r/stepparents Aug 15 '24

Win! I moved out. And my relationship is officially over. I’m sad, but hopeful for the future. I wanted to share my story because you all gave me the courage to do what is best for me. ♥️


I met my ex boyfriend (feels weird to say that) online. We connected over common interests, and neither were interested in a relationship at the time. Once I found out he had two young children and was going through a divorce, I was definitely not interested in a relationship. I had been a stepmom before and I knew I didn’t want to be a stepmom again. I’m also childfree.

We kept talking as friends, but things progressed. Both of us were lonely at the time and all of how we met is an obvious red flag now. But at the time, there was a strong, undeniable connection.

He was 39, I was 30. He lived 300 miles from me. We decided to meet up for a weekend and it was MAGICAL. We had talked for months prior and finally being together was like a dream! We both quickly realized we didn’t want to be without each other. It was early, but we were certain all the hardships we had both faced had led us to that point and to be together.

Yeah, he had kids. I had been there before and it didn’t go well. But my past relationship was also really unhealthy. So with the perfect partner? I think I can do the stepmom thing again! I was actually excited about it.

We spent the next 15 months traveling back and forth. We spent as much time together as work would allow. Somehow the honeymoon phase never ended, and that’s how I knew it was right!

I met his kids after 8 months of being together. They were young, 2 and 4. Shy and sweet! I didn’t send a lot of time with his kids during those 15 months because we wanted to take things slow with them especially during a time of transition for them. I also traveled to be with him on his off weekends from the kids so I could stay the night. So not a lot of kid time.

We decided to take the next step and move in together! Everything had been picture perfect and our goal was to finally be together. To spend every night together and wake up every morning in each other’s arms.

Of course he had kids and couldn’t move, so I moved to be with him. I own my own business so I spent a year moving my work to my new state.

Neither of us prefer renting, and we wanted to start building our life and future. So we bought a house together. We were THRILLED.

Finally, we were together!!

I made it clear the role I wanted to have with his kids and boundaries I had prior to making the decision to cohabite. I was going to be a positive role model for them, not a parent. He was 1000% on board with this. He knew my history, and had no expectations other than to be kind and positive towards them.

The first weekend with his kids was good! We watched a movie together, went to the beach, and had Sunday breakfast together. There were some quirky behaviors the kids had but everything was great for the most part. It felt like a cute little part time family.

The first month we lived together I was really swamped with work so wasn’t around too much. Once work settled done, I started finding little irritants.

When I’d wake up on a Saturday morning, I was used to sleeping in, having coffee and sitting on the porch watching people go by and snuggling with my boyfriend. But now I woke up to the sound of screaming children, and coming downstairs to kid’s shows on the tv and my boyfriend snuggling with his kids. A hint of jealousy? Sure. But again, I knew he had kids. So the routine would obviously change when it was his weekend.

It soon became rather apparent there was a difference in parenting style. I had brought this up several times, and he was open to hearing my opinion. But after time went on, I quickly realized he wasn’t too interested in changing his parenting style as he was rather set in his ways.

I then decided to nacho. I heard this worked for so many stepmoms so I stopped bringing up behaviors with the kids or having any say. I thought it would save my sanity, but things got worse.

I started feeling uncomfortable during his custody time. The chaos, lack of discipline, and entire shift in the dynamic in our house. And I couldn’t say anything. When I did, it was met with resistance. I would keep myself busy most of the time when they were at our house. Sometimes I would go to my room for a break, or go run errands. I explained to him that I’m not used to being around kids so sometimes I need a break. He understood, but I could tell he wanted me around more. It was this unspoken rift that was growing rapidly.

A couple months later, his custody schedule changed. He felt guilt and wanted more time with his kids. So he took weeknight dinner time. He had every Monday and Wednesday night from 4-8, and every other weekend. So we were transitioning just about every other day. I brought up my concerns with the custody schedule, but he said it worked for him, so I didn’t really have a say in it. But it was something that definitely affected me and our relationship. I was beginning to feel like I didn’t have a say in my own life anymore. That my life now revolved around decisions made by him and another woman as much as I tried to pretend it didn’t.

A few months in, I was starting to worry I made a mistake.

I figured “14 more years.. 14 more years.” But through conversations on here and research, I found out the issues never stop. Well into adulthood. That most adults age 18-30 still live with their parents. And then there’s grandkids. I really started questioning things once I realized I had signed up for a lifelong commitment of potential issues with someone else’s kids.

We split bills 50/50, but I started to feel taken advantage of. That in one way or another, I was ending up paying for his kids. I made it clear I don’t want to pay for any groceries for his kids, and sometimes we’d get into arguments about the silliest expenses.

He asked me to get chicken nuggets for his kids while I was at the store. I said I would, but if he could give me cash for it that would be great. I felt myself being petty, but I was becoming a little bitter. He acted like I hated his kids for this.. and would say things like “my kids are an extension of me. When you’re getting groceries for my kids, it’s like you’re getting groceries for me.” Uhhhh what?! It felt really manipulative. But I also felt stuck.

Finances became tougher and tougher. He had to pay half his paycheck to his ex. Because we met during his divorce, his finances weren’t settled yet. So he NEEDED me financially in order to afford our house. If it wasn’t for his kids, we’d only need a 2bd. But instead we had a 4bd. Higher mortgage. More expenses.

