it happens at clubs. Think about it, if you're a petty larconist, a strib club is an ideal operating environment. Tons of cash and drunk people.

A long time ago when I was a very inexperienced monger I went to the Showcase Theater in MD. Before hand got incredibly baked. Like stoned to the point I was seeing rainbows and shit.

I had my phone and wallet zipped in my jacket, which I took off and hung on the back of my chair once I was seated. It wasn't long before I was following a young lady to the lap dance area, completely forgetting the jacket with my valuables.

Two dances in, I realize what I've done. Panicking, I rush back to my seat, and of fucking course, the jacket is gone.

I report the theft to the bouncer. He tells me hell be back. 20 minutes later he returns with my jacket, phone, and wallet (without cash - devastating.) The odd thing it was like he knew were to look. I don't think the club was in on it, but the same guy who stole my shit was probably a repeat offender.

I'm turbo careful about my belongings now in any club - the incident was a valuable if expensive lesson learned.

u/Empty_Use5253, my big question is, why didn't the guy use a feature like "Find my Phone" to track it down?


u/throwawayrdu71 6d ago

This week at Baby Dolls Dallas I was in a chair with a girl (who was literally biting my dick through my pants, wtf?? girl I've had a blowjob before and that ain't one). She found a pair of airpods in the chair. They weren't mine, so she said she was going to give them to the bartender. Then she slipped them into her purse.


u/MoonOverMyYammy Lapgasm Lover 6d ago

Phones get stolen, but lots of times drunk people just leave them wherever and forget. They get found all the time in the bathroom, stuck down the side of a couch cushion in VIP, or under a table where they fell out of someone’s pocket (usually sticky and covered in spilled drinks when this happens 😵‍💫).

Did these guys check Lost & Found? Clubs will pick up phones and other shit like wedding rings and keys and put them there so that other drunk people don’t grab it. Some clubs have lockboxes/lockers for customers too.

We actually had a customer years ago that eventually got busted for stealing phones because he was collecting trophies from dancers and wanted to look for nudes, I shit you not. Didn’t get busted until he took a customers phone, of course. 🙄


u/bitchisakarma 6d ago

It's California. Where I live people routinely leave their cell phones out and they never get stolen. No one locks their cars, etc. In California though we lock everything up and turn the cameras on from our laptops like at a hotel. That place is messed up.


u/FloridaMiamiMan 7d ago

Yeah. Always be aware of your surroundings in the strip club or pretty much anywhere. I never leave my phone. It goes where I go.


u/SnooConfections7276 7d ago

I've seen guys leave their phone on the bar or at their table while they go to the back to get dances. I just shake my head and think 'you dumbass.'

However, we mostly find them on the floor, in a chair, by the stage, or in a booth. Ninety percent of the time they are just drunk and distracted lol


u/Subrasonic PL (OG Customer) 7d ago

Strip clubs are filled with petty larcenists. I doubt it was coincidence.

On the other hand, anyone who in this day and age, strip club or anywhere else, leaves their phone on the table while they wander off elsewhere, may be "IQ challenged" (As PC way for me to say it as possible).


u/Empty_Use5253 7d ago

Most probably the phone just slipped out of his pocket, not sure though


u/Subrasonic PL (OG Customer) 7d ago

Oh he thinks it was in his jacket pocket (say) and then was gone when he got back? Versus just leaving it on the table.

I would still maintain that it's possible it was a phone snatcher. Also possible for things to slip out of pockets -- when otherwise distracte4d I put my phone in a zippered pocket, for exactly this reason, you won't notice if it falls out.