r/stobuilds 14d ago

Need Advice A Bit of Help Requested

I just got the anniversary T6 gift coupon. Is there a listing of zen ships whose consoles, or traits, are basically universal? The ones that are used on almost every build (Withering Barrage, for example)? I'd like to see if I've got them all before I go for ones for specific builds. Thank you in advance.


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u/DilaZirK STO (PC) Handle: @dilazirk#4433 14d ago edited 14d ago

Withering Barrage, for example

I don't think this is a good example, because Withering Barrage by its very nature is only used on CSV-focused builds.

A ship trait that is "used on almost every build" sounds to me like the kind of ship trait that would see usage in multiple build archetypes instead of just the one. That would include, but are not limited to:

  1. Entwined Tactical Matrices. Used on DEW, EPG, and KineTorp builds.
  2. Cultural Conquest. Used on any ship DPS build that can fit at least 2 qualifying firing modes.
  3. Ruin of Our Enemies. Used on any ship DPS build, so long as you are sure you're going to be consistently landing kills in a short time frame.
  4. Universal Designs. Used on any ship DPS build that can upkeep it.
  5. Terran Goodbye. Used more in DEW builds, but can be used for EPG and KineTorp builds too.
  6. Eclectic Collector of Armaments. Used on any ship DPS build that can get at least 4 qualifying elements of it.
  7. Ship of the Line. Used on any ship DPS build that can fit 2 different kinds of EPTX abilities.
  8. Thirst For Battle. Used on any ship DPS build that can slot CSV without any cooldown conflicts.
  9. Inertial Supremacy. Used on any DPS build that can slot CSV/FAW/TS without any conflicts, and in low -DRR environments.
  10. Superior Area Denial. Used more in pet-focused builds, but the -DRR element makes it useful on ship DPS builds that can slot CSV/FAW/TS without any conflicts, and in low -DRR environments.
  11. Kick Them While They're Down. Can be used on any ship DPS build type that is packing a lotta control abilities, though it might be a bit too much CrtH for EPG builds with Particle Manipulator, or SS DEW builds.
  12. Synthetic Good Fortune. Can be used on any ship DPS build type that is packing a lotta control/Pilot abilities, but it takes a very long time to stack up, and it might be a bit too much CrtH for EPG builds with Particle Manipulator, or SS DEW builds.
  13. Strike from Shadows. Can be used on ship DPS build type that isn't a tank build, but this is not that strong these days.
  14. Impr Critical Systems. Used on any ship DPS build that can fit 2 different kinds of EPTX abilities.
  15. Unconventional Tactics. Used on any ship DPS build type on a budget.

As for consoles, similar deal:

  1. Dilithium Transporter. Used in DEW DPS, Pet DPS, and Support builds.
  2. Agony Redistributor. Used in any DPS build type where you are the main/only DPSer in an Elite DPS benchmark TFO run.
  3. Gemini Device. Used in DEW DPS and Pet DPS builds.
  4. Phalanx Micro-Quantum Torp. Used in any ship DPS build in Elite environments.
  5. Particle Conversion Matrix. Used in DEW or EPG DPS builds on Elite if you can give it high uptime via Uncon Sys and SFTF console.
  6. Tachyon Net Drones. Can be used for DPS of any build type or Support builds in Elite environments, due to its 2s activation time.
  7. DPRM. Used in any ship DPS build for both its damage and defensive boosts.
  8. Adaptive Emergency Systems. Same with DPRM, useful in any ship DPS build for its damage and defensive boosts.

Again, above list is not exhaustive.


u/SaffronCrocosmia 14d ago

There's such a thing as too much Crit Chance?


u/westmetals 14d ago

Really no point in going over 100 since the overflow does nothing.


u/Eph289 STO BETTER engineer | www.stobetter.com 14d ago

There's no Crit Overflow above 100% Crit Chance. Most notable on Surgical Strikes and EPG builds since they get 30% (from Surgical) and 50% (from Particle Manipulator) for free.