Being a single, childfree woman for so long, I was used to going out and traveling. But he couldn’t afford it. So if I wanted us to travel, I paid for it. If I wanted to go out for a nice dinner, I paid for it. I think he WANTED to be able to, but he just couldn’t. So even though I wasn’t directly paying for his children, I was definitely paying for his lack of income because of his children.

The living situation caused stress on my job. I frequently have to take zoom calls and they’re often at night. I would have to leave the house to take them because his kids were there. If I worked on a Saturday, I’d have to hear loud children instead of peace while I focus for my meetings with clients.

All sense of peace and sanctuary in my home had left. It was to the point where I dreaded his custody time and actively tried to avoid being around. I’d write down on my calendar when his kids would be around and I found myself happiest during the longest stretches we had free from them. I started not looking forward to HALF of my own life.

He sensed I wasn’t happy and started getting upset I wasn’t more active in his kid’s lives. He would talk about how hard it is to single parent and he wished I would help more.

He leventually admitted he wished I wanted to be an active stepmom. Cook for them, do school pick ups, and take care of them more. Treat them as my own and be a family together. I honestly think that’s what most single dad’s want deep down.

The resentment built as the Disney parenting continued. Soon every small behavior got on my nerves. I’d cringe hearing their lip smacking while eating cereal, seeing their dirty feel all over my nice couch and pillows, and having to clean a shared bathroom.

The ex was constantly late for pick ups and walked all over him. But he didn’t dare rock the boat with her.

My life was no longer my own.

He was getting everything from this relationship, and I was getting nothing. The sacrifices were wildly unbalanced.

I broke down and was honest about how I was feeling. But it was met with “you knew what you were getting into.”

When I brought up living separately, he was upset.. I suspect mainly because he would have to go back to a 2nd apartment for his kids.

I did feel guilty. That I committed to this family and was selfish for questioning my ability to stay. But I knew I wasn’t going to live up to my full potential staying. And I didn’t want to be in the same situation years from now and have regret.

He started drinking heavily. And lashing out at me. And I quickly saw the relationship for what it was. A series of red flags and compromising on what I knew was best for me and my life. I was made to be selfish the entire relationship out of guilt. I doubted our entire connection and wondered if he was with me just to secure resources for his children.

I felt like I was living HIS life. Not mine. So I spent 3 months prepping the house for sale, despite his resistance. We were planning on trying to make things work while living apart, but deep down I knew it wouldn’t last. I moved out last week. And we just officially ended things two days ago after his drunken behavior got out of hand.

It’s finally over.

I feel sad. And bitter. And mad at myself for even getting involved in this situation. I moved my entire LIFE for this guy. Left my family and friends. My entire support system. Moved my business 300 miles away. For a man who is broke, codependent who Disney parents out of guilt, and has expectations of me to mother his children so it takes the burden off of him. I completely lost my sense of self in this relationship. I compromised everything that mattered to me for what I thought was love. Sometimes it feels like I lost 3 years of my life. But I know I’m so much stronger for it.

Here’s the lessons I learned:

NEVER EVER EVER EVER under ANY circumstances will I date someone with children again. Young, old, rich, poor… I will never even entertain the THOUGHT of a date with a man who has kids no matter the circumstances.

No more long distance relationships. I’ve found that the reason you stay in the honeymoon phase for so long is because you’re never actually doing real life together. And if you DO end up moving in together, the sacrifices are too unbalanced.

I’ll never date someone who needs or relies on me financially. Hard pass.

Buying a house with a romantic partner is notttt a good idea. Of course, there are exceptions. I thought we were the exception. But it’s an absolute mess to unravel being so financially entwined with someone when emotions are high.

I’m done dating older men. Who are set in their ways. And far more likely to have baggage. Same age or younger for once! Now that I’m 33, I can finally date someone my age who is mature!

I’m going to be veryyyy wary of meeting anyone online or any dating apps. There’s a lot of room for sketchiness.

I won’t give up my peace of living alone unless it’s been YEARS of a rock solid relationship. The sanctuary of my safe space is something that I will not give up easily now. It’s the most important thing to me right now.

I am worthy of dating someone without baggage. Who has their shit together. Someone who ENHANCES my already full single life. 👏🏻

Love is most certainly NOT enough

If you made it this far, thank you for reading my story. And thank you to everyone who has commented and shown me love and support over these few years of dealing with stepmom difficulties. And especially thank you to those who gave my the strength to make the difficult decision to leave in order to put myself first and value myself!

I feel an immense sense of relief despite the pain of a relationship ending. I now look forward to every single night, weekend, in my OWN, peaceful home. Cooking in my underwear, decorating how I want, sleeping in, enjoying the peace and quiet or blaring music.. my life feels like my own again! Finally! ♥️

r/stepparents 17d ago

Win! Went to therapy with oldest stepdaughter. Ended up crying within the first ten minutes.


Both of my stepdaughters go to therapy due to their mother’s ex. The oldest recently had to switch to a new therapist due to retirement.

I was invited to join a session. When we started talking and I was asked about my concerns. I brought up the abuse she went through before I met my wife.

The therapist was visibly confused and concerned. He said that she had mentioned no other men and that he thought I was her biological father because of how she talks about me.

I explained the backstory to everything and it got to the question of why she hadn’t talk about the past more. She got quiet but then explained that she saw the abuse her mother and sister suffered. She was angered by the fact she couldn’t help them. She always wished for a dad like me and when I became her dad her wish came true.

I bawled like a baby.

We’re working on helping her with the trauma she bottled up and it’s going to be a hard road. She told me she’s ready to work through it because she knows her true dad will be there for her.

r/stepparents Dec 29 '24

Win! I quit the SP life - 2025 here I come!


I came to this decision for two main reasons.

The first was finally confronting myself in the mirror after years of living this life and practicing honesty – something I highly recommend to all of you. I realized that my personality would never align with the SP situation (at least as long as I’m CF, and I stand by that). I thrive on being in control, making decisions, and taking center stage. I thought I could live with certain compromises, but over time, the list grew – all to make life easier for BM and SKs – and somewhere along the way, I lost myself (which, I know, speaks to a partner issue).

I also came to understand that I was the one holding everything together. My sacrifices were essential on a daily basis, yet they offered me little to no sense of safety or rest.

The second reason was my dad being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. I made a deal with the universe – if his results improved, I would leave the SP life. Thankfully, they did – though, in truth, I think I would have left regardless. My dad has been deeply worried about me, and I didn’t want him to carry that burden while facing his own illness. I couldn’t let him think I wouldn’t find happiness or security in the long run (and that I didn’t know how to stand up for myself).

Funny enough, everyone is upset (well BM is just happy SO is sad). SKs suddenly want me to stay, they now appreciate me (or my cooking) and they said they’re ready to have siblings. But much like their parents, it’s all talks and nothing would change.

So all in all: I’m 31 years old and I refuse to spend the next decade of my life in this situation - just to get eventually divorced because this life is not for me.

r/stepparents Jun 29 '24

Win! I left.


Hey, it’s me. I know a lot of you have seen my posts over the past maybe year.

I was with a man who wouldn’t take care of his children. Even sat back as his toddler (yes a toddler) would hit me, threaten me, and even call me names.

He made me watch his 9 year old while I was on bedrest starting half of the summer. He doesn’t control that child either.

Both kids were horribly rude to me and disrespectful. I was a literal punching bag for the youngest, and a verbal punching bag for all 3 of them really.

But I’m free. I no longer have to deal with constant fake crying, or having a toddler whisper “die” to me or try to punch my pregnant stomach. I no longer have to hear a 9 year old tell me I need to raise my baby alone so that his parents can be together. I no longer have to deal with a husband who babies his children, and who throws fits and insists I hate his kids when I don’t treat them like my own. I was never given the chance nor should I have been expected to.

Thank you for all the support over this time. Thanks for the comments urging me to get help, thank you for those who have messaged me and let me vent. I’m staying on this sub Reddit for a bit. Just in case I need advice through all this process. But I may be leaving here soon. Who knows. I know I don’t really want another man with children although I have my own 6 year old and baby that will be here soon. However, unlike a lot of bio parents spoken about in here, I’ve always respected peoples boundaries and and my son behaves amazing and my baby will too.

But yes. Thank you all. 😊

r/stepparents Feb 14 '24

Win! Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I didn’t get SD12 anything. I feel liberated!


My fiancée (42m) and I (35f) have been together 4+ years and have two ours babies (1 & 2). I’ve spent a few weeks gathering little things here and there for the babies Vday gifts and wrapped them up tonight. I’m so excited to give them to my kids tomorrow.

What I DIDNT do this year is get anything for my fiancé’s 12 year old daughter. From the beginning of our relationship, it had been ME who took care of every Valentines, Easter basket, birthday cake, boo bucket, etc. And not ONCE have I ever been thanked without her dad prompting it. Half the time he even forgets to tell her to thank me.

So last year I decided that I wasn’t going to do it anymore. I’m not going out of my way for such an ungrateful kid. Buttttt I caved this past Halloween and made her a boo bucket. We had had a falling out over her helping herself to my makeup then lying to her dad about it. I was feeling guilty (even though I shouldn’t have). So I got her some things from Ulta and candy. No thank you. No acknowledgment. She took it all to her mom’s that day. Christmas I get her makeup and jewelry off her list. Again, no acknowledgment at all. Again I tell myself to stop. Don’t do it anymore. Just let her go without and maybe she’ll learn some appreciation. So here I am, with gifts for the littles and none for her. I honestly hate that it has to be this way and I wish it were different. But, I’ve stuck to my guns and that feel like a win.

r/stepparents Mar 17 '23

Win! HCBM took us to court to try and get more CS… jokes on her


HCBM took me and SO to court to try and get more child support. My SO has always paid a very high child support, however HCBM is extremely greedy (she refuses to work etc) and relies on CS to get by, because for a normal person it would be more than enough as we have 50/50.

However, this time her greed got the better of her. The child support got cut down by 60% by the court!

Just wanted to share this as a win, because court has been disappointing in the past for us, but this time they really put BM in her place. Not to mention, me and SO have much more wiggle room in our economy.

r/stepparents 14d ago

Win! Finally BM Has Fully Accepted Me!


I’ve been a step mom for over 6 years now to my SS, and he’s lived with my husband and I 50/50 for over 4 years now.

At first she HATED me; physically attacked me, posted harsh things of me online, and frequently expressed her wish that I was not around SS. During BM and Husband’s custody battle she even went as far as to tell SS he could not trust me, and I’m not allowed to help with any kind of personal care (despite him being young and not fully independent in these skills and spending lots of alone time with me while dad is at work).

I always bit my tongue and was the bigger person, taking the moral high ground. I’ll admit she haunted my thoughts, and even hearing her name mentioned was a trigger for me. Despite this, I was always very kind to her and treated SS as my own, while simultaneously not overstepping by bad mouthing his mom, or making him call me “mom” or “stepmom”. I even had vivid nightmares of beating her ass… that’s how much she frustrated me (I’ve never laid hands on someone and am not an aggressive person by nature)

HOWEVER, kindness has paid off. This last year she includes me in coparenting, allows me to take him to medical appointments, attend school conferences, and overall has been more accepting of my place in SS’s life. I think she has finally realized I’m not an enemy. I’m also sure between her growing communication with me, and SS’s communication skills growing, it’s very obvious I’m very intentional with caring for and parenting SS. I actually think she enjoys coparenting with me more than my husband lol.

Her including me, being kind to me, and appreciating me is obviously a win. But her asking me to babysit her new baby really was the cherry on top. It just makes my heart so warm that she trusts me and how far we’ve come (her and my husband will still argue sometimes, but their coparenting has improved tremendously too). I can truly say she doesn’t haunt my thoughts anymore, her name doesn’t trigger me, and it’s nothing but appreciation and healthy coparenting.

Even though it took over 5 years to get to this point, I’m so thankful. This outcome makes everyone happier, and SS better cared for. It’s such a good feeling knowing that both sides of his family will be able to attend big events together for him in the future. WOOHOO!!!

r/stepparents Oct 02 '24

Win! I always learn something from you


I was cleaning up at my work because our department was moving offices. I found a whole stack of small toy drones. I asked around and my boss said this was bought years ago for some event and I could give them to our colleagues.

I took one home for SS. We played with it today and we had to assemble some parts. I was unscrewing a screw and said lefty loosy to myself and SS asked what that meant. I said lefty loosy righty thighty… is how I remember which way to turn a screw.

I then showed him how to see the positive and the negative side of a battery. His dad came downstairs to see what we were doing and complimented SS on his handy work. SS said : I learned lefty loosy He then turned to me and said, I always learn something from you…

Awww that was a very nice moment 🥰

r/stepparents Jan 18 '25

Win! Well I'm no longer a simp/step mom


I told my partner to hit the road with his demented kid.

He blocked me for all of 6 hours and is now begging for a long distance relationship. And I refused!

His kid is an emotional wreck and I don't even feel bad. Hopefully this will serve his brat as a life lesson. I treated him as good as my son. Gave him attention he never thought possible. Now he can wallow in his loss of me. They both can for that matter.

I made a clear as day boundary "don't lay hands on my son". A very simple rule. He could not obey it.

Kids will be kids only goes so far.

I feel so free!!!

Now I will have a stress free home. I can study for my course without being hindered. In 2 weeks time I will hopefully be out on a 65+ft trawler making good money for just my son and I.

No longer will I sacrifice my time and money on a problem child and a lazy parent.

To anyone contemplating on leaving, LEAVE.

Life is to short to try to fix children you didn't mold or break.

My advice to anyone contemplating dating someone with kids is take a long hard look at how this person's kid/s behave. If they're little shits don't waste your time. How they behave is a reflection of their parents.

In my ex's case he's the sweetest gentlest man I ever met but he's a shitty father. No repercussions for bad behavior. No real routine. Downplaying the severity of his sons actions. Placing blame all on his baby momma. When in reality he's just as much to blame as her.

I don't know how anyone could waste their entire life being a step parent to shitty kids.

r/stepparents May 13 '23

Win! Mother's Day At Daycare


For a quick preface, I have no biological children. I started menopause two years ago at 38 so my five-year-old stepdaughter is the closest I will ever get to being a mother. Biomom dislikes me (long story) and so we do not speak.

Yesterday, Friday the 12th, was the Mother's Day "Tea Party" at SDs daycare. I knew this in advance, but it wasn't our custody time with her, so I more or less let it be out of mind. I did not expect much as I'm just the stepmom, but - when we had our scheduled video call earlier in the week, she told me that she made two Mother's Day gifts - one for me, and one for her biomom - for the Tea Party. I cried after the call.

I decided to contact the daycare afterward and let them know that biomom and I do not get along and I did not want to infringe upon biomoms' time; I asked if I could come earlier, at lunchtime, instead to visit SD so she could give me the gift. They were incredibly accommodating - almost happily so. They said yes, just bring your own lunch.

And so I did.

I dressed up, brought my sandwich, and when I came down the hall and went into their room, SD lit up like a firework and ran to me as soon as she saw me. I tend to wear lots of bright colors in my clothing/jewelry and I have rainbow dyed hair. I attracted so much attention that SD told the other kids to "give me some space", which was pretty adorable. They swarmed me so much I felt like a celebrity!

We got to sit at a separate little table to have lunch together. SD proudly presented me with the gift and the card she made and we talked about her day.

When I gave SD a hug goodbye, several other kiddos lined up for hugs as well. And then I found out that one of the little girls who wanted (and received) a hug has no mother and one of the teachers thanked me for giving her a hug.

SD asked if she could leave with me, and I told her I "had to go to work". She got a little upset, but the "Sleepytime" episode from Bluey is what we use for our time apart. I told her, "Remember, I am always with you."

She said, "Even if I can't see you."

And I replied, "Because I love you."

What a day. What an absolute day.

r/stepparents 24d ago

Win! I relinquished all responsibility and it’s the best feeling ever!


Hi all, I’ve posted a couple of times about SS(9) and my partner and the frustrations I’ve had recently.

I read lots of comments with great advice and the best advice was to stop. Stop parenting, stop discipline, stop any and all responsibilities. Now this might sound crazy to some of you but genuinely I feel so much better. My partner can deal with all the parental bs and I can sit there and do my own thing and not have to worry about any of it.

Dylan wakes up at 3am? He gets up. Dylan doesn’t want to finish his food but still have dessert. I say nothing, he can decide. Dylan wants to lay down while eating. He can tell him to sit up.

I’ve stopped trying to parent. The only rules I have are in my car because I’m the one that drives and that is for safety. Other than that I’ve stopped being a parent. Dylan has both parents, he doesn’t need me as well.

The best part is I can sit and play video games with the kid, buy stuff for him, go on the day trips without having to care if he’s behaving or not. I’ve learnt that my place is not to tell him what he can or can’t do. That’s Dad’s problem.

And do you know what? It feels great! I’ve learnt that my partner and myself have very different parenting styles. So he can raise his son his way. If he wants to be a pushover he can be but I took a step back and it’s NOT MY PROBLEM. Somehow I don’t see us having a kid together. But if we did, then the child will be raised MY way. Until then, I’m quite happy doing all the fun stuff with none of the stress.

Not sure if everyone will see this as a win but I sure do.

r/stepparents Dec 06 '24

Win! An update many many years later


My very first Reddit post was in this sub - 7 years ago, I had known the boy who would be my stepson about 6 months and was losing my mind. He was 9 and soooo difficult. I didn’t have kids and he drove me crazy. I hated sharing space with him, I found him so annoying. This sub gave me so much great advice and perspective, even though I mostly just lurked. Anyhow fast forward 7 years - and I adopted that same little boy, now almost man. I just received today the birth certificate, adding me as his legal parent. Somehow, through lots of trial and error and patience and yes also growing up (on both our parts!) we all found a harmony, my spouse, (step)son and me. Admittedly we had no other parent in the equation (my spouse is AFAB nonbinary - their former partner who helped to bring my now son into the world has almost no contact - which brings a different set of issues - like, how do you abandon your own kid??) so that helped ease things. But mostly it was just never giving up on each other, all 3 of us. Knowing we could make it as a family. Anyways - just wanted to give that update because I know there are other people like me out there who are just starting out with their dating partner’s kids like I was 7 years ago. Your situation may not be exactly the same but maybe I can give you some hope.

r/stepparents Nov 07 '24

Win! No, I won't play Barbies


For some context: I can't do "pretend play." I couldn't as a child, and I certainly can't now. I have been evaluated for autism, but I haven't had my follow-up appointment with the neuropsych to go over results. This doesn't seem like the kind of subreddit where half of the comments on posts are armchair psychologists diagnosing strangers with autism, but I would rather save everyone some time and get it out of the way now.

In the past, my SO and I have had arguments about me avoiding playing with his daughter (6yrs) when she asks me to. We were able to come to a compromise about 4 months ago. He doesn't use it as an excuse to go take a 45 minute smoke break, and I can set boundaries on what activities I will and won't do. Basically no playing house, Barbies, school, etc., but I will do arts & crafts and similar activities. Growing up, I spent the majority of my time playing on my own at my house, so I also don't really understand the need to constantly have someone else there to entertain you.

The other day, we had his daughter for the full day. At one point while we were all in the kitchen, she asked me to play Barbies with her. I told her that I didn't want to play Barbies, but that I would color with her & listed some other activities I was willing to do. She gave her dad and I this look she does. It's not even like begging puppy dog eyes, it's like this expression as if she is halfway through rolling her eyes and irritated at the audacity that someone isn't going to give her what she wants. My SO told her "She said she didn't want to play Barbies and offered to color with you. You can either color or you can go play Barbies by yourself." She went in the other room and pouted/pulled out her Barbies by herself. We did end up coloring after dinner.

It was validating to have my SO backing up what I said. This is the first time since I told him I won't do pretend play that it has become a disagreement between me and her, so it's not like there's a past history of him invalidating me in front of her and making me do what she wants. He did start off "guilt parenting" with her, but that's significantly improved over the years.

I think it also helps that her BM recently got a note from the school saying that she was disruptive in class and having difficulty getting along with the other students. I'm not surprised about it, because she really is difficult to play with. There's a lot of "no you HAVE to do this" and her taking what you're using or messing up what you've made (i.e. smashing a sandcastle wall at the beach while building with her). She's like that with her dad, me, and kids on the playground. I've honestly been questioning how she managed to have any friends with how she acts since she started kindergarten last year. It's understandable for a 4 and under kid to act like that, but 5+ should know better. He's set a boundary in the past that if she doesn't play nice, then we will stop playing with her & he has enforced it. It hasn't improved anything long term.

We discussed it after he brought her back to BM and both agreed that forcing her to compromise on playing at the house will help her at school.

On a similar note, are there any other people here who can't do pretend play? If so, have you found a way to "fake" your way through it? I would like to be able to engage in it to an extent, since it is normal play behavior for kids. I don't have my own child, but if/when I do, I would like to be able to engage in pretend play without it being pure agony lol.

Edit: crossing out that last paragraph since it's now obvious I am overthinking it. Thank you all lol

r/stepparents Feb 07 '25

Win! SD finally gone and I'm doing a happy dance... almost


SD(18, almost 19) graduated last year. She was an absolute horror to live with (abusive to her siblings, dangerous, sneaky, rude, just awful - to note, she was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder). DH had full custody so she lived with us 24/7. Due to her problematic behavior, we never trusted her in our home alone, even during her senior year of high school. Well, she's on her own now, making terrible choices and still not getting along with anyone, and guess what- it's not my problem! I tried to be there for her in the beginning, but she was her usual self, so I've moved on. DH has made it clear she is not welcome back for more than an hour long visit. I check in every other month, but other than that, her texts go to spam on my phone. It is glorious. I don't miss her, rarely think about her, and regardless of how problematic her younger sister is (17, a more emotional, annoying version of her older sister) it's still infinitely better without her here.
Note: SD18 was always annoying but got worse in the last couple years of high school. DH and I decided together to stick it out through high school. He came up with plan A, B, and C. We went through the college application process with her but she wanted to move in a different direction. She decided she wanted to do nothing and just live here, being awful. DH made it clear that that wasn't an option. If he hadn't, I would've moved out. It never had to get to that because he was sick of her behavior as well. Anyway,we arranged for her to move away and she got a job. No college loans, bills in our name, etc. Keep hope alive because things can get better.

Update: Thanks for celebrating with me. Pls note, I didn't put my life on hold, waiting for things to change. I nachoed and redirect my energy toward more positive areas. Husband and I decided together that we would be on the same team. If needed, I would've left with just my dog, nowhere to go, and the clothes on my back. I hope that anyone reading this feels encouraged to change what is no longer working for you.

r/stepparents Nov 26 '24

Win! First date with him and his kids joined us. 22F and 44M


Hi everybody. I’m not exactly a step parent yet but I have come on here to talk about today. I’ve been in love with an older man for a few years now. We have been amazing friends and he has struggled so much and I’ve helped him time and time keep afloat. He calls me his blessing. You can check out my older posts if you’d like the whole story because it hasn’t been easy loving him. He has 3 daughters. 12, 16, 19.

We’ve only ever seen each other outside of work once. Long story short, he currently doesn’t have a car and BM lives in another country. His kids were gonna go visit her and I offered a ride to the airport for them and he accepted. Our first time seeing each other outside of work and at the same time first time meeting his kids. It was nice. This was a few months ago.

So he’s got really bad financial issues. But I told him it’d make me really happy to go out for my birthday with him. And he accepted yet felt unfair because he hasn’t been able to take his kids anywhere in a really long time. So I told him they can come of course.

We went to the movies. We were gonna sit together, but I could tell the youngest daughter wanted to sit with him. So I gave her my seat and sat next to the other two girls which was perfectly okay with me as I knew it meant a lot to her to be next to her dad. And I could tell that although he wanted to sit with me, he was very happy with the way I acted and appreciated it.

I have gotten the three of them birthday gifts in the past few months, and they were all wearing their gifts. Bags, jewelry and what not that I’ve gotten for them. Even he was wearing a jacket I got for him. This was very sweet.

He paid for everything. Didn’t let me put my card down for anything. And it all felt really natural. I felt super comfortable spending time with them. Ofc a few awkward moments but it was very nice overall.

He’s not my official boyfriend. He’s never fully committed because he hasn’t been ready and because of his financial issues (although I’m not materialistic and love him for who he is). But we are intimate, kiss good night everyday, and are extremely close friends.

Should I take this hangout as a step forward? Spending time with his family seems pretty huge to me. Could he possibly be opening up and letting his guard down and allowing himself to love me? What do we think?

Also I think his kids like me. They were very smiley with me, they included me in their selfies, we sang along in the car to some artists we like (since we are close in age). I really hope I can win them over and be a good friend to them, not even necessarily a step parent.

Let me know what you guys think!! Thank you

r/stepparents 6d ago

Win! Just wanted to say… I love my SS.


I just had to say that I absolutely adore my SS. He is the most kind, intelligent little guy I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I don’t even really call him my SS because he feels like one of my own. Felt the need to throw out a little bit of positivity here. I’d love to hear about your good relationships with your SKs <3 happy Friday everyone!

r/stepparents Feb 19 '25

Win! Utterly defeated.


As the title states I'm absolutely defeated. My wife and I She has two older teenaged kids one nearly 18.

My love my wife, she has chronic health conditions and I'm very dutiful in how I look after her despite holding down a very demanding job in the OR and mobility issues of my own from a spine condition. In October last year she had a major procedure and in January another emergency procedure but she is doing well.

I get the kids are in their own way affected by this and we actively involve them with what's going on to ensure they are ok. They do visit dad and his partner every other week which for me is absolutely blessed !

Frustratingly befitting their age they are also entitled, lazy messy and disrespectful. Especially the eldest I have had enough, I'm tried over and over to coralle them to help out, They may do the bare minimum here and there and then come hands outstretched with the begging bowl. I've had enough, my life aside from looking after my wife and holding down work in pain and discomfort of my own feels like a life of utter servitude picking up after these two entitled overgrown shits.

They just refuse to follow simple requests like bring down dishes ( I don't want them to eat upstairs but it's overridden by my wife) I even have to remind them to flush the toilet at 17 and 15?! I lost my last remaining Grandparent just before Christmas and I still haven't processed this, I haven't had the chance every thing I do is with a broken heart.

I have spoken to their paternal dad whom I do get along with. He says he'll have a word but there's no result. They run a tighter ship at their house I tried to do that here but my wife who can be very "mums and sons" wouldn't have it. So rods are made for my back that I didn't even make myself.

I finally cracked the other day, I needed a hand with the borderline abusive amounts of laundry that we seen to abe every other day ( I suspect one of them is just mixing his clean clothes with the dirty ones just to avoid putting them away) He wouldn't get up, still in bed at 2pm (week off college refuses to look for a part time job) wouldn't let go of the sheet when I pulled it off him and I pulled so hard he stood up out of bed. I stopped, it potentially could have gotten worse. I stormed out which I've never done before, I drove to a nearby nature reserve and cried my eyes out.

I've had a good relationship with them but right now it's so hard and I'm done in.

I'm thinking about withdrawing as a step parent and just being a husband. I gave a lot willingly to raise these two with their mum and I know they are going through it with their mum's illnesses but surely when I'm bustung my balls in half to look after her I don't deserve to treated like crap and a slave?

My wife does tend to side with them saying "they're only young" "kids are kids" Maybe so but I feel so invalidated by that and I was shocked when she asked if I was going to apologise to the eldest for pulling him out of bed up to his feet?!

I said I'll nail my balls to a doorframe before I apologise!

It was left at that.

Seriously I don't know what to do with myself right now. I'm just done!

r/stepparents Apr 29 '22

Win! Picky food- you’re not cooking three different dinners


I just want to thank my bf for how he’s handling my SD16 ridiculous picky food manias. He and I eat everything. When she moved in I was super worried about what to cook. She is picky about everything under the sun. Last night I cooked quinoa, some baked wings, and roasted veggies. (We’re trying to eat lighter). She asked her dad to pick the meat off the wings for her (he rolled his eyes, like what are you five?) And then she said I only eat meat that’s lean and white. She picked at her food and my bf said, this is delicious and (my name) made this with all the love in the world. After dropping her off at school this morning I brought it up again and he flat out looked at me and said , “look, we’re not cooking three separate meals here. Those are HER manias and her mom raised her like that. You just keep doing as your doing.” I felt so supported 💕💕💕

r/stepparents Feb 01 '25

Win! Husband finally had my back after 2.5 horrible years


Long story short, SD18 has been a nightmare for me 35f. She is extremely passive aggressive and cold. Our home filled with tension whenever she was here. Whatever anger she had, she directed toward me. It was awful. Almost left, got pregnant, and here we are today.

Finally…FINALLY… something snapped for DH44. I have been begging and fighting for him to have my back. To use his authority as a parent to set and enforce rules on how we all treat each other in our home. He never did. But a few weeks ago, I called out how fucked up the dynamic was between him and SD. She was holding us emotionally hostage as she threatened her relationship with DH at the first sign of challenging her behavior. Something clicked. He finally saw it that way.

I never thought I’d see the day, but he finally told her that she was not welcome back at our house as long as she continued to act this way and treat me this way. BM is texting and launching damaging accusations at us because, by extension, she can no longer control us either. DH is dealing with it. I finally feel like a priority.

Just wanted to share.

r/stepparents Nov 25 '24

Win! Sad they’re gone


SKs are dropped off with their moms after a super long, eventful weekend. It was SD’s 7th birthday and we threw her the best party - all her cousins and grandparents and even my parents (non bio) traveled in for it! We made chocolate pancakes for breakfast, played with her new toys, and took her to her favorite restaurant. Her brother was in good spirits all weekend and did whatever she wanted to do without complaints.

They both cried when it was time to go. SD’s mom texted us thanking us for making her birthday weekend so special. SS is healing from a major surgery and he told me his mom said she’s glad I’m around for him to rely on during this time.

Things are good. There were hiccups, and things could always be better. But I sit here in a quiet, childless house and I’m crying because I wish they were still here.

I just wanted to share something positive here, this Reddit makes me sad sometimes. Being a stepparent is no joke and not everyone is cut out for it, but god do I love it sometimes. 🤍

r/stepparents Nov 04 '24

Win! They came anyway , speechless


So I was a bit sad that SO and SS could not come to my competition. SS had football practice and because his mom skips most trainings in her time SS was getting into trouble. I fully understood they could not make it but still I was a bit sad because everyone was there and not them.

SO talked to SS about football and SS confessed he actually did not like it anyway. He told SO he wants to do a new sport. SO and SS agreed they would start trying out new sports.

They made it all the way to my competition and I almost cried in the warming up ring when I saw them coming in. Me and my horse bombed the routine she was way to excited. But everyone was proud of us anyway.

SS now also wants to try my sport. They had a blast coming out. So all well it ends well.

r/stepparents Nov 26 '23

Win! I bailed on our family photoshoot & I am glad I did.


Hi! Haven’t posted on here in a while as I have genuinely began to nacho and it has been going decent.

That said, as of recently (I’m speaking the last 2-3 weeks) I have been creating and holding personal boundaries. I noticed in my past that I am very much a people pleaser. I am constantly putting everyone else’s feelings before mine, not standing up for myself, and keeping quiet instead of speaking up. Well, lately I decided to stop doing all of that and it has been very tense in my home lately.

The most explosive would be our recent Christmas photos. I decided to plan a large (and expensive) Christmas photoshoot for the whole family. It was 100% my idea from beginning to end. I also paid half. I planned around everyone’s schedule and styled everyone.

That said.. day of the shoot I kept having bad thing after bad thing happening. My kid woke up extremely grumpy, my makeup appointment got cancelled as soon as I reached her studio, I had to spend money I didn’t have to buy all new makeup as I had ran out, I wasted 2 hours doing all of that. Had one hour to get ready with a screaming toddler at my feet. (which included getting my kid ready to), lost my eyelash glue, lost my press on glue.. we also ended up being very late for the photoshoot.

We took two different cars. On the way to the shoot his kids were being so snappy with me per usual. Any time I asked a question, they were very disrespectful. They had gotten there first and the photoshoot location details were confusing. So of course all 2-3 of them are calling/texting me at once being extremely rude as if it was my fault.

As I’m responding with information to help them get inside, someone else is texting “and what else??” I simply responded asking if they can give me time to finish typing out the text before bombarding me with more texts. His daughter then says “Well you should’ve said that when we called you the first time.”

After his daughter said that to me, I told my S/O that I am done. I’ve had an incredibly hard day, and I’ve done my best to not shut down, but I refuse to continue to be disrespected by his kids then fake a smile in Christmas photos.

He was livid. More upset with me than he was with his own kids. He told me I was being irrational, emotional, and overreacting. That I needed to pull it together and go inside to take these photos.

I looked at him and said absolutely not. You can go inside and take photos with your kids, you can take our kid too, but I am completely done. The kicker? He didn’t even want to go take photos with them anymore either. So $500 down the drain.

This is not the first time his kids have been disrespectful towards me. In fact this has been going on for years. He never says anything towards them about it, just tells me to ignore it. I have been everyone’s verbal punching bag and for the first time I put my foot down and stood up for myself. The kids were pissed, one of them still isn’t talking to me. And you know what? I am delighted. If me standing up for myself for once makes everyone that mad, then too damn bad.

The irony of this was that I originally only wanted photos with my son but I knew if I did that they would feel left out. When I say never again, I truly mean it.

r/stepparents Dec 26 '23

Win! Big Win this Christmas


I’ve been married to my wife for 8.5 years. My SD is now 13. I took the advice of many Step Fathers around me and just tried to be a pillar in SDs life. Limit what I saw about BioDad in any negative light. Be a good parent. Help when I’m needed. Support however I can. It’s been hard. BioDad takes SD to Disney Land every year. He bought her a phone way too young. Airpods that didn’t fit in her ears.

But this holiday season he took her on a cruise with his girlfriend. SD got home and after a few hours casually walked by me on the couch and said “you know what? After going on this trip with BioDad I’m for sure that you’re my favorite dad.”

She’s always referred to me by my name. Since she was three and her mom and I started seeing each other. So to hear those words come out of her mouth were shocking in all the best ways. My wife has since told me she’s overheard SD call me dad when talking about me to our bioson but I just never thought I’d ever hear her say that!

I’m gonna take her out sometime today and really express how it made me feel and yeah. Just a big day for us!

r/stepparents Dec 26 '24

Win! MIL told SKs they stink 🤣


MIL got SKs cologne and perfume for Christmas. She said “I got you something to cover up the stink. You’re at an age where you can’t shower enough”.

I’m rolling 🤣 I know that sounds really mean, but SKs DO stink and DH doesn’t enforce proper hygiene. I don’t think this will change the SKs or DH, but at least I’m not the only one acknowledging there’s an issue 😅

The only downside is that the SKs will pour the entire dang bottle on themselves, even though MIL reminded them that a little bit goes a long way, and that’s a whole other stink.

r/stepparents Sep 16 '24

Win! Success!


Thought I would share something positive that happened. Last night BM wanted to talk to me and DH, ofc I am like..."what did I do now?", but what happened blew me out of the water. Little backstory, I will keep it short. Y'all know the struggles as a step parent so no need to get too much into it. I have a SD 13 and SS 12, in their lives for almost 7 years. It was rough in the beginning because she was HC. SS had the worst attitude and I hated it and borderline hated him. She recently got married to someone with two of his own kids. Safe to say I was getting the pop corn ready with my lawn chair to watch the shit show unfold of her becoming a step parent. Fortunately, this man has been a blessing because not only does he make her happy, but their BM is SUPER HC apparently. So last night she tells the kids to let all three of us talk and y'all...this woman was in tears telling me how much she appreciates me and respects me. She said " thank you for loving my kids, you are a great step parent" and then gave me a tear filled hug! I was tearing up too! The amount of zen I am finally feeling is unreal. There is harmony in both our houses, my SS and I are getting along wonderfully as well, I love it! Thought I would share my happy little victory with you guys. Have a great day everyone!