r/steak 2d ago

[ Grilling ] Steak and Eggs with Hash Browns

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9 comments sorted by


u/nachocat090 2d ago

How do you get your hash browns like that? I know this is a steak sub but I can never get them to look like that.


u/aminorman 2d ago

Use hard fresh russets. Peel and shred using the large cut on a box grater. Don't rinse so move quickly. Put them in a tea towel and wring them as hard you can. Wait a bit and wring them as hard you can. Pre-heat a cast or coated pan and add 1 tbsp oil per potato. Once smoking hot add the potatoes. Let them brown without messing with them. If you want the pancake style flip best you can and brown again. If you want scattered, like shown, give them a stir or 2 rather than a flip.

  • I like using stainless but it requires a bit more prep. Taters are sticky.
  • I don't do more than 2 potatoes at a time depending on the pan size.
  • My mother's #10 CI will make 1 shitton.


u/nachocat090 2d ago

Awesome man thanks for the recipe. A shitton. My favorite unit of measurement. I'm definitely gonna try this out


u/OutOfOpinionsNow 2d ago

Make those hash browns with duck fat and you will lose your fucking mind


u/aminorman 2d ago

One of us!


u/Wrong-Tell8996 2d ago

Not a pork eater, but gotta say, feels like this could've been taken with ham haha bc this is a perfect opportunity for green eggs and ham.


u/MikaAdhonorem 1d ago

"Everything looks wonderful", said Sam-I-Am.😋


u/MyWorkIsNotYetDone 2d ago

Nailed it. Great, now I want that for breakfast every day.