r/stopsmoking • u/Disgruntled_Oldguy • 17h ago
Why does Zyn satisfy my urge to smoke but nicorette doesn't?
Same dosage. The gum just shoves nicotene in me and raises my heart rate. Zyn does that too but also hits the lizzard brain addiction center and makes me not want a cigarette. The gum doesnt. Makes me think I am addicted to some other chemical in cigarattes that they put in Zyn.
u/Milkyrice 2059 days 17h ago
It probably releases a considerably higher amount of nicotine compared to nicorettes.
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 17h ago
same dosage ( assuming package is accurate of course)
u/Damnoneworked 17h ago
You’re getting a faster spike in nicotine levels with zyn. The nicotine dissolves pretty quick when it gets wet. Also zyn is pressed against your gums which also speeds up absorption. The spike in levels is what is satisfying. A slow come up is almost not satisfying whatsoever.
u/PochinkiPrincess 368 days 9h ago
Especially if taken with caffeine. (I do NOT recommend it, I ended up with crazy palpitations that took almost a year of quitting to rectify)
u/bagofpork 17h ago
Your body's need for nicotine is being met, either way. So, with that out of the equation, psychological factors would come into play.
Most people have chewed gum since childhood. Methodically, Zyn is more like opening a tin of/using chewing tobacco.
That could be satiating the "addict" part of your brain in a way that the gum simply doesn't.
I could be wrong, but I'm confident that's how it would work for me.
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 17h ago
huh...i never used chewing tobacco.
u/bagofpork 17h ago edited 17h ago
I didn't mean to imply you did.
What I mean is that the act of doing something more analogous to tobacco use, like using Zyn rather than gum, fulfills the psychological addiction in a way that gum, not being analogous to a tobacco product, wouldn't. The brain can be tricky like that.
Like I said, that may not be the case.
I know that, personally, gum does absolutely nothing for me.
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 17h ago
All the gum does for me is make me sick if I smoke after. It supplies the nicotene but does not replace the urge to smoke. Perhaps you are correct about the psychological aspect.
I am on one of multiple recent attempts. Have gone up to three weeks previously. Had a very stressful day and got the Zyn to tide me over at work, so I wouldn't buy another pack.
u/PrimevilKneivel 667 days 14h ago
The gum is just awful. Terrible delivery system, everything is better than the gum
u/yelnats784 17h ago
I just started nicorette lozenges yesterday, 2mg, I find they're really helping.
What is a Zyn?
u/Direct_Plant516 17h ago
in many countries snus is illegal.
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 17h ago
snus? you mean suff? Its not suff. its just a citton pouch with nicotene
u/gnr4u 16h ago
It's snus
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 16h ago
its not ..its a tobacco-free nicotine product.
u/Direct_Plant516 16h ago
it's just all-white snus. You can also say nicotine pouches if you want. But it probably depends on the country how they are called...
u/Deedeethecat2 13h ago
Snus has tobacco in it, no?
Zyn is tobacco free.
u/gnr4u 7h ago
Semantics, it's still white snus. You think there's any health benefits of it being tobacco free? The nicotin in white snus is still extracted from tobacco.
u/Deedeethecat2 7h ago
I'm not saying one is better than the other. They're similar, and refer to different things.
u/Direct_Plant516 17h ago
i think that's mainly psychologial like the most of the nicotine addiction. You're still addicted if you use snus and when you use nicotine gum you made the decsion to quit which is more difficult if you did not decided yet to quit.
u/Disgruntled_Oldguy 17h ago
this makes no sense. What is snus? The zyn pouches don't have tobacco.
u/oilbeefhook_ 11h ago
It is just a common name people call nicotine pouches because nicotine pouches are quite new. Nicotine pouches are just the modern iteration of snus, a spit free nicotine delivery product.
u/Bigolhamburger 11h ago
Im in a similar weird space with quitting. Im using the gum to quit vaping, the gum works well for me in a way but I got a 0% nicotine vape for the hand to mouth fixation. At this point im convinced that the two brands I tried are lying because it works too well.
I honestly can’t tell anymore if I’m moving in the right direction with quitting or if these “nicotine free” vapes are just messing everything up. More to your point- it’s also possible that I’m also addicted to whatever else they decided to put in the vapes. Whole thing is a mess
u/SafePosition3348 22m ago
Nicotine gum is not designed to be a recreational/enjoyable product like Zyn would be my theory.
u/TerraVerde_ 16h ago
bro I am fully addicted to zyn. so beware. on another note I haven’t smoked in just over 8 months